Page 133 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
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                          Viettel  Group  announced  it  has  officially  won  the   must also commit to launching commercial 5G services
                          Ministry of Information and Communications’ auction   using the band within the first 12 months. VNA reports
                          for the 2500-2600 MHz band for 5G usage in Vietnam.   that the MIC has set a target to provide 5G coverage
                          Under the new spectrum license, Viettel will have rights   to 99% of the population by 2025, with minimum data
        Vietnam           to the 2500-2600 MHz band for the next 15 years, and   speeds of 100 Mbps. (March 18, 2024)
                          can use  the  band  for both  4G  and  5G  services.  No
                          financial details were disclosed, although earlier media   The  Ministry of Information and Communications
                          reports have said the starting price for the 2500-2600   has  reportedly  urged  the  country’s  telcos  to  find  new
                          MHz  band  was  VND3.9  trillion  (US$158  million).  The   growth  opportunities  in  digital  as  the  sector’s  growth
                          MIC kicked off an auction for the 3700-3800 MHz band   continued  to  slow  down in  2023.  According  to  the
                          on Thursday, and is expected to hold a third auction for   Vietnam  Economic  Times,  Minister  of  Information
                          the  3800-3900  MHz  on  March  19.  The  starting  price   and  Communications  Nguyen  Mạnh  Hung  said  in  an
                          for both of those bands is VND1.89 trillion. According   interview that  the  growth of telecoms  operators has
                          to VNEconomy, each bidder is only allowed to win one   not  kept  pace overall  with  the  country’s  GDP  growth.
                          band.  Viettel  said  the  2500-2600  MHz  band  would   While  Vietnam’s  GDP growth in  2023  was just  over
                          give  it  an  advantage  over  the  other  two bands,  as  it   5% – missing government targets and down from 8%
                          offers  slightly  wider coverage.  Viettel  also  said  that   the previous year – Hung said that Viettel’s domestic
                          5G  devices  it  has  researched and produced  support   telecoms  business  increased  by  2-5%  in  the  last  few
                          the  2500-2600  MHz  band.  According  to  Viettel,  only   years,  while  VNPT  has  only  seen  2-3%  growth,  and
                          17% to 20% of devices in Vietnam currently support 5G   MobiFone 4-10%. Hung said that he expects telcos to
                          connectivity. Viettel said it plans to launch the national   be growing their businesses between 5% and 10% per
                          5G  network “in  the  shortest  possible  time.”  Earlier,   year. Hung claimed the sluggish growth was due to a
                          Nguyen  Van  Son, director of  Viettel Telecom's  Mobile   saturated  telecoms market  with  core  voice and  SMS
                          Centre, told the state Vietnam News Agency that Viettel   revenues  being  cannibalized  by OTT  services, while
                          plans to focus its 5G deployments in locations where   telcos have not yet found a suitable growth business
                          there is  both high demand and a high  concentration   to replace those revenue streams. The minister urged
                          of 5G-compatible  devices,  such  as  “industrial  zones,   telcos  and  digital  technology businesses  to throw
                          export  processing zones  and  innovation  centers.”  An   their  R&D  efforts  into developing  digital  applications
                          October 2023 report from VNMedia said that the 2500-  for industries,  which  would also  count under  the
                          2600 MHz auction winner will be required to deploy at   government’s “Make-in-Vietnam” policy.
                          least  3,000  5G  broadcasting  stations  using  the  band   (January 29, 2024)
                          within  two years  after  they receive  the  license.  They

                         The  Postal  and  Telecommunications Regulatory   Starlink  has  not  submitted  its  application  for the
                         Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) says internet service   license.  We  are  waiting  to  hear  from it  and  once  it
                         provider Starlink has  not applied  for  an operating   submits  Potraz  will  do what  is required. A Chinese
                         license. Over the past several months, some individuals   mining  company  operating  in  Mashonaland  Central
        Zimbabwe         and companies have been advertising Starlink Internet   Province, San He, was recently fined US$700 for using
                         services  but  POTRAZ  warned  that  those  caught
                                                                        Starlink  in  Zimbabwe. According  to the  National
                         distributing  and  advertising  Starlink  Internet  Services’   Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe (NPA), the San He
                         gadgets will be arrested. Many have already installed   Mining  company  in  Guruve  was  ordered  to pay  a
                         Starlink  internet gadgets  which  provide  cheap and   US$700 fine by a Bindura Magistrate for contravening
                         fast-speed  internet.  POTRAZ  deputy  director of   the Postal and Telecommunication Act. Zimbabweans
                         economic tariffs and competition Vengesai Magadzire   are  increasingly  eager  to  ditch  local  internet  service
                         said  the  nation  should  know that  Starlink  is  yet  to   providers for Starlink due to their poor service and high
                         submit its  application  papers. Magadzire was   cost  of data  packages.  Developed  by  Elon  Musk’s
                         addressing  villagers in  Chikomba West  constituency   space exploration company  SpaceX, Starlink  is  a
                         during a consumer  awareness  campaign at  the   satellite  internet  network that provides  high-speed
                         weekend.  He  said:  As  the  regulator,  POTRAZ  is   broadband internet services.
                         mandated  to license  operators  in  Zimbabwe  but  now   (February 26, 2024)

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