Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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        building of a robust digital infrastructure, by
        creating an attractive environment for these
        investments – for example, by establishing
        special  economic  zones  that  are tailored
        to particular industries  such as  cloud
        computing  and  digital  transformation.”
        As part of the MoU, Oracle will also work
        with  MCIT  and  the  Communications  and
        Information Technology Commission (CITC)
        to establish a commercial and operational
        model for an  additional  cloud region  in
        Saudi  Arabia  that  is  aligned  with  Saudi
        government  requirements  and  local  data
        residency regulations. Oracle will also work   OCI  distributed  cloud  includes  its  public   Richard  Smith,  Executive  Vice  President,
        with MCIT to help foster the development   regions, Dedicated Region, Oracle Exadata   Technology  –  EMEA,  Oracle.  “Oracle
        of  Saudi  Arabia’s  cloud  industry.  Unique   Cloud@Customer,  multicloud  offerings,   Cloud delivers  pioneering  innovation  in
        among hyperscale providers, Oracle Cloud   and  recently-announced  Oracle  Alloy.   technologies  like  AI,  Machine  Learning,
        Infrastructure   (OCI)   offers   customer   “Oracle’s investment will rapidly accelerate   and IoT, and it will help fuel the economic
        choice to deploy OCI based on regulations,   the  cloud  transformation across  Saudi   growth and digital transformation that is an
        data  residency,  or  latency  requirements.   Arabia’s  business  and  public  sector,”  said   integral part of the Saudi Vision 2030.”

        Oman Tops GCC in Telecommunication Services

        The results of a study comparing the prices   place for the 10 and 25 Mbps packages. In   in  employing  applications  of the  fourth
        of retail telecom services with the GCC and   retail prices for fixed telecom services for   industrial  revolution  and  services  of
        Arab countries for the year 2021 revealed   the year 2021 for enterprises, the Sultanate   emerging  technologies,  and  innovation
        that the Sultanate of Oman ranked first in   of  Oman  came  the  cheapest  in  the  Gulf   in  providing  communication services
        the Arab world in the cheapest retail prices   for  the  packages  of  100  and  0.25  Mbps,   in  a  way that  leads  to stimulating  the
        for  fixed  telecommunication  services  for   and  ranked  fifth  for  the  10  and  25  Mbps   increase  in  subscriptions.  To ensure
        the year 2021. Oman recorded a significant   packages, while it came in the eighth and   an  increase  in  government  revenues
        decrease  in  the  prices  of mobile  telecom   eleventh place in the Arab world for the 100   from  the  sector  with  lower  prices,  the
        services packages  compared to previous   Mbps  packages.  second  and  0.25  Mbps,   study  recommended  the  issuance of
        years,  and  the  continued  decline  in  the   respectively,  and  ranked  sixth  for  the  10   a  law  regulating  communications  and
        prices of mobile data packages “5-50 GB”,   Mbps package, and ninth for the 25 Mbps   information technology in order to enable
        while  it  increased  the  monthly average   package. The results of the study showed   attracting global investments and regional
        of  data  usage  volume  per  beneficiary  is   that fixed broadband services witnessed a   centers  in  data  and  applications  of the
        17%. Oman ranked first in the Gulf as the   decrease in the prices of high-speed Internet   fourth  industrial  revolution,  and  aligning
        cheapest price in mobile telecom services   packages  "100  and  1000"  Mbps  during   urban planning  and  population strategy
        for individuals, in voice baskets with data   the  year  2021,  which  contributed  to  an   to meet the requirements of the sector in
        of “5, 10 and 20” GB, which represent more   increase in the average monthly data usage   increasing  investment  in  the  deployment
        than 80% of the total subscriptions, while   volume by 20%, and subscriptions to high-  of  communication  networks.  Promoting
        the  Sultanate  of  Oman  came  from  the   speed  packages  and  their  market  shares   the  digital  industry  within  the  digital
        countries The  most  expensive  in  the  Gulf   increased during the year 2021. The study   economy  initiatives,  such  as  the  digital
        in  terms  of  high  data  usage  packages,   recommended that to ensure an increase in   transformation  of  government  services,
        in  the  “20  and  50”  GB  data  packages,   revenues in the telecommunications sector   the manufacture of digital content, and the
        which represent less than 20% of the total   and usage in light of low prices, companies   increase in the number of service platforms.
        subscriptions.  Oman  ranked  first  in  the   should raise the quality of communication   It also recommended stimulating tourism,
        Arab world in the cheapest retail prices for   services to enable higher usage, and enable   which  leads  to  attracting  more  tourists
        fixed telecommunications services for the   subscribers to move from third generation   from  outside  the  Sultanate  of  Oman.
        year 2021 for individuals with fixed telecom   technologies  and  internet  services  via   The  study  was  prepared  by  a  specialized
        services packages for a package of 1000   copper  cables  to high-speed  broadband   international house of expertise, and under
        megabits / second, while it ranked seventh   services,  and  expand  the  deployment  of   the supervision of the Telecommunications
        in the Arab world and second in the Gulf for   infrastructure networks for  technologies   Regulatory  Authority,  Kingdom  of  Bahrain,
        a package of 100 megabits / second, and   which supports high speeds such as fiber   on  behalf  of  the  Arab  Network  for
        ranked 14th in the Arab world and third in   optics  and  the  fifth  generation,  and  also   Regulatory Authorities for Communications
        the Gulf for a package 0.25 Mbps, and tenth   recommended that  companies  invest   and Information Technology.
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