Page 81 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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        Telcos play in Metaverse               responses from people and prospective buyers   are challenged by limited available information
        The  introduction  of  5G  has  fueled  several   who may be living internationally and across   on the interaction between radio transmitters,
        significant  technological  advancements  in  the   the country. The metaverse will enable the visits   the environment, and humans and devices that
        telecom  sector,  one  of  which  is  Metaverse.  It   of prospective buyers to get a lively experience   are on the move which in turn results in a high
        necessitates  unique  user  equipment  as  well   where  they  will  be  accompanied  by  the  AI   rate  of  customers  churn  /  porting  from one
        as  widespread,  high-bandwidth,  low-latency   concierge and customer agents who will help   operator to anther due to poor signal strength
        communications that have never been applied to   them with  all  the  queries  they  have  regarding   and  network  connectivity  with  incumbent
        mobile networks in a similar fashion before.   the property.               telcos. A solution to run real-time simulations
                                             3. Next Gen Meeting:  The  way  we  work  has   on city scale DT’s using RF propagation & RTX
        The  Metaverse  ecosystem is being scaled and   changed  ever  since  the  onset  of  COVID,  and   ray tracing to accurately visualize and analyse
        made  more  flexible  in  large  part  of  businesses,   we  can  see  a  lot  of  the  workforce  working   real-time signal quality. This also incorporates
        thanks  to  telcos.  Also,  metaverse  not  just   remotely  on  different  projects,  which  has  led   non-geometric  data  via  LIDAR  sensors  to
        addresses the  infrastructure  requirement for   to  communication  gaps  between  the  people.   create photorealistic accurate 3D model of
        telcos; it also provides economic and  strategic   Meta-rooms,  as  opposed  to  traditional  team   the  city.  Potential  benefits  of  the  solution
        benefits for those telcos that actively participate   meetings,  can  solve  communication  and   include  a faster development cycle due to
        in it.                                 interaction issues by bridging the gap between   real-time  testing  of  products,  better  network
                                               physical and  virtual meetings.  This is where   optimization  by  simulating  various  scenarios,
        Essentially, the telcos are vying to enable revenue   Next Gen meeting  platforms  come into  play;   swifter networks resulting in faster processing
        enhancement and cost optimization to remain   we are seeing an increase in requests for such   and insights and VR-enabled visualization of a
        profitable. Let us understand how we can equip   environments and are already working with   city model at 1:1 scale.
        them to enhance their revenues.        many customers on their development.  3.  Edge Computing with 5G: With decentralization
                                             4. Retail Enablement Stores: Telcos and retailers   as  the  core  theme  of  metaverse  applications,
        In the 2G era, the telcos used to offer value-added   are investing heavily in customer service   the need to move computing power towards the
        services over the phone to their customers. The   centers to achieve the highest level of customer   nodes and spokes away from the hub and into
        3G and 4G era enabled the telcos to offer web and   satisfaction, resulting in a high capital infusion   the hands of the user becomes paramount. For
        app-based  services  such  as  subscription  plans,   and  lower  profits.  We  can  augment  these   mission-critical,  high-throughput,  low-latency
        ads, and other related services. With the onset of   physical  centers  with  virtual  product  stores,   industrial applications on remote devices, real-
        the 5G era, operators will be able to offer much   which can help them optimize resource   time computing is a challenge. With fewer IoT
        more  than  vanilla  bandwidth,  piped  networks,   productivity in physical stores and enhance the   devices, computation can still be managed by
        and network slicing and dicing by offering several   returns on investment. The potential benefits of   traditional  data  center  infrastructures,  but  as
        other value-added services and bundling cutting-  the  solution  include  reduced  capital  infusion,   we scale up and have multiple points of physical
        edge  applications with bandwidth for their end   increased  resource  utilization,  better  returns   data being recorded, the focus has to shift to
        customers.                             on investment, and an enhanced & immersive   the logical edge of the infrastructure. Using the
                                               customer experience.                MEC server deployment (+nodes, routers, and
        This  will  bring-in  additional  revenues  to  telcos.                    gateways),  telcos  can  reduce  bandwidth  and
        Some  of  these  indicative  cross-industry  Futuristic Use Cases Driving Innovation  latency budgets by moving the computing from
        applications may include:            The  other aspect which is of prime concern  for   a remote cloud server to a node closer to the
        1. Automobiles: In order to cater to the changing   telcos is optimizing their spends. Some of the key   consumption  source.  As  service  providers  at
          needs of consumers, automotive manufacturers   use cases that can help drive this include:  the forefront of this innovative technology, we
          are  creating the  photorealistic digital twin  of   1. Drive  Testing of Telecom Devices:  Network   need  to  synergize  and  adopt  a  collaborative
          their showrooms & dealerships for showcasing   operators need to test devices across multiple   solutioning approach that focuses on sharing
          their  vehicles  in  the  environment.  Customers   locations before launch. The impact of device-  best  practices  and  solving  a  client’s  business
          can interact with a real automotive expert, ask   level parameters is  variable  and  requires   problem rather than force-fitting the technology.
          questions, explore new features, take a virtual   manual testing. This is where Metaverse comes   The  collaborative  approach  should  lead  to
          test  drive,  buy  their  vehicle,  and  return  to  the   into  play,  it  helps  in  avoiding  the  need  to  do   formulation of a design-thinking roadmap for
          Meta  environments  at  any  time  for  post-sale   manual drive testing by creating a digital twin   the  enterprise  customer  that  is  aligned  with
          support. There are other services as well that   of the environment and using synthetic data to   their  digital  strategy.  The  technology,  its
          can be provided to the customers, like providing   compare with the actual data in the Metaverse   benefits, and applicable use cases need to be
          a car configurator for customizing the vehicle   ecosystem. The major benefits delivered by the   identified  and  their  potential  impact  on  the
          and ordering those in the metaverse itself.  solution include reduced manual testing efforts   business parameters assessed. Our approach
        2.  Realty: The metaverse is altering the real estate   leading  to  time and  cost  saving  andprecise   and solution help bring in several enhancements
          industry's dynamics. One of the emerging use   analysis  based  on  the  availability  of  real-  including  performance  monitoring  and
          cases in the industry is buying/selling properties   time  data,  thereby  enhancing  the  operational   predictive analysis in the digital twins we create
          in the metaverse. Now the property owners can   efficiency of the process.  for our customers.
          create  and showcase their properties in  the   2. Digital Twin for Network Beam Formation
          Metaverse much before their launch to gather   Most  of  the  telecom  operators,  on  their  part,

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