Page 137 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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                         to  the  NGN  Institute,  with  the  goal  of  supporting  the   Telekom  Kosovo  signed  a  deal  with  Ericsson  Nikola
                         deployment of local private 5G networks. IPKO revealed   Tesla, a Croatian subsidiary of Ericsson, to modernize
                         it completed 5G testing in July of last year, where it was   the operator's mobile network, including 5G broadband,
                         able to achieve speeds of more than 1.2Gbps. However,   noted  Broadband TV News  in  December of last  year.
                         the operator didn't disclose the vendor it worked with.   (February 20, 2022)

                         The telecoms watchdog the Office for Communication   that had been reserved for mobile services to the trio
                         (Amt  fur  Kommunikation,  AK)  has  published  details   and in July that year the three cellcos submitted a joint
                         of the  frequency assignment  to the  nation’s  trio   proposal  for the  award  of airwaves  in  the  three  new
                         of  mobile  providers:  Swisscom,  Salt  and  Telecom   bands,  as  well  as  alterations  to  existing  allocations.
        Liechten-        Liechtenstein  (FL1).  In  February  2020  AK  had  invited   A  final  application  was  submitted  to  the  regulator  in
                         the cellcos to propose a solution for the allocation of
                                                                        October 2022 and the new allocations were awarded in
        stein            additional  spectrum  in  the  700MHz,  1400MHz  and   December, although it was not until the following month
                         3500MHz  ranges  and  to  adapt  the  existing  terms  of   that the details were published in full on AK’s website.
                         use for airwaves. In May 2020 the government passed   (January 12, 2023)
                         a resolution to distribute the entirety of the spectrum

                         The  Agency  for  Regulation  of  Technology  and   to publish a roadmap detailing measures to reorganize
                         Communication   (Autorite   de   Regulation   des   frequency  band  usage.  In  July  2020  ARTEC  ordered
                         Technologies de Communications, ARTEC) has revealed   Telecom Malagasy (Telma) to deactivate a 5G network
                         that  some technical  issues  still  need  to be  resolved   launched in Antananarivo and Taomasina the previous
        Madagascar       before  5G  services  can  be  launched  in  Madagascar,   month  using  spectrum  in  the  3.6GHz-3.7GHz  band.
                         but it expects they will become operational ‘soon’. In a   Noting the operator’s temporary permit did not authorize
                         press release, the watchdog explained that ‘anomalies’   the  marketing  of  commercial  services,  ARTEC  also
                         were  still  being  detected  during  5G  tests  conducted   highlighted that it was a condition of the authorization
                         by  an  unnamed  national  operator  at  20  sites  (17  in   that all tests were to be conducted within an enclosed
                         Antananarivo  and  three  in  Taomasina),  resulting  in   building, ‘whereas the operator had performed trials on
                         interference  with  neighboring  frequency  bands.  As   more than ten outdoor sites without prior notification’.
                         part of its efforts to ensure that 5G spectrum can be   (January 19, 2023)
                         allocated ‘under optimal conditions’, ARTEC said it plans

                          The  Federal  Telecommunications  Institute  (Instituto   The  Federal  Telecommunications  Institute  (Instituto
                          Federal  de  Telecomunicaciones,  IFT)  has  informed   Federal  de  Telecomunicaciones,  IFT)  has  launched
                          Telcel and AT&T of the renewal fees for their existing   a  consultation  regarding  its  planned  multi-band  5G
                          850MHz  concessions.  Each  company  will  pay   spectrum  auction.  The  main  5G  spectrum  bands
        Mexico            MXN1.231  billion  (USD65.1  million)  for  a  2×10MHz   scheduled  for  inclusion  are  70MHz  in  the  614MHz-
                          concession.  AT&T’s  licenses  expired  last  year,  while   698MHz (600MHz) band, a 50MHz block at 3300MHz-
                          Telcel’s licenses are due to expire in 2025. (Note: the   3350MHz  and  90MHz  in  the  L-band  (1427MHz-
                          AT&T  frequencies  previously  belonged  to  Nextel  de   1518MHz). In addition, the regulator is keen to gauge
                          Mexico, which AT&T acquired for USD1.875 billion back   feedback regarding  the  potential  inclusion  of unused
                          in 2015.) As per the report, AT&T has renewed spectrum   spectrum in  a  number of  other  bands.  This  includes
                          in the 814MHz-824MHz/859MHz-869MHz band, while   spectrum  in  the  800MHz,  850MHz,  1900MHz,  AWS
                          Telcel’s  license  includes  835MHz-845MHz/880MHz-  and 2.5GHz bands, some of which was relinquished by
                          890MHz spectrum. The spectrum covers Nuevo Leon,   Movistar in 2020. The IFT explains: ‘The design of this
                          Michoacan,  Coahuila,  Tamaulipas,  Hidalgo,  Edomex,   new tender will seek to assign the greatest amount of
                          Veracruz,  Queretaro,  Mexico  City,  Jalisco,  Nayarit,   spectrum possible [so] that new players in the mobile
                          Colima  and  some  highway  routes  that  connect  the   market  can  access  this  resource,  especially  for  the
                          capital  with  the  Mexican  Gulf  and  the  Pacific  coast.   provision of services in neglected or underserved areas.’
                          Both license renewals are valid for 20 years, the report   (January 11, 2023)
                          notes. (January 13, 2023) El Economista

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