Page 139 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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                         The  National  Inspectorate  for  Digital  Infrastructure   5G  licensees  were  subject  to  geographical  coverage
                         (Rijksinspectie  Digitale  Infrastructuur,  RDI)  –  which   requirements stipulating mobile coverage of ‘98% of the
                         was recently  renamed from  the  Telecommunications   surface area of every Dutch municipality’ with standards
                         Agency (Agentschap Telecom) – reported that network   set for minimum data speed ‘on the outer edges of a
        The              operators  KPN  and  VodafoneZiggo  have  received   mobile network’: with effect from July 2022 minimum
                         temporary waivers of coverage obligations for cellular
                                                                        requirements for these ‘worst points’ are 8Mbps, rising
        Netherlands      700MHz  band  mobile  services  in  a  limited  number   to  10Mbps  in  2026,  and  in  August  2022  RDI  began
                         of  localities.  KPN,  VodafoneZiggo  and  T-Mobile   checking network coverage and speeds.
                         Netherlands  each  won  2×10MHz  spectrum  licenses   (January 5, 2023)
                         in  the  5G  700MHz  band  in  July  2020.  The  national

                         Airtel Africa has announced that its Nigerian subsidiary   the  National  Broadband  Plan  targets.  The  acquisition
                         has  purchased  100MHz  of  spectrum  in  the  3.5GHz   of 2600MHz spectrum will complement Airtel’s strong
                         band  and  2×5MHz  in  the  2600MHz  band  from  the   spectrum position  in  the  market  to enhance  network
                         Nigerian  Communications  Commission  (NCC)  for a   capacity  and  future-proof its  growth  opportunity.
        Nigeria          gross  consideration  of  USD316.7  million,  payable  in   ‘Nigeria  is  a  market  with  enormous  potential  for
                                                                        future  growth in mobile services. Investment  in  new
                         local currency.  The  additional  spectrum  will  support
                         Airtel  Nigeria’s  investments  in  network  expansion  for   technologies  and  local  infrastructure  to  enable  this
                         both mobile data and fixed wireless home broadband   growth is  a  strategic  priority for the  Group and  will
                         capability,  including  5G  rollout,  providing  significant   ensure  we are  able  to provide  reliable  and  affordable
                         capacity to accommodate  its  continued strong data   services  to  local  communities  across  the  country,’
                         growth and  enhancing  customer experience.  The   stated Segun Ogunsanya, CEO of Airtel Africa, adding:
                         acquisition  of  3.5GHz  spectrum  will  enable  Airtel   ‘5G is critical to these ambitions, and we look forward
                         to  launch  5G  connectivity  with  higher  speeds,  lower   to launching new services to drive further digitalization
                         latency, significant network capacity and an improved   across  the  country,  facilitate  economic  progress  and
                         user experience. It will also accelerate the availability   transform lives across Nigeria.’
                         and  efficiency  of  fixed  wireless  access  products,   (January 9, 2023)
                         contributing towards Airtel Nigeria’s progress in meeting

                         The  Ministry of Local Government  and  District   The  National  Communications  Authority  (Nasjonal
                         (Kommunal-  og  distriktsdepartement,  KDD)  and   kommunikasjonsmyndighet,  Nkom)  has  confirmed
                         the  National  Communications  Authority  (Nasjonal   that the 3.8GHz-4.2GHz band has been made available
                         kommunikasjonsmyndighet, Nkom) have confirmed the   for  the  deployment  of  local  5G  networks.  In  a  press
        Norway           allocation  of subsidies  designed to expand  the  reach   release regarding the development the regulator noted
                         of faster fixed broadband speeds. A total of NOK362.7
                                                                        that, having conducted pilots during 2022, companies
                         million (USD36.5 million) is being distributed for projects   can  now  apply  for  licenses  offering  up  to  80MHz  in
                         in 2023, up NOK60 million on the sum handed out in   the aforementioned band for the construction of non-
                         2022, with these funds being made available as part of   public 5G infrastructure in a geographically limited area.
                         government efforts aimed at ensuring all Norwegians   Concessions are valid for up to ten years, with annual fees
                         have  access  to  downlink  speeds  of  100Mbps  by  the   ranging from NOK200 (USD20.3) for a 20MHz block of
                         end of 2025. Of note, while state aid in previous years   ‘low-power’ spectrum, rising to NOK3,800 for an 80MHz
                         had  only  been  available  to  counties  that  lacked  fixed   ‘medium-power’  block.  According  to  Nkom,  the  newly
                         broadband  access  at  downlink  speeds  of  30Mbps,   established regulation governing local 5G networks in
                         this  year support  is  also  being  offered  to areas  that   the 3.8GHz-4.2GHz bands ‘lowers the barriers to get the
                         have connectivity at  speeds  of between  30Mbps  and   Norwegian industry into exploring what 5G can offer in
                         100Mbps. In terms of the areas that will benefit from   solving their wireless communication needs’.
                         funding  in  2023,  the  counties  of  Viken  and  Innlandet   (January 19, 2023)
                         will be the biggest recipients, with grants of NOK69.9
                         million and NOK69.6 million, respectively.
                         (January 20, 2023)

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