Page 133 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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                         its sister company Radiografica Costarricense (RACSA)   Liberty Costa Rica has the rights to 100.6MHz worth of
                         holds  a  100MHz  block  of  3.5GHz  spectrum.  Claro   frequencies. (February 2, 2023)
                         Costa Rica holds a total of 100MHz of spectrum, while

                         Croatia  has  begun  its  multi-band  spectrum auction   [USD7.6 million])
                         which is offering frequencies in the 800MHz, 900MHz,   •   880MHz-915MHz/925MHz-960MHz (EUR7 million)
                         1800MHz,  2100MHz,  2.6GHz  and  3.5GHz  bands.  The   •  1710MHz-1785MHz/1805MHz-1880MHz  (EUR2  mil-
                         sale will take place in two stages, the first including na-  lion)
        Croatia          tional licenses in all bands except 3.5GHz, with this fol-  •  920MHz-1980MHz/2110MHz-2170MHz  (EUR2  mil-
                         lowed by a separate auction of regional 3.5GHz conces-  lion)
                         sions. The country’s three incumbent cellcos – Hrvatski   •  2 5 0 0 MH z - 2 5 7 0 MH z /2 6 2 0 MH z - 2 6 9 0 MH z
                         Telekom (HT), A1 and Telemach – are all pre-qualified   (EUR700,000)
                         to bid in the first stage, while local ISPs Digicom and   •  The total starting price of all bidding blocks for na-
                         Markoja have come forward to participate in the 3.5GHz   tional coverage is EUR154.8 million. Licenses will be
                         sale.  The  national  licenses  on  offer  and  the  starting   valid for 15 years, with an optional five-year extension.
                         price per 2×5MHz block are:                     (January 17, 2023)
                         •  791MHz-821MHz/832MHz-862MHz  (EUR7  million

                         The     Electricity  and    Telecommunications  blocks  of  2×5MHz:  1755MHz-1760MHz/2155MHz-
                         Superintendency  (Superintendencia  General  de  2160MHz,   1760MHz-1765MHz/2160MHz-2165MHz,
                         Electricidad y Telecom, SIGET) has said that it will hold the   and  1765MHz-1770MHz/2165MHz-2170MHz.  SIGET
                         previously announced public tender for mobile spectrum   has set a minimum bid price of USD21.66 million for the
        El Salvador      in   the   1755MHz-1770MHz/2155MHz-2170MHz     frequencies.  The move  to hold  the  spectrum auction
                         (Extended AWS) frequency range on 7 February, after the   follows a request from mobile network operator (MNO)
                         December launch was postponed. A total of 30MHz will   Telefonica Moviles El Salvador (Movistar).
                         now be auctioned off next month, divided up into three   (January 19, 2023)

                         Ethiopia’s government is looking to move forward with   The  Ethiopian  Communications  Authority  (ECA)  is
                         the partial privatization of incumbent telecoms operator   preparing  to invite  Expressions  of Interest  (EoI)  from
                         Ethio Telecom, and to that end has published a Request   would-be telecoms licensees early next month, Capital
                         for  Proposal  (RfP)  inviting  ‘proposals  from  interested   Ethiopia reports, citing comments by Balcha Reba, the
        Ethiopia         parties who can add value to the Company by bringing   watchdog’s Director  General.  The  article  quotes Mr.
                         in best practices in terms of operations, infrastructure   Reba as saying: ‘ECA has now resumed the licensing
                         management  and  next  generation  technological   process  for a  third  license  –  or the  second  new  full-
                         capabilities’.  It is  understood  that  the  government   service nationwide  telecommunications  license  …
                         is  now  offering  a  45%  stake  in  Ethio  Telecom,  with   We  have  invited  different  international  consultation
                         the  Ministry  of  Finance  (MoF)  having  confirmed  that   companies  to evaluate  the  document.’  The  licensing
                         companies  interested  in  obtaining  the  RfP  will  be   process was suspended more than twelve months ago,
                         required  to  pay  a  non-refundable  fee  of  USD200,000.   with the regulator pausing its efforts to attract a third
                         The  MoF has  set  a deadline  of 23  February 2023  for   operator on 22 December 2021. In May 2021 Ethiopia’s
                         requests, while also confirming that the tender is open   Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the ECA named Global
                         to any interested party, notably specifying that it is ‘not   Partnership  for  Ethiopia  (GPE),  a  private  consortium
                         limited to those companies who indicated their interest   comprising  Safaricom,  Vodafone  Group,  Vodacom
                         by submitting an expression of interest’. In November   Group, CDC Group and Sumitomo Corporation, as the
                         2022 the MoF restarted the stalled process of offering   winning bidder for one of two nationwide concessions
                         a stake in Ethio Telecom, though at that time it said it   that  it  had put up for  grabs.  The newcomer  went  on
                         was looking to engage with prospective bidders for a   to  stage  a  full  commercial  launch  in  October  2022,
                         40% stake in the telco. Prior to that, in March 2022 the   under the  Safaricom  Ethiopia  name. In  November
                         MoF had revealed the partial privatization process had   2022, meanwhile, the MoF issued an EoI for the partial
                         been  postponed  ‘given  the  recent  developments  and   privatization  of incumbent telecoms  provider Ethio
                         fast-moving macroeconomic changes both globally and   Telecom. (January 5, 2023)
                         from a country perspective’.
                         (February 13, 2023)
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