Page 132 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 132


                         The Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, Fran-  calls on the CRTC to continue to implement and adjust
                         cois-Philippe Champagne, has finalized a policy direc-  its Broadband Fund to meet connectivity needs across
                         tion  to  the  Canadian  Radio-television  and  Telecom-  the  country in  coordination  with  other programmes
        Canada           munications  Commission  (CRTC),  aimed  at  ‘placing   …  Additionally,  it  directs  the  CRTC  to  increase  the
                         affordability and consumer rights at the forefront of the
                                                                        transparency and clarity of service plan pricing, making
                         regulator’s future decisions’. Having proposed the new   it  easier  and  affordable  for Canadians  to  change  or
                         federal policy in May 2022, the final directives published   cancel services.’ (February 14, 2023)
                         yesterday by the telecoms Ministry, Innovation, Science
                         and Economic Development Canada, put the following   The  federal  government’s  decision  on whether  to
                         objectives at the top of the CRTC’s decision process:  approve the Rogers-Shaw merger will be made ‘in due
                         •  enhance wholesale internet access and competition  course’,  Canada’s  Minister  of  Innovation,  Science  and
                         •  increase mobile competition                 Industry  Francois-Philippe  Champagne  told  reporters
                         •  improve the reliability and resilience of services  as  the  House  of  Commons Standing  Committee  on
                         •  improve consumer rights                     Industry and Technology examined the proposed deal,
                         •  speed up new infrastructure for universal access reported. Speaking at a Liberal cabinet
                         •  proactively  improve the  accessibility  of telecom   three-day retreat in Hamilton, Ontario, Champagne said
                           services for Canadians with disabilities     he seeks to understand why the Federal Court of Appeal
                         •  build better regulations to better support consumers.  dismissed  the  Competition  Bureau’s  appeal  against
                         Mr. Champagne declared: ‘Canadians still pay too much   the CAD26 billion (USD19.4 billion) Rogers-Shaw deal
                         and see too little competition … These objectives will   and  the  associated  CAD2.85  billion  sale  of  Shaw’s
                         ensure  that  affordable  access  to  high-quality,  reliable   subsidiary  Freedom  Mobile  to  Videotron,  while  his
                         and resilient telecommunications services is available   decision will focus on ‘making sure the deal will provide
                         in  all  regions  of  Canada,  including  rural  and  remote   more  competition  and  affordability  for Canadians.’
                         areas and Indigenous communities. The direction also   (January 26, 2023)

                         The Antitrust Tribunal (Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre   tender. The matter primarily concerns Claro Chile which
                         Competencia,  TDLC)  has  reversed  its  position  on   hold rights to spectrum in the 3.5GHz band but is not
                         the  use  of  existing  fixed  wireless  3.5GHz  spectrum   permitted to use the airwaves for 5G services. Subtel
        Chile            allocations  for  mobile  services,  TeleSemana  reports.   argued that  as  the  concession  is  valid  until  2032  the
                                                                        resource  is  being  underutilized,  to  the  detriment  of
                         Previous  requests  from  sector  watchdog  the
                         Department of Telecommunications (Subsecretaria de   customers and the market. TDLC’s revised decision now
                         Telecomunicaciones,  Subtel)  to  alter  the  assignment   clears the way for Subtel to alter Claro’s authorization so
                         were  rejected  by the  TDLC  on the  basis  that  such   that the spectrum can be used for 5G mobile services.
                         changes could only be implemented through a public   (January 10, 2023)

                         The Ministry of Information Technologies and Commu-  presa  De  Telecomuncaciones  De  Bogota  (ETB),  Part-
                         nications (Ministerio de Tecnologias de la Informacion   ners  Telecom  Colombia  (WOM),  alongside  unknown
                         y las Comunicaciones, MinTIC) has revealed that a total   quantities such as Colombia WB Hots, Global Play, EGC
        Colombia         of nine  companies expressed  an  interest  in  securing   Colombia  and  OSC Top  Solutions  Group. The  govern-
                                                                        ment is poised to distribute spectrum in the 700MHz,
                         5G spectrum licenses ahead of its 29 December 2022
                         deadline. The list includes established mobile players   1900MHz, 2.5GHz, 3.5GHz and 26GHz bands, although
                         such as Comunicacion Celular (Claro), Colombia Movil   not all of the would-be applicants are interested in bid-
                         (Tigo),  Colombia  Telecomunicaciones  (Movistar),  Em-  ding on all bands. (January 4, 2023)

                         The   Superintendency  of   Telecommunications  3300MHz-3400MHz and 3400MHz-3500MHz. A block
                         (Superintendencia  de  Telecomunicaciones,  Sutel)  has   of 3600MHz-3625MHz spectrum and millimeter wave
                         launched  a  5G  consultation  as  it  seeks  to  establish   (mmWave) frequencies in the 26GHz and 28GHz bands
                         which  spectrum  bands  to  include  in  its  planned  5G   could also come into play. Sutel notes that state-backed
        Costa Rica       spectrum auction. As per the document, the watchdog   telco/utility firm Grupo ICE, which operates via the Kolbi
                         is considering distributing 90MHz of 700MHz spectrum,   brand, currently holds the largest spectrum allowance in
                         100MHz in the 2300MHz band and 100MHz blocks at   Costa Rica, with 309.4MHz across multiple bands, while

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