Page 131 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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                         and Flow Barbados, as well as other MIST personnel,   to Barbados.  The  ability  for customers to be  able  to
                         members of the  Fair-Trading  Commission (FTC) and   make  an  unfettered  choice of one  service provider
                         representatives from consultancy firm Northpoint. Mr.   over  another  –  a  fundamental  consumer right  –  is
                         Ishmael  commented:  ‘I  am  elated  to  announce  that   now possible.’ Mobile numbers will be ported within 24
                         Barbados’  telecommunications sector  has  come  of   hours, while a fixed voice number will take five days to
                         age. This government, your government, has delivered   be transferred. (February 3, 2023)
                         on  its  promise  to  introduce  Local  Number  Portability

                         Telecoms  regulator  the  Belgian  Institute  for  Postal   licenses  for  1GHz  of  spectrum  in  March  2021,  it  is
                         Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) has opened a   now  proposing  to  extend  these  until  30  June  2023.
                         consultation regarding the extension of temporary user   The  regulator will  also  consider  options  which  would
                         rights in the 70GHz/80GHz frequency bands assigned   potentially  enable  similar  frequency assignments  in
        Belgium          to Telenet, Proximus and Orange Belgium for the use   the bands for new entrant Citymesh Mobile and other
                         of radio relay links. Having previously granted each of   potential users. (January 13, 2023)
                         the three mobile network operators (MNOs) temporary

                         The  National  Telecommunications  Agency  (Agencia   fulfilled.  In  total,  Oi  faced  claims  from  some  65,000
                         Nacional de Telecomunicacoes, Anatel) has announced   creditors, although not all cases had been settled as of
                         that  it  has  set  up a  Working  Group to monitor the   the December decision. (February 6, 2023)
                         operational  and  financial  situation  of  troubled  telco
        Brazil           Oi Group in relation to its Judicial Recovery Plan. The   The  Board  of  Directors  at  the  National
                                                                        Telecommunications  Agency  (Agencia  Nacional  de
                         Working Group will evaluate and propose measures to
                         deal with the possible discontinuity of Oi’s operations.   Telecomunicacoes, Anatel) has approved the renewal of
                         In  the  event  of  a  bankruptcy  scenario,  Anatel  is   Algar Telecom ’s spectrum usage rights in the 800MHz,
                         determined  to  maintain  the  provision  of  fixed  voice   900MHz and 1800MHz bands. The 800MHz permit has
                         services,  in  accordance  with  the  telco’s  Servico  de   been extended until 29 November 2028, while the other
                         Telefonia  Fixa  Comutado  (STFC)  license.  In  addition,   two concessions will run until 22 December 2032. the
                         Oi  is  obliged  to  notify  the  Working  Group  in  advance   15-year licenses were previously renewed in 2008 and
                         of any changes to its equity interest in neutral network   were due to expire on 21 January. Locations covered by
                         fiber  firm  V.tal,  following  recent  suggestions  that  Oi   the regional licenses include Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais,
                         could cash in on the asset to ease its debt situation.   Mato Grosso do Sul and Goias. Going forward, Anatel
                         Last  week,  Oi  requested  ‘urgent  precautionary  relief’   is  understood to  be  keen  to  reappraise  the  issue  of
                         from the 7th Corporate Court of the Court of Justice of   2G/3G  spectrum  licenses,  rather  than  renewing  them
                         Rio de Janeiro in relation to ‘a potential renegotiation   automatically  when  they  expire. The  watchdog hopes
                         of certain debts. The telco’s judicial recovery drew to a   to revise its rules governing spectrum allocations and
                         close on 14 December 2022, after around six-and-a-half   use (Regulamento de Uso de Espectro, RUE) to create
                         years. Fernando Viana, the judge of the 7th Corporate   larger,  contiguous  spectrum  blocks  in  the  850MHz,
                         Court of the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro, declared   900MHz  and  1800MHz  bands,  which  can  be  used  to
                         that all obligations assumed by the company have been   boost capacity in the 5G-era. (January 20, 2023) TeleTime

                         Three mobile operators have committed to invest XAF156   and  improving  the  quality  of services  throughout the
                         billion  (USD255  million)  in  their  operations  across   national territory. ‘I think what our consumers should be
                         Cameroon this year, Justine Diffo Tchunkam, Chair of   expecting should be an improvement in the future as we

        Cameroon         the Telecommunications Regulatory Board (ART), said.   look to find lasting solutions to the challenges that are
                                                                        impacting the quality of services today,’ MTN Cameroon
                         MTN Cameroon, Orange Cameroon and Viettel (Nexttel)
                         will  spend  the  funds  on extending  network coverage   CEO Mitwa Ng’ambi said. (January 10, 2023) ITWeb

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