Page 8 - SAMENA Trends - Gitex Special 2023
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                               ITU REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FORUM

        Bahrain to Host ITU RDF 2023 for Arab States in November

        The Regional Development  Forum for   Kigali, Rwanda in June 2022. Emphasis
        the Arab States (RDF-ARB) is organized   will  be  given  to  the  five  Regional   ITU-D  Priorities  identified  in  the  Kigali
        by the International Telecommunication   Initiatives for Arab Region  approved   Action Plan
        Union   (ITU's   Telecommunication  at  WTDC-22 as  well as  other  activities
        Development Bureau (BDT)) and hosted   under  the  five  thematic  priority  areas   ITU-D priorities are identified as key work
        by  the Ministry  of  Transportation  and   adopted at WTDC-22.          areas that will support the achievement
        Telecommunications  of the Kingdom                                       of the ITU strategic plan for the current
        of Bahrain.  The forum will  take place   The Annual Regional  Development   planning  cycle. They are listed in the
        from 6 to 7 November 2023 in Manama,   Forum for the Arab  States  provides an   Kigali Action Plan to facilitate delivery of
        Bahrain and will be held in hybrid format   opportunity for the  exchange  of views   the ITU-D mandate and to give guidance
        with interpretation in Arabic and English.   between  ITU  and its  stakeholders   to BDT for  the  next  planning  cycle  on
        The RDF  will  be  followed  by  the Digital   including  ITU  Member States,  Sector   what ITU-D aims to achieve, in line
        Regulation Workshop for the Arab States   Members as well as other stakeholders   with the overall RBM  approach and the
        on 8 November 2023, and it will only be in   in the Arab Region. It  serves as  a   strategic goals and thematic priorities of
        person training.                   platform  for an exchange  of views on   the Union.
                                           how to achieve meaningful connectivity   •  Affordable connectivity
                                           and sustainable digital transformation in   •  Digital Transformation
        RDF-ARB  will  report  on the progress   the region.                     •  Enabling Policy and Regulatory
        that  has  been  made towards the                                          Environment
        implementation  of the outcomes  of the   A special segment of this year's RDF will   •  Resource Mobilization and
        World Telecommunication  Development   be dedicated to  Partner2Connect (P2C)   International Cooperation
        Conference  2022  (WTDC-22) held in   matchmaking between  Member States

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