Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 76
TRA UAE Launches a New System for Innovation
H.E. Majed Al Mesmar, Deputy Director policies in the UAE, which aim to transform presented goes through virtual innovation
General of The Telecommunications the concept of innovation into an effective laboratories, which constitute a space for
Regulatory Authority (TRA), launched and lasting institutional work culture in the collaboration among employees in the field
the TRA’s innovation system, which is UAE government. It also aims to enhance of innovation, in order to think, discuss,
a comprehensive system for managing the innovative capabilities of the Emirati develop ideas, identify challenges and push
digital innovation. The system allows TRA human resources, and produce results that innovations forward. These labs include
employees to share their innovative ideas, stimulate economic activity and enhance innovation teams that work according to
and verify and validate their execution. the global competitiveness of the UAE. the lab’s agenda, which determines the
The system works according to specific The system was specially designed to start and end of each activity. The system
mechanism to regulate the innovation support the creators to develop their ideas also includes criteria for evaluating ideas
process starting from challenges, to
developing ideas and converting them into
tangible projects. The new system guides
innovative ideas and links them to TRA goals
and strategies. The system also supports
users through an interactive innovation lab
and interactive brainstorming sessions,
as It was designed according to the
concept of open innovation, based on
collecting ideas and developing them
through sharing ideas between employees,
and discussing them to ensure their
development and achievement of best
results. Commenting on the new system,
H.E. Majed Al Mesmar, TRA Deputy Director
General for the Telecommunication Sector,
said: “Innovation is an element of the UAE
vision 2021 pillars that fall under “United
in knowledge”, which seeks to achieve
diversified and flexible knowledge-based
economy powered by skilled Emiratis
and strengthened by world-class talent through the brainstorming workshops and and determining the degree of their
to ensure long-term prosperity for the the virtual innovation laboratory, where importance, where specialized experts
UAE. The UAE Government, under the each idea will be subject to an organized evaluate ideas, study their feasibility and
directives of our wise leadership, has given process consisting of six stages, to ensure contribution to TRA goals, so that the
innovation a high priority, being the true that this idea is given care, development best ideas are converted into projects
drive of nations. Hence, TRA has launched and attention. The innovation system and consequently, into success stories.
several initiatives and projects aimed launched by TRA sorts creative ideas The system also includes an innovation
at stimulating innovation among TRA presented by users according to specific handbook that forms a complete reference
employees in particular, and its customers areas that serve TRAs’ work and strategies. for practicing innovation, and provides
in general, based on its responsibility for These areas are capabilities, corporate useful information for all users about
one of the most important sectors in the era communication and organization, the process of innovation, evaluation
of the industrial revolution. Among these operations systems, sustainable financial and implementation. The handbook
initiatives is the innovation system that we system, innovation, human resource consists of several chapters, and each
launched, which will work to enhance the management, resource security and the chapter consists of a number of topics.
culture of innovation in TRA by adopting environment, and the general direction of TRA organizes a number of innovation
creative ideas and developing them the sector. The innovation process in the events throughout the year such as the
according to deliberate mechanisms to system takes six main steps, starting from Summer Innovation Camp. It is also keen
transform them into tangible projects that presenting the idea, analyzing, developing to enhance cooperation and coordination
contribute to supporting the innovation it to converting it into a project and a with all government and private entities in
process in the country.” The new system success story. The system simplifies the the field of innovation to support the UAE
will open the door wide for the creators process of presenting and controlling achievements in various fields, especially
from TRA employees to present their ideas, while providing a standard in the ICT sector.
innovative ideas, reflecting the innovation mechanism for evaluating ideas. The ideas
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