Page 80 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
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        Tunisia Launches the Internet Universality Indicators Assessment

        Recently,  the  Internet  Universality  the role  of the newly created MAB,   in Tunisia, which was  the main objective
        Indicators (IUIs) assessment was officially   responsible  for overseeing  the research   of this first meeting. In their presentation
        launched  in  Tunisia,  breaking ground by   process  through a  truly inclusive and   on the progress of IUIs in Tunisia, they also
        making  Tunisia  the  first  country  in  the   multi-stakeholder  manner.  The  11  MAB   described the process, and explored some
        Arab region to  initiate  this  assessment   members are leading experts representing   of  the  challenges  faced including “some
        at  national level.  The launch was   different groups and government branches   data which  availability  was  still  unclear,”
        convened  on  the  occasion  of  the  first   including  the Ministry  of Communication   and policies in development that may affect
        meeting  of Tunisian Multi-stakeholder   Technologies  and  Digital Economy, the   the applicability of the indicators. After the
        Advisory  Board  (MAB), participated by   High Independent Authority of Audiovisual   presentation, a discussion was held during
        11  prominent  members  of the Board.   Communication  (HAICA),  the National   which board  members expressed their
        “The Tunisian MAB  endorsed  the use of   Agency  for Information Security (ANSI),   views  on  the topic presented  and shared
        UNESCO’s Internet Universality Indicators   Access Now,  the Research and  Studies   some of their own reports and statistics.
        and the  proposed methodology  for the   Telecommunications  Centre  (CERT),  By participating in the meeting and helping
        assessment in  Tunisia and encouraged   University  of Sfax,  Forum DSI,  and the   with the process  from data collection
        all  other concerned  stakeholders, on a   National Telecom  Regulator  in Tunisia   to methodology, members  have shown
        voluntary  basis,  to  support  the national   (INTT). UNESCO  staff  Nejib Mokni   interest and enthusiasm in the process. The
        assessment of  Internet  development   presented  an overview of UNESCO’s.  Ms.   Internet  Universality  ROAM-X  Indicators
        in Tunisia with the  Internet  Universality   Karima  Mahmoudi,  Director  at  INTT  and   framework is a set of 303 indicators
        Indicators. Such engagement is crucial to   Ms.  Wafa  Ben Hassine presented  the   that  aims  to assess how well  national
        formulating  and implementing UNESCO   assessment  process  conducted by the   stakeholders  including  governments,
        recommendations  that  can help  improve   National  Telecom  Regulator  of  Tunisia   companies  and civil  society perform in
        Internet development in the country”,   (INTT) who is the leading national organize,   adhering to the ROAM standards of Rights,
        said  Ms.  Golda  El-Khoury,  Director  &   the data  collection, and methodology  in   Openness,  Accessiblity, Multistakeholder
        Representative – UNESCO Cluster office for   Tunisia. They discussed the methodology   participation. Developed  over a  three-
        the Maghreb. The launch event highlighted   suggested for the assessment of the IUIs   year  process of  global and inclusive
                                                                                 consultations  with stakeholders, it  was
                                                                                 endorsed  in November  2018 by the  31st
                                                                                 Council of the International Program for the
                                                                                 Development  of Communication (IPDC).
                                                                                 Since  then,  UNESCO has been  working
                                                                                 with  stakeholders  and  encouraging
                                                                                 more countries  to implement  national
                                                                                 assessments of  Internet development
                                                                                 using the Indicators. The first assessment
                                                                                 of Internet Universality indicators was
                                                                                 completed in Brazil and has been published
                                                                                 by UNESCO as the first edition of the newly
                                                                                 created Series of National Assessment of
                                                                                 Internet Universality Indicators.

        Telecom Imports Rise in Pakistan

        Pakistan’s overall telecom  imports bill   goods  to $161.895  million in Dec  2019,   million in Dec 2018.  However,  import  of
        surged by 29 percent to $844.657 million   from $110.006 million in Dec 2018. Up by   other  apparatuses  scaled  down by 22
        in  July-Dec  2019-20,  official  figures  say.   69.25  million or $252.102  million,  mobile   percent or $63.372 million to $228.509 in
        Increase in the telecom  imports  reached   handsets import grew to $616.148 million   July-Dec  2019-20  from  $291.881  million
        to the tune of $188.73 million in July-Dec   in July-Dec 2019-20 comparing with their   in  July-Dec  2018-19.  Import  of  other
        2019-20  from  $655.927  million  in  July-  import  of  $364.046  million  in  July-Dec   apparatuses reduced  to  $44.213  million
        Dec 2018-19, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics   2018-19.  Cellular phones  import  in Dec   in Dec  2019  from $50.611  million in Dec
        suggests.  The  country  imported  47.17   2019  stood  at  98.13  percent  or  $58.287   2018.
        percent or $51.889  million more telecom   million  to  $117.682  million  from  $59.395

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