Page 73 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 73


        Bahrain Reengineers 40 eServices; Cuts Costs by 88%

        Bahrain’s  Information  &  eGovernment
        Authority (iGA) said that it has reengineering
        of 40  eServices, which allowed  for an  88
        per cent reduction in the costs of providing
        the government services, and a 74 per cent
        reduction  in processing  times.  Across all
        channels, iGA eServices generated BD156
        million ($411  million) through  more than
        1.6  million transactions during  the year.
        iGA chief executive Mohammed Ali Al
        Qaed announced  the results at  a  press
        conference detailing the achievements of
        the 2019  eGovernment  Strategy.  Al  Qaed
        said  that  iGA initiated more than 400
        active eServices since  the launch of the
        eGovernment  program,  adding  that these   Evaluation Committee,  Taqyeem. Al Qaed   highlighted the speed of delivery Electricity
        achievements  reflect  iGA’s commitment   announced  that  iGA, in partnership with   & water eServices to 67 per cent, reducing
        to  the  directives  of  the  Kingdom’s   relevant entities, is close to launching the   the cost of providing the services by 94 per
        senior leadership  aimed at  achieving   Sehati  app,  which  will  provide  a  unified   cent,  while the processing  of justice and
        the objectives of Bahrain’s Economic   platform for health services and will be of   Islamic affairs transactions sped up by 55
        Vision 2030.  They  also  implement the   great importance to citizens, residents and   per cent, reducing the cost of providing the
        decisions  of the Supreme  Committee for   visitors. The Sehati app was downloaded   services by 76 per cent. The complete of
        Information & Communication Technology   42,414 times last  year, while the usage   service delivery of community assistance
        (SCICT), chaired by Deputy Prime Minister,   reached  301,404  times.  iGA deputy chief   program transactions improved by 75 per
        HH  Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak  Al   executive,  eTransformation,  Dr  Zakareya   cent, reducing the cost of  providing the
        Khalifa, and the directives of the Minister   Ahmed AlKhajah said that iGA implemented   services by 98 per cent, while housing and
        of Interior, HE  Gen. Shaikh Rashid bin   a  number  of  innovations, such as   real estate transaction service delivery
        Abdulla Al Khalifa. The achievements also   improving its ePayment mechanisms, and   improved by 77 per cent, allowing for a 75
        reflect iGA’s commitment to its strategy of   launching 40 comprehensive eServices in   per cent reduction in the cost of providing
        digital transformation. Al Qaed noted that   cooperation with 14 government entities It   the services .  For education,  transaction
        the  objectives of the  strategy have been   has also worked with the financial sector   times improved by 75 per cent with cost of
        met in a range of 12 government sectors,   on FinTech projects, launching an eWallet,   providing the services reducing by 85 per
        including  transportation,  traffic,  water  &   the  first  of  its  kind  in  the  Middle  East;   cent. Employment recorded processing
        electricity, housing & real estate, education,   linking the financial sector to a Know Your   time improvements of 70 per cent with cost
        health, employment, banking, etc. Al Qaed   Customer (eKYC) eSystem, activating an ID   of providing the services reductions of 98
        said that iGA continuously  works with   card updating self-service; and carrying out   per cent, also indicating improvements in
        the public and private sectors  to further   37 comprehensive studies on government   communications  with  the public  through
        improve its  eServices, and will  form a   initiatives and services. AlKhajah delivered   the  Government  Notification  System
        new strategy in  2020  aimed at  further   a presentation that showed  an 82 per   (NotifyMe) and the  National Suggestion
        enhancing its digital transformation efforts   cent increase in  the speed  of processing   &  Complaint  system,  Tawasul.  He  added
        and  application  of  Artificial  Intelligence   transportation  and  traffic  transactions  in   that that iGA developed financial services
        (AI) technologies.  Al Qaed said that iGA   2019, resulting in an 83 per cent reduction   in association with the private sector that
        is committed to serving the public  and   in the cost of providing the services,  as   achieved transaction  time improvements
        regularly measures customer satisfaction   well  as  improvements  to  traffic  safety.   of 83  per cent,  reducing  the cost of
        levels  across  all  eServices  via  its  official   He highlighted  the main services that   providing  the  services  by  97  per  cent,
        social media accounts  and surveys.  It   iGA developed  for the sector, including   while the speed of processing of personal
        performs an annual customer satisfaction   online public transport vehicle registration   documents  improved  by  67  per  cent,
        study and takes  into consideration the   renewals, and the issuing of international   with reducing of the cost of providing the
        findings of the Government Service Center   driving  licenses.  The  presentation  services by 97 per cent.

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