Page 69 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 69


        TRA UAE Holds the “Innovation Science Day”

        Coinciding  with the UAE Innovation   80 per cent of executives believe that their   approach to achieve the UAE goals in the
        Month,    The    Telecommunications  business would fall behind if it continues   era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In
        Regulatory  Authority (TRA) organized   in the same pace, while 84 per cent said   the UAE, we innovate to make our people
        the  Innovation  Scientific  Day  in  its  Dubai   that enduring requires the development of   and all  the peoples of the  world happy.”
        office,  and  invited  government  entities   innovation  and  regeneration  strategies.”   The  Innovation  Scientific  Day  agenda
        and university students.  The  event was   H.E.  Al  Mesmar  highlighted  that  we  live   included a number of activities where the
        held in the presence  of H.E.  Majed  Al   in an unprecedentedly  changing world,   participants learned about the importance
        Mesmar, TRA Deputy  Director General   in  which  we  need  intuition and  vigilance,   of 5G in the world of innovation, and its great
        for the Telecommunication  Sector, and   critical and analytical thinking, and focus   potentials  in  various  fields,  as  the  great
        with the participation of a number of TRA   on efficiency, effectiveness and results. He   speeds provided  by  the new generation
        strategic partners from the private sector.   added: “We need the youth, their creative   help to  create new solutions to  various
        TRA Innovation Day witnessed a number of   energy and their ability  to communicate,   challenges.  Huawei gave a  presentation
        activities that highlight the importance of   using the tools  provided by  the Internet   on the role of innovation in the world of
        innovation today, and its role in achieving   and communication channels.  We need   digital applications.  Dr.  Slim Saïdi from
        the country’s  goals in various sectors   to share, interact and instill  team spirit   Rochester University of Technology spoke
        such as education, health, transportation,   in all  sides and at  all  levels as  in our   about the Internet of Things and its link to
        and others. In his opening speech, H.E. Al   meeting today. We need to make positive   innovation. During the event, Dr. Nawaf I.
        Mesmar  welcomed the attending guests   competition  a  part  of  our daily  practices,   Almoosa from the Emirates ICT Innovation
        and thanked them for participating in   whether in the classroom, in the workplace,   Center (EBTIC) presented success stories
        the Innovation  Science  Day.  He  said:   or in life. We also need to keep abreast of   and lessons learned  in innovation, and
        “The importance  of this forum lies in   all updates in this world that is changing at   Professor Prof. Nihel Chabrak spoke about
        the diversity  of  visions, experiences  and   a tremendous speed. Today, slowing down   the  role  of  the  UAE  University  Science  &
        perspectives.  You represent different   is not an option as one step of reluctance   Innovation Park  in supporting innovation
        experiences  that  collectively provide a   means one step behind.”  H.E  Al Mesmar   and creativity. The UAE ranked first in the
        clearer and more solid picture of how   emphasized the importance of innovation   Arab region  in Global Innovation  Index
        to transform innovation into practice,   to achieve leadership. He said: “Our wise   2019.  Innovation is  a  main component
        culture and lifestyle. In this rapid time, as   leadership  has chosen  innovation as  a   of the national  pillars  of the UAE  Vision
        developments accelerate, innovation is not   way of life. Our government has worked to   2021 under “United in Knowledge”, which
        only a need for growth, but also a necessity   make innovation a daily practice, at home,   seeks to achieve a diversified and flexible
        to survive. Today we can say with    school  and work,  to  ensure the UAE’s   knowledge economy led by skilled Emirati
        confidence  that  survival  is  for  innovative   leading  position  among the developed   competencies  and strengthened by  the
        thinkers. This is a fact supported by figures   countries.  The wise  leadership  decision   best experiences to ensure the long-term
        and facts. According to a study issued by   to  hold  the UAE  Innovation Month in   prosperity of the UAE and its people.
        McKinsey  Global  Institute  in  this  regard,   February is an affirmation of the leadership

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