Page 85 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
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number of people who can benefit from PCCW Global’s mobile partner networks expand the
medical attention in remote communities.
company’s IoT ecosystem around the world, delivering low
Once a UAV has connected to one of PCCW latency, high-speed connectivity and crucial communi-
Global’s international IoT ecosystem
mobile networks, it is immediately able to cations to areas that have previously not been connected
transmit its altitude and position data, as - providing a tremendous opportunity for valuable
well as provide a live video feed to a flight
control platform. It is also possible to use commercial IoT applications and connected devices.
a topology platform to create and mark
waypoints that can be transmitted to the Now functioning as the core of PCCW PCCW Global’s teams on the ground
UAV, enabling it to follow a route and fly Global’s international digital platform, have extensive experience in providing
autonomously to the desired location. Console Connect is 100% integrated into sophisticated hybrid solutions that include
the provision of global network services, fibre, satellite, microwave, DIA, SD-WAN,
Crucially, HJUAV’s industrial-grade UAV’s including the ongoing development MPLS and wireless connectivity services
are able to carry heavier than usual of additional on-demand products that are specifically designed to suit
payloads, including refrigerated containers and services, innovative apps and IoT African conditions.
for the transportation of temperature- functionality.
sensitive medicine. Overall, PCCW Global provides services
While end-to-end IoT connectivity can to as many as 54 African countries, either
PCCW Global’s innovative Console be very complex and often involves a by providing direct services or through
Connect network automation platform combination of local and international an extensive partnership network that
and pre-installed SIM connectivity devices connections, leased lines, public internet, includes 89 mobile network operators.
can connect UAVs and other compatible mobile and Wi-Fi networks, Console
devices to a worldwide network of 2G, Connect IoT simplifies the ordering, This extensive reach includes cellular
3G and 4G partners, supported by an deployment and change management backhaul networks that are delivered
extensive private and secure global MPLS of global device connectivity such as IoT using satellite and wireless technologies
infrastructure. drones. where terrestrial connectivity is not
available. The result is that PCCW Global
Console Connect itself is the world’s PCCW Global’s mobile partner networks provides more direct connections to
first platform for Software-Defined expand the company’s IoT ecosystem Africa’s mobile operators than any other
Interconnection® and is a game-changer around the world, delivering low carrier. In addition, PCCW Global provides
for business - making the process of latency, high-speed connectivity and Africa with an integrated network and
connecting to cloud-based, business- crucial communications to areas that related connectivity over a fully diversified
critical applications and geographically have previously not been connected - backbone with both East and West
distributed offices, partners and clients providing a tremendous opportunity for submarine connections to a global high-
simple, predictable and secure. valuable commercial IoT applications and speed network.
connected devices.
Console Connect itself is Where terrestrial connections to these
the world’s first platform In the case of drones that are capable of submarine cables are not possible, PCCW
delivering life-saving medicines to remote
Global provides connectivity through
for Software-Defined Inter- locations, it’s this IoT infrastructure that 50 satellite transponders. In so doing,
connection® and is provides the connectivity to make such PCCW Global operates one of Africa’s
innovative healthcare solutions possible.
most advanced regional and international
a game-changer for networks as well as providing the widest
business - making the While there is an application for fully satellite coverage on the continent.
process of connecting to connected IoT medical drone delivery Craig Price, Senior Vice President,
in many regions around the world, such
cloud-based, business- services are likely to prove life-changing Mobility Products and Marketing, PCCW
critical applications and for many African communities. With Global, says: “It’s exciting to be a part of
more than 20-year’s experience on
the innovative opportunities that IoT is
geographically distributed the continent, PCCW Global is heavily providing in so many industries around
offices, partners and invested in providing the next generation the world. With an expansive, growing
of connectivity to satisfy Africa’s growing
global network and our own cutting-edge
clients simple, predictable demand for digital services - including technologies, we are ideally positioned to
and secure. connectivity in remote locations. enable innovative and fully connected IoT
solutions almost anywhere in the world.”
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