Page 82 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 82
Technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence (AI) and on mobile coverage and digital literacy, will
help to bring communities online, giving
cloud are more in demand than ever before. They form the individuals the opportunity to leverage
bedrock of a digital economy, enabling intelligent and flex- connected solutions that can augment
ible operations. When combined, 5G, AI and cloud create their lives and enable them to prosper. 5G
can improve access to education, boost
a solid combination with the potential to drive immense business opportunities, and enhance
productivity gains, especially during the unprecedented medical care by connecting people to
remote doctors.
circumstances of the pandemic.
The deployment of 5G is accelerating
Huawei has worked closely with carriers Investment in 5G innovation is helping worldwide. The forecasts about 5G network
to ensure stable operations of more than to drive digital transformation across all deployment that were made one year ago
300 networks across 170 countries, while industries. Huawei, for example, is focused have all become a reality. The number
successfully deploying 140 commercial on innovation in the three key areas of of 5G users globally has reached 200
5G networks in 59 countries with over 50% technology, products, and applications, million, and 800,000 5G sites have been
of these were built by Huawei, in addition which will help to breakthrough ICT-related constructed worldwide. This technology
to helping entities within the public and challenges at a company and industry is becoming part of core production
private sectors to rapidly adopt digital level. Through joint innovation and processes in industries. 5G applications
solutions that enable continuity during a strategic partnerships with our customers, have been deployed in more than 20
time of massive societal upheaval. Huawei we aim to drive a 1 to N expansion of industries, including manufacturing,
also ranked first in the number of SEPs 5G applications for business, while also healthcare, education and logistics.
filings among 5G companies worldwide. working to develop devices targeted to
The 5G Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) meet specific industry needs. The pandemic has revealed the value
which is filed by the Chinese technology of cooperation in overcoming one of
giant accounted for about 15.05% of the 5G also stands to benefit society as a the greatest challenges the world has
global total, making it a leader in the era whole. For example, the convergence of seen in recent times. We need to take
of 5G communication field and in tech networks, devices, and technologies such this lesson and apply it to our future,
markets. as augmented reality (AR) can create new because while COVID-19 may have closed
immersive virtual experiences that elevate doors, it has opened new windows of
Technologies such as 5G, artificial our interactions with the world. This has hope. Collaboration can empower the
intelligence (AI) and cloud are more in significant applications in education in progression of global society, building
demand than ever before. They form the particular, but the potential expands far new opportunities for economic growth,
bedrock of a digital economy, enabling beyond that – there are almost limitless sustainability, and prosperity. This is what
intelligent and flexible operations. When ways in which the high precision integration the future of ICT is – and Huawei intends
combined, 5G, AI and cloud create a solid of virtual and physical realities can create to continue working alongside customers
combination with the potential to drive growth opportunities. In addition to the and partners across the world to help drive
immense productivity gains, especially obvious educational uses, industries such digitalization in ways that will make life
during the unprecedented circumstances as entertainment, tourism, transportation better, businesses smarter, and the world
of the pandemic. and navigation – amongst others – can more inclusive.
Digitalization on this level also creates
opportunities. By 2025 for example, Countries with established ICT We all share the challenge to reach an
Huawei predicts that 97% of all large ecosystems have the ability to leverage honest consensus on whether technology
companies will use AI, the digital economy technology to overcome the pandemic is an engine of human progress. The other
with drive prosperity, and 60% of global and spur economic recovery, but societies challenge will be taking resolute action to
carrier revenue will be derived from with less developed digital capabilities make technology truly effective and create
industry customers. In order to achieve will lag behind even more. The effect of value for all. If we claim that technology is
digital transformation on a scale that will COVID-19 will expand the digital divide, critically important but its development is
boost economic recovery and establish making it even more imperative that ideologically wrong, this will only result in
a solid footing for sustainable growth in we address the gap to produce greater division, confusion, and regression.
the future, industries in particular need social value and empowerment through
to focus on improving their capabilities, technology. Partnering with entities in We must reach a global consensus on
building the ICT ecosystem, and creating countries that have less-developed ICT this issue and believe in the power of
value with digital technology. infrastructures with the aim to help deploy technology to leverage it for the benefit of
new technologies, especially with a focus the society.
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