Page 77 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 77


        Indonesian Satellite Construction to Start in September of This Year

        PT  Pasifik  Satelit  Nusantara  (PSN)  has   Indonesia  and its partners  in satellite   Band  frequency.  Adiwoso  added  that  the
        initiated their  Multifunction  Satellite   industry, the opposite is true. The PWA of   SATRIA project is a strategic government
        (SMF)  project  called  Satellite  of  Republic   the PSN and TAS Consortium shows that   decision  of equal importance  to the  time
        of Indonesia (SATRIA). Through  its   the investment climate and development   when the government decided  to  launch
        subsidiary,  PT  Satelit  Nusantara  Tiga   of  Indonesia’s  telecommunications  the Palapa  A  Satellite in  the 1970s  for a
        (SNT), and the PSN Consortium consisting   infrastructure are not slowing down,   domestic satellite communication system,
        of  fully  local  entities, PSN  is  working   but  rather gaining  momentum. “ PSN   allowing all  Indonesians to  communicate
        together  with  France-based  aerospace   President  Director and SNT President   and  enjoy  the  first  national  television,
        manufacturer Thales Alenia  Space  (TAS)   Director Adi Rahman Adiwoso explained   TVRI. Adi also explained  that SATRIA’s
        to begin the satellite construction program   that  TAS  construction  will  immediately   total investment  of $550  million (IDR  8
        in September of 2020. The start of SATRIA   be in  effect with  the PWA  signing. Adi   trillion) would be financed by a syndicate
        construction was marked by the signing of   also emphasized that  construction  will   of international banks, namely The
        the SATRIA  Preparatory  Work  Agreement   commence  this  month. “Indonesia  can   Hongkong and Shanghai bank Corporation
        (PWA) by PSN President Director and SNT   quickly  become  a digital society  by   Limited  (HSBC),  Banco  Santander,  SA
        President  Director, Adi Rahman Adiwoso,   facilitating education, governance, health,   (Santander) and The Korean Development
        in Jakarta together with TAS VP Telecom   economy, etc. using Internet access. This   Bank  (KDB)  which  is  guaranteed  by
        Business Unit, Pascal Homsy, in France on   accessibility  prepares the  entire nation   Bpifrance  Assurance  Export  (Bpi),  the
        Thursday, September 3, 2020. The Minister   for a  future  that  will  be revolve  around   Export  Credit  Agency  from  France,  and  a
        of  Communication  and   Information,  digital technology.  With a  capacity of   multilateral  financial  institution,  the  Asia
        Johnny G. Plate, said, “I congratulate the   150  Gbps  –  more  than  three  times  the   Infrastructure  Investment  Bank  (AIIB),
        PSN Consortium for completing the PWA   national capacities that are currently still   based  in  Beijing,  China,  all  constituting  a
        signing  of the  SATRIA project between   in use – we believe that SATRIA can be the   loan facility  percentage  of approximately
        SNT  as  part  of the PSN  Consortium  and   solution to the digital gap that still exists   $425  million (IDR 6.3  trillion) or 77.27%
        Thales Alenia Space. The pandemic  has   in Indonesia.” According to Adi, the SATRIA   of the total  investment. Meanwhile, the
        had  a  very  significant  impact  on  the   project is  part  of a  series of Nusantara   remaining $125  million or equivalent to
        aerospace industry,  including  satellites,   satellites by PSN group  which began  in   22.73%  of SATRIA’s  total  investment  will
        such as  adverse effects on project   2019.  This  multi-function  satellite has   funded  by  the PSN  Consortium’s  capital.
        completion,  disruptions  to supply chains,   a capacity of 150 gigabytes per second   Adi added,  the government,  through  the
        and a slowdown in the  operation of   (Gbps)  using  Very High Throughput   Telecommunication  and  Information
        manufacturing  facilities.  However,  for   Satellite (VHTS) technology  in the Ka-  Accessibility   Agency   (BAKTI),   can
                                                                                 make SATRIA equivalent leasing costs
                                                                                 more  efficient  at  12-20%  of  the  current
                                                                                 government leasing cost by the use of the
                                                                                 VHTS technology. Northern Sky Research
                                                                                 predicts that the price of 1 megabyte per
                                                                                 second (Mbps) in the market in 2024 will
                                                                                 still be twice as expensive as what BAKTI
                                                                                 will pay for the SATRIA project. Thus, said
                                                                                 Adi, the  government has made  the right
                                                                                 decision by implementing this program, as
                                                                                 it offers affordable leased capacity that will
                                                                                 allow government expenditure savings.

        Russia Launches its First Arctic Monitoring Satellite

        Soyuz rocket blasted off from the Baikonur   Space agency chief Dmitry Rogozin wrote   seas of the Arctic Ocean,’  it added.  The
        cosmodrome in  Kazakhstan  carrying   on Twitter later  that  communication with   launch  of the second  Arktika-M  satellite
        Russia’s  first  satellite  for  monitoring  the   the satellite  had been  established. The   is  planned for 2023, Russian state  news
        Arctic’s  climate, the Roscosmos space   monitoring  system will need  at least two   agency  RIA Novosti reported. Economic
        agency  said.  Video  published by  the   satellites to operate properly, the space   exploitation of the Arctic is one of Russian
        Russian space agency showed the Soyuz   agency said. ‘As part of the system, they   President Vladimir Putin’s key goals.
        blaster launching against grey skies at   will  provide round-the-clock  all-weather
        0655 GMT, carrying an Arktika-M satellite.   monitoring of the Earth’s surface and the
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