Page 75 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 75


                                                SATELLITE NEWS

        Egypt to Launch a Satellite at End of 2021

        A series of Egyptian satellites dubbed “Next”   per  an agreement that includes a grant   Space  Agency  after the African Union’s
        will be launched starting from December,   worth $45 million, he added. He also said   approval.  There is a plan in cooperation
        executive director  of the  Egyptian  Space   that Egypt had an ambitious plan to build   with Kenya, Uganda, Ghana,  Sudan,  and
        Agency  said  Saturday.  According to Al-  space systems and infrastructure, as well   Nigeria to launch a  joint satellite dubbed
        Quosi, “Cairo, in cooperation with German   as strengthen international space relations,   the  African development  Satellite. The
        and Chinese  partners,  will launch  new   explore space and establish  Egyptian   headquarters of the African Space
        satellites,  the  first  of  which  is  a  satellite   space  law, according  to the  Al-Youm  Al-  Agency  is now being  established in the
        for remote sensing and scientific research,   Sabea newspaper.  Al-Qousi said that  his   International Space City at a budget of USD
        weighing 65 kilograms. It will be launched   country’s ambitions in space science   10million. The  Egyptian Space  Agency  is
        in December this year.” In parallel with Next,   were greater than the five satellites that it   also working on  the development of the
        a group of nanosatellites will be launched   currently had in orbit. A satellite assembly   MisrSat-2  satellite. The  satellite will  be
        in March 2022 to monitor climate changes,   and testing  center will be  inaugurated  in   100% manufactured  in Egypt, meaning
        especially the levels of carbon dioxide and   September 2022 in the International Space   that all  the components  of the satellite
        gases in  the atmosphere, Quosi  said.  In   City to be the first center of its kind in the   will  be totally  local and will  demonstrate
        September 2022, EgyptSat 2, weighing 330   Arab world. It is planned to also produce   Egypt’s  capacity  for space exploration.
        kilograms, will be launched to be used in   pure Egyptian satellites for purposes   The  Chinese  government  provided  some
        sensor application with  a  photographic   related to development in Egypt and Africa,   form of grant as well as assisting with the
        accuracy  of two meters. EgyptSat 2 has   as well as scientific research. Quosi also   design  of  the satellite.  The MisrSat-2  is
        been  designed  in cooperation  with China   said now that Egypt will host the African   scheduled for completion in August 2022.

        KSS 3rd Satellite Cluster Launch on Space-X Targeted December 2021

        Kleos  Space, a  space-powered Radio   frequency  intelligence  data, generating   satellite clusters, we continue to focus on
        Frequency  Reconnaissance  data-as-a-  higher-value datasets  and further tiered   securing  and building  a  new subscriber
        service (DaaS) company, has signed a new   subscription  license options. While Kleos   base. Data  delivery from the Scouting
        contract with rideshare provider Spaceflight   is  targeting  a  constellation  of up to 20   Mission satellites allows us to commence
        to launch its third satellite cluster (KSF2) in   satellite clusters, each cluster will increase   revenue generation from early adopter and
        December 2021 aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9   the volume of data  that can be sold and   test  contracts.”  Final  costs  incurred  are
        rocket, further growing the constellation.   provide further insights as  to  activity  in   anticipated to be comparable with publicly
        The  four  KSF2  Polar  Patrol  Mission   key  areas  of interest for our customers.   available space rideshare costs and
        satellites will launch  into a 500-600km   While we  progress  our constellation  roll   within the envelope of the cost of a launch
        Sun  Synchronous orbit,  complementing   out with the launch of our second and third   advised within the prospectus.
        Kleos’s first and second satellite clusters
        and increasing cover over key maritime
        areas of interest like double the coverage
        over both  poles. Kleos’s second  satellite
        cluster  –  the  Polar  Vigilance  Mission  –
        has recently completed a key development
        milestone and remains on track for a mid-
        2021  launch  aboard  a  SpaceX  Falcon
        9.  Commissioning and data  collection
        from Kleos’s  initial  Scouting  Mission
        satellites, which launched from India into
        a 37-degree inclination in November 2020,
        is  nearing completion. Kleos Space CEO
        Andy  Bowyer  said:  “The  launch  of  our
        third satellite cluster  will  further improve
        the  frequency  and  value of Kleos’s radio

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