Page 73 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 73


        New developments in worker safety
        5G with its  low  latency and excellent
        availability  is a great enabler for what
        we  call  Mixed Reality  (MR).  As  experts
        retire, or  become less  able to  travel, it’s
        often  necessary  for less experienced
        staff  to resolve problems  themselves.
        Increasingly Augmented  Reality  (AR)
        headsets are being used to allow experts
        to remotely instruct staff  on site.  Whilst
        this can  be done over 4G, the number  of
        dropouts  and high latency can make the
        experience  frustrating  and potentially
        unsafe for the person  being  supervised.
        Also, increasingly, workers and robots are
        co-existing in close proximity; for instance,
        a robot might lift a heavy part over a
        worker’s head while they fit it into place. As
        the robot assistant moves around, having
        a reliable low latency technology like 5G is   lasting impression than classroom-based   Looking to the future
        key to avoiding any accidents.       warnings.                           In the next few years, we expect to see 5G
                                                                                 being  widely deployed in manufacturing,
        5G  can  also  be  used to  support  Virtual   How has coronavirus changed things?  eclipsing private LTE due to its low latency,
        Reality  (VR) training, which has  been   Coronavirus  has  accelerated  the  high  availability and higher  bandwidth
        found  to be far  more effective in terms   digitisation of manufacturing, and interest   attributes.  Several  new developments
        of health and safety than less immersive   in using 5G. Traditionally, people  have   will further facilitate this. The use of mm
        technologies. As VR is so realistic, worse   been flown in to fix equipment, or to even   wave spectrum will support up to 10Gbps
        cases scenarios can be played out before   carry  out  routine  activities.  For  example,   connectivity  over  short  distances, whilst
        the trainee’s  eyes, leaving far  more of a   one food producer would fly in people from   network slicing will  enable  different
                                             another country to clean all the pipes in its   quality of service levels to be offered
                                             ice cream production lines following a shut   over public  networks to complement
           In the next few years,  we        down. This is currently not possible, and,   the existing private networks. OpenRAN
           expect  to see  5G being          in future, the way things have been done in   (Radio Access  Networks) will  encourage
                                                                                 a  wide range of  innovative  companies to
                                             the past is likely to change. Consequently,
           widely  deployed  in manu-        we  are  seeing an  increased focus on   join the big three in offering more choice,
           facturing, eclipsing private      factories  being  more  self-sufficient  and   more virtualisation and greater  flexibility
           LTE due to its low latency,       relying on collaboration tools  designed   for customers. Finally, we will start to see
                                             for ‘blue collar’ workers. 5G will be a key
                                                                                 greater  convergence  between  5G,  WIFI  6
           high availability and higher      enabler, driving efficiencies and supporting   and, eventually, fixed networks to provide a
           bandwidth          attributes.    employees as they collaborate.      seamless experience for users.

           Several new developments
           will further  facilitate  this.
           The use of mm wave spec-
           trum will  support up  to
           10Gbps  connectivity  over

           short  distances,  whilst
           network slicing will enable
           different quality of service
           levels  to  be  offered  over
           public networks to comple-
           ment  the  existing  private

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