Page 70 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
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                                                                                    5G is already powering
                                                                                    applications leveraging the
                                                                                    potential  of  the  Industrial
                                                                                    Internet.  With  solutions
                                                                                    tailored      for     different
                                                                                    sectors,     China      Mobile

                                                                                    offers  IoT cards, terminal
                                                                                    products  and integrated
                                                                                    solutions for smart homes,
                                                                                    cities and businesses.

                                                                                    increase connectivity.

                                                                                 •  Building a new ecosystem
                                                                                    In July 2020, more than 20 companies,
                                                                                    including  China  Mobile,  Fibercom,
          China Mobile and other industry players   and regions) have been available for 51   TVU  and other operators,  equipment
          are  working together  on an  initiative   operators using Non-Stand Alone (NSA)   manufacturers and industry  solution
          based on the ORAN (Open RAN) concept   architecture.                      providers,  jointly launched  the  5G
          that is expected to increase efficiencies,                                Internet of Things Innovation Program
          bring  substantial  cost savings for   •  Leveraging new technologies     to spearhead  the  growth of the digital
          all  operators,  and ultimately  bring   China Mobile has laid a solid foundation   economy  around  the world.  China
          numerous benefits to customers.      for wider industrial applications of   Mobile has  also  continued  to  expand
                                               5G with its investment  in building   its  global  Hand-in-Hand  (hi-H)
          All 5G roaming  with China  Mobile  is   the  infrastructure. The  application   Program. Launched in 2015 to enhance
          supported by China Mobile International   and integration  of new technologies   collaboration among partners from the
          (CMI) IPX, with its existing  74 IPX-  alongside 5G—with its high-speed, low-  ICT industry, and accelerate the shift to
          ready PoPs around the world. CMI has   latency and high-reliability  features—  5G, hi-H program has 27 members that
          optimized  IoT roaming  connectivity,   will  help  facilitate new innovations   serve over 3 billion mobile subscribers
          supporting 5G roaming since last year   and applications and accelerate digital   worldwide.
          and planning for NB-IoT roaming soon.   transformation  across  industries.
          This solution is not only one of the first   These  technologies  include  artificial   5G is  already powering  applications
          to market, but also easy to implement   intelligence,  IoT, cloud  computing, big   leveraging  the potential  of the Industrial
          and backed  by 24x7 service  support.   data, edge  computing  and blockchain.   Internet. With solutions tailored for different
          Until February 2021, China Mobile’s 5G   Together,  they  are  enabling  an  sectors,  China Mobile offers IoT cards,
          roaming services (covering 36 countries   Everything-as-a-Service (XaaS)  future   terminal products and integrated solutions
                                               that  will  have the potential to support   for smart  homes,  cities and businesses.
           All 5G roaming with China           high-quality economic  and social   Since  the  onset  of  the pandemic, China
           Mobile  is supported by             development.                      Mobile has  developed  anti-epidemic
                                                                                 solutions that  help companies safely
           China Mobile International          One    example   is   5G-powered  resume operations.
           (CMI) IPX, with its existing        connected  drones   for  industrial
           74 IPX-ready PoPs around            applications. Drones equipped  with   China   Mobile   firmly   believes   that
                                               high-resolution  cameras and infrared
           the  world.  CMI  has opti-         detection  technology  can be used   telecommunications value chain will need
           mized  IoT roaming  con-            for   emergency   communications,  to work together to ensure that 5G benefits
                                                                                 all industries and promotes the intelligent
                                               traffic  management,  agriculture  and
           nectivity, supporting  5G           environmental  monitoring,  power  line   interconnection  of sectors. This  is
           roaming  since  last  year          inspection,  surveying and inspections   important because the sustainable future
           and  planning  for  NB-IoT          at  construction sites.  Integrating the   development of 5G technology carries the
                                                                                 promise of a digital economy that improves
                                               use of drones in smart cities is top of
           roaming soon.                       mind for smart city planners looking to   people’s lives.

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