Page 86 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
P. 86


                         The  Minister  for  Rural  and  Maritime  Development,   Telecommunications  Act to make it  easier ‘to move
                         Inia  Seruiratu,  has  said  that  the  bill  to  amend  the   quickly in connecting the 5% of Fijians who face issues
                         Telecommunications Act is ‘long overdue’ and that work   regarding connectivity’. Whilst some progress has been
                         needs to be done to address problems of unconnected   made in recent years – by working with mobile, radio
        Fiji             areas across the country by strengthening the Universal   and  TV  companies  to  share  infrastructure  in  some
                         Service  Scheme.  While moving the  motion  to debate
                                                                        areas  –  much  more  needs  to  be  done.  The  Attorney
                         the bill to amend the Telecommunications Act 2008 in   General is quoted as saying that amongst other things,
                         parliament, Attorney General and Minister for Economy   they ‘are looking at one tower with many transmitters
                         Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum said that the  government   for these unconnected areas rather than having many
                         has  identified  300  sites  in  Fiji  that  do  not  have  any   towers in one small area because companies will not
                         connectivity – fixed or mobile – and that under existing   have to fork out that much money’.
                         legislation,  the  provisions  to  redress  that  are  slow.   (December 11, 2020) FijiVillage
                         Sayed-Khaiyum is  arguing  for an  amendment  to  the

                         The telecoms watchdog ARCEP has adopted a series   of  several  relevant  markets,  including  obligations  for
                         of  decisions,  updating  the  regulatory  framework  for   the SMP, and the imposition of maximum tariffs that
                         the  fixed  broadband  sector  following  the  completion   Orange can charge for access to its copper local loop
                         of a  market analysis  program that  lasted more than   during  the period  from 2021  to 2023.  The  relevant
        France           a  year  and  included  dialogue  with  operators,  the   markets  are:  a  separate  civil  engineering  market,  for
                                                                        the wholesale provision of access to physical civil
                         competition authority and the EC. According to ARCEP,
                         the decisions  are  aimed at  facilitating  the migration   engineering  infrastructure for  the deployment of
                         from  the  legacy  copper  network  to  fiber  whilst   communications networks; wholesale access provided
                         maintaining pro-investment regulation and energizing   at a fixed location (Market 3a), including unbundling of
                         the business market.  The watchdog  notes that  it  is   the local copper loop and sub-loop and passive offers
                         aiming to complete the switchover from copper to fiber   for  the  provision  of  optical  fiber;  wholesale  central
                         within the next ten years and to that end has opened   access  provided  at  a  fixed  location  (Market  3b);  and
                         the possibility of a commercial switch-off prior to the   wholesale quality access provided at a fixed location
                         technical switch-off, with the new regulations setting   (Market  4),  including  offers  specifically  intended  for
                         the terms and conditions for doing so. Although fixed   corporate end user sites or network elements. ARCEP
                         line  incumbent  Orange  France  has  confirmed  its   also adopted  a  decision  to implement  symmetric
                         intention to begin deactivating the copper network from   regulation of the fiber market, with the regulator having
                         2021, ARCEP notes that the telco’s plans are ‘far from   determined  that there is healthy  competition  in the
                         fully established’ and has encouraged the operator to   segment. Highlighting the progress in the fiber market,
                         provide clarity on its plans as soon as possible. The   the regulator noted that the availability of fiber-to-the-
                         decisions include several asymmetric regulations that   home (FTTH) products has risen from 11% in 2017 to
                         apply only to the provider with significant market power   nearly 88% in Q2 2020.
                         (SMP), namely Orange France. These were the definition   (December 21, 2020)

                         The National Communications  Authority (NCA) has   usage during the COVID-19 lockdown. In anticipation
                         granted  additional temporary  spectrum  at  no cost   of increased demand during  the election  period  and
                         to  MTN  and Vodafone  to  improve  their service to   Christmas season, the extra spectrum has again been
                         customers. The extra  5MHz  of frequencies  was   made available to prevent congestion and keep costs
        Ghana            initially made available to the  two cellcos  in April   reasonable for consumers.
                         2020 for a three-month period to address a surge in
                                                                        (December 1, 2020)

                         Vodafone  Greece  emerged as  the top spender  in  a   infrastructure, and development of new products and
                         Greek  auction  of  spectrum  earmarked  for  5G,  which   services. It  tipped  5G to boost the country’s  digital
                         raised a  total  of €372.1  million after six  rounds  of   transformation, “improving business competitiveness,
                         bidding.  In a translated statement, regulator  Hellenic   and contributing decisively to economic development
        Greece           Telecommunications  and Post  Commission said  the   and social prosperity”. The auction covered spectrum
                                                                        in  the  700MHz,  2GHz,  3.4GHz  to  3.8GHz  and  26GHz
                         sale  was  expected  to  yield  “significant  benefits”  for
                         the industry, paving the way for investment in critical   bands,  with  three  bidders  participating.  Vodafone

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