Page 85 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
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                         The Superintendency of Telecommunications (SUTEL)   as  new  operator  participation;  minimum  bandwidth
                         has reportedly launched a consultation into spectrum   requirements;  and  the  possibility  of  a  5G  wholesale
                         suitable for 5G use. The frequencies under discussion   network deployed by  state-backed Grupo  ICE.  The
                         include:  700MHz,  2300MHz,  3.3GHz-3.4GHz,  26GHz   consultation  was launched  on 25  November  and will
        Costa Rica       and 28GHz. The report says that the regulator is keen to   run for ten days.
                         gauge industry stakeholder feedback on subjects such   (December 1, 2020) El Financiero

                         Four  bidders  are  confirmed  for  Cyprus’  upcoming   under the Deputy Ministry of Innovation. Department of
                         5G mobile  spectrum  license auction  scheduled   Electronic Communications head George Komodromos
                         for  17  December  2020,  namely  Cyta  (Cytamobile-  told the Financial Mirror that delays in the process were
                         Vodafone),  PrimeTel,  Epic  and  Cablenet.  Six  2×5MHz   caused by extensions granted to interested parties for
        Cyprus           lots in the 700MHz band and eight 50MHz lots in the   credit facilities because of the ‘very high’ reserve price
                         3.6GHz  band  are  up  for  grabs,  via  four  concessions   for  each  license  –  CYP6  million  (USD12.4  million)  –
                         stipulating  deployment  of  5G  networks  covering  70%   while further application extensions had been granted
                         of the population alongside all major highways by 31   after authorities received new guidelines from the EU
                         December 2025. The auction is being conducted by the   on cybersecurity.
                         Department  of  Electronic  Communications,  currently   (December 9, 2020) The Financial Mirror

                         There will be no fourth operator licensed in the Ethiopian   suggestions regarding the RFP from would-be bidders,
                         telecoms  market for at  least ten years following  the   with the MoF and ECA expected to respond to those
                         initial  introduction  of  competition,  Addis  Fortune   in January 2021. A final version of the RFP, which will
                         reports, citing comments made by Brook Taye, a senior   incorporate  comments  from  the  bidders,  will  then
        Ethiopia         advisor at  the country’s  Ministry  of Finance (MoF).   be  released  29  January,  with  a  final  bid  submission
                         With  a  tender  for  two  new  licensees  having  officially   date of 5 March having been set. According to Brook,
                         gotten  underway  last  week,  the  winning  bidders  will   meanwhile,  with  the  way  in  which  the  bid  document
                         each receive 15-year concessions. According to Taye,   outlines the technical and financial requirements said
                         the current plans are for a ‘two plus one approach’ to   to be very objective and easy to measure, he said the
                         be followed once the market is opened up, and he noted   bid evaluation team aims  to complete  the selection
                         that during earlier consultation meetings regarding the   process and announce the winners less than a month
                         country’s liberalization plans, prospective bidders had   after the closing date. ‘We expected to announce the
                         requested between three to five years before any further   winners in March,’ the advisor added.
                         entrants  were  permitted.  However,  it  would  appear  a   (December 3, 2020)
                         longer period is being envisaged by the authorities, with
                         Taye noting that a market dynamics study conducted by   A request  for proposals (RFP)  for the award of two
                         the MoF and the Ethiopian Communications Authority   new telecoms licenses in Ethiopia has been launched
                         (ECA) had concluded that the market could work with   by the Ethiopian Communications Authority (ECA). In
                         three operators for a decade, with the advisor saying:   issuing its tender notice the ECA noted that companies
                         ‘With fair and equitable profit the market can absorb   interested in receiving the RFP documentation, which
                         three companies for ten years.’  Meanwhile, in return   contains ‘all details and instructions pertaining to the
                         for the grace period  it  was  noted  that  the winning   submission  of  proposals,  including  the  qualification
                         bidders will be subject to coverage requirements, with   criteria  and  conditions  for  eligibility  to  participate’,
                         these  including  reaching  98%  of  the  population  with   must send  a written request  by 10 December  2020.
                         voice  and  text  message  services  within  five  years.   Beyond that, the ECA has confirmed that it will accept
                         Failing  to  achieve  these  coverage  targets  will,  Brook   applications  for  one  of  the  new  licenses,  made  in
                         said, ‘result in a sanction’.mAs previously reported by   accordance  with  the guidelines  presented  in its  RFP
                         CommsUpdate, a request for proposals (RFP) for the   documentation,  until  5  March  2021.  As  previously
                         award of two new telecoms licenses was launched by   reported  by  CommsUpdate,  under  a  framework  for
                         the ECA last week, with interested parties given until 10   the liberalization and development  of the Ethiopian
                         December to submit a request for the documentation   telecoms sector, the ECA plans to award two nationwide
                         and state  their  intent to  take  part  in  the bidding   full service licenses  through  a  competitive bidding
                         process.  Following  this,  25  December  has  reportedly   process.
                         been set as a deadline for the receipt of questions and   (December 1, 2020)

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