Page 81 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
P. 81


        had a meeting with Kule AŞ Technical Operations Director Burhan   national means. Emphasizing that they target foreign markets by
        Kandemir, ERG Traffic Road Safety Manager Mustafa Akbaş from   exporting domestic products as well as getting a share from the
        Ankara-Niğde Highway Main Control Center and Captain Orhan   domestic market, which is only 1.6 billion lira annually and whose
        Kasap, Captain of Malta Flagged Ship "Atlantis Alhambra" on the   volume is increasing every year, Sayan said, "The annual telecom
        phone with the eSIM application. (December 24, 2020)  market size in the world is  estimated to be around  200  billion
                                                               dollars. "We should evaluate 5G technologies and the interaction
        End-to-End Domestic and National 5G Communication Network   of 5G with vertical sectors and take our share from this cake and
        Project  6th  Workshop  and  Executive  Board  Meeting  was  held   thus contribute to the reduction of our country's current account
        online with the support of HTK, BTK, OSTİM and TÜBİTAK. Deputy   deficit."  BTK  President  Ömer  Abdullah  Karagözoğlu  stated
        Minister of Transport  and Infrastructure Dr.  Ömer Fatih  Sayan   that mobile operators have a lot of work to ensure the success
        stated that the use of domestic and national technologies in 5G   and continuity of locally and nationally  developed  products.
        works is of great importance and reminded President Erdoğan's   Karagözoğlu said, "While I appreciate the support of our operators
        words "We cannot switch to 5G without establishing a local 5G   in this project so far, I would like to remind you that their duties
        technology infrastructure." Drawing attention to the targets set in   are not over. I ask them to see the development and use of the
        this way, Sayan said, "As a part of the National Technology Move,   products in question as a part of the business and to continue
        we continue our work in line with our goal to be among the first   their support increasingly." Drawing attention to the importance
        countries to switch to 5G and beyond technologies with domestic   of using domestic products primarily in the supply of products
        and national products and this vision set by our President. 2023   by  the  operators,  Karagözoğlu  said,  "Our  development  and  use
        our  vision  is  situated,  science,  have  competence  in  technology   of domestic and national products is of vital importance not only
        and innovation, producing added value of a Turkey always people   economically,  but  also  in  terms  of  ensuring  the  security  of  our
        mainly in the direction of the target, which can increase based on   country in cyber space. We prepared a draft regarding the changes
        the power of their brain, an approach that values the citizens and   planned to be made in the procedures and principles regarding
        we are continuing our work in accordance with the new Turkey's   the examination  and supervision of hardware and software
        soul,  "he  said.  Within  the  scope  of  the  "End-to-End  Domestic   investments, and presented them to the public opinion. After the
        and National  5G  Communication  Network  Project" carried out   speeches, 5G demos were held in laboratories in Türk Telekom-
        by  HTK  member  companies  and  supported  by  the  TUBITAK   Ümraniye, Turkcell-Kartal, Vodafone-Maslak, HAVELSAN-Ankara.
        Presidency,  Sayan  provides  local  support  of  critical  network   Later,  data  was  shared  over  5G  by  connecting  to  the  5G  Base
        hardware  and  software  specific  to  this  technology  such  as  5G   Station  Radiolink  on  Yuşa  Hill,  Istanbul  Anatolian  Side,  and
        new radio, 5G core network, 5G administrative support software,   Istanbul Technical  University (ITU) Teknokent on the European
        5G virtualization platform. and said that it was developed using   Side. (December 16, 2020)

                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The  8th  edition  of  ‘Sada  Al  Barq’  exercise  for  the  National   every part of our beloved country. This year, as with every year,
        Emergency  Telecommunication  Plan,  organized  virtually  by  the   we see the importance of this harmony in the distribution of roles
        Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has concluded.   to ensure a coordinated response among stakeholders, whether
        It was attended by telecom service providers in the UAE including   in anticipating risks or in responding to them to achieve a rapid
        Emirates   Telecommunication   Group   Company   (Etisalat),   recovery  and mitigate  potential impacts."  He  stressed that  the
        Emirates  Integrated  Telecommunications  Company  (du) and Al   UAE demonstrated this year that it is highly capable of addressing
        Yah Satellite Communication  Company  (Yahsat).  This exercise   risks, adding, "We have demonstrated with undisputed proof that
        comes under the framework of the initiative "Telecom business   our efforts over the past years have paid off in a way placing the
        continuity in emergency, crisis and disaster", which serves TRA’s   UAE among  the  most advanced nations in terms of resilience
        strategic goal in the UAE  and helps implement  a  regulatory   and  continuity  of  different  aspects  of  life,  despite  the  ferocity
        framework that stimulates competition and develops the quality   of the pandemic and mounting  concerns.  Thanks to  the vital
        of  services  provided.  The  exercise,  organized  by  TRA  as  the   infrastructure of the telecom sector, more than a million students
        driving force of the UAE telecom sector, was attended by trained   were able to continue their education remotely, while hundreds
        teams from Etisalat, du and Yahsat. The exercise was conducted   of thousands of employees  were able to work from home,  and
        in a hypothetical scenario to gauge the sector’s readiness to deal   people  could  do their shopping  from e-commerce  platforms."
        with  unexpected,  unusual  and  concurrent  events.  Commenting   TRA said that ‘Sada Al Barq’ has gauged the sector’s readiness
        on  this  exercise,  Hamad  Obaid  Al  Mansoori,  TRA  Director-  to handle unexpected, unusual and concurrent events, in order to
        General, said, "For the 8th consecutive year, we conduct this key   show the efficiency of procedures and viability of operations with
        exercise with our strategic partners, reflecting our joint work as   emergencies and crises, and demonstrate the ability to deal with
        a  national  team  to  ensure the continued  effectiveness of the   unusual and concurrent circumstances.
        telecom infrastructure and access to services by customers in   (December 30, 2020)

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