Page 84 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
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                         they blocked more than 30 million scam calls over the   from industry  and consumers  on the long-term
                         last 12 months during trials of methods to combat the   effectiveness and enforceability of Google’s suggested
                         problem. “The code is a unique and ground-breaking   actions are due by 9 December. The company pledged
                         contribution to global regulatory efforts to prevent the   not to  employ  users’ health data  for advertising
                         harms  caused  by  scammers”,  Fiona  Cameron,  chair   purposes  for  ten  years,  to  address  ACCC  concerns
                         of  the ACMA’s  Scam Telecommunications Action   over the  access  Google  would  gain  to  “unique  and
                         Taskforce, said. “It is a holistic, end-to-end framework   substantial” details.  Google  also  committed  to
                         for effective scam reduction activity”. Operators face   maintain access for third parties including health and
                         penalties  of  up  to  AUD250,000  for  failure  to  comply   fitness apps to data collected on wearable devices, and
                         with the new code. (December 2, 2020)  maintain  interoperability between non-Fitbit devices
                                                                        and Android smartphones, again for periods spanning a
                         The   Australian  Competition  and  Consumer   decade. All pledges would be enforceable by a court and
                         Commission (ACCC) opened a public consultation on   Sims emphasized the body “has not decided whether
                         remedies  offered  by  Google  to  alleviate  competitive   ot not it will ultimately accept any undertaking”. The
                         concerns  raised by  a  proposed  acquisition of  Fitbit.   company offered similar commitments to the European
                         In  a  statement,  ACCC  chair  Rod  Sims  said  feedback   Commission to gain its clearance for the $2.1 billion
                         will assist in deciding “whether the behavioral remedy   acquisition: the Commission last month extended the
                         proposed  is  capable of addressing our competition   deadline for issuing its decision into early 2021.
                         concerns  regarding  the transaction”. Submissions   (December 1, 2020)

                         The  National  Telecommunications  Agency  (ANATEL)   previously reported by TeleGeography’s CommsUpdate,
                         has  confirmed  that  it  approved  the  takeover  of   in  August  Bordeaux  was  crowned  as  the  winner
                         Sercomtel Telecomunicacoes by the Bordeaux Fundo   following the privatization auction for Sercomtel. The
                         de Investimento em  Participacoes  Multiestrategia   auction involved a modest upfront fee of BRL50 million
        Brazil           (Bordeaux  Multi-Strategic  Investment  Fund)  on   (USD9.1 million) alongside an additional BRL80 million
                         7  December.  The watchdog notes that  the deal   commitment.  Subsequently,  in  November  Bordeaux
                         had previously been  given  the green  light by the   was named as the winning bidder for Copel Telecom,
                         Administrative  Council  for  Economic  Defence  following  an  18-round  auction.  Copel  confirmed  that
                         (Conselho  Administrativo  de  Defesa  Economica,   the final bidding price reached BRL2.395 billion.
                         CADE).  The  Bordeaux  Fund  is  now  free  to  complete   (December 8, 2020)
                         its  takeover  of  99.99%  of  the  regional  operator.  As

                         The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications   prompted by a number of applications for frequencies
                         and Posts (ARCEP) has launched a public consultation   in recent years, following an earlier decision to suspend
                         on the allocation of spectrum  for the provision of   allocations due to congestion in some spectrum bands
                         fixed  internet  services.  The  regulator  has  invited   earmarked  for  fixed  wireless  connectivity.  ARCEP  is
        Burkina          comments  from stakeholders  regarding a  range of   considering  using  the  following  frequencies  for  WiLL
        Faso             issues,  including:  the  frequency  bands,  technologies   internet  services:  1900MHz-1920MHz;  2300MHz-
                                                                        2400MHz;  2500MHz-2690MHz;  2570MHz-2620MHz;
                         and  duplexing  mode  (FDD  or  TDD)  to  be  used;  the
                         amount of  spectrum and  the size  of  the frequency   3300MHz-3400MHz;  and  3400MHz-3600MHz.  It  has
                         blocks to be made available; the geographic coverage   urged service providers to consider the availability of
                         of  licenses;  and  the  method  adopted  for  allocating   affordable terminals when selecting a band.
                         frequencies. The consultation will run until 5 January   (December 2, 2020)
                         2021. According to ARCEP, the consultation has been

                         The Cyberspace  Administration of China (CAC)   argued  the  personal  details collected  by apps often
                         reportedly set out draft regulations designed to restrict   went beyond  the  scope  of their use. The  guidelines
                         collection  of personal  user  details by apps. Reuters   are expected to cover close to 40 categories of apps,
                         reported CAC opened  a  public  consultation  on the   including  messaging,  payments,  shopping  and  taxi-
        China            proposed  rules,  seeking  feedback  by  16  December.   booking services. China’s move to tighten app practices
                         The news  agency stated the  body is  concerned   is tipped to be part of broader government efforts to
                         about  data  protection  and potential mismanagement   curb tech giants’ dominance by outlining rules to tackle
                         of information  by app companies.  CAC reportedly   anti-monopolistic behavior.(December 2, 2020)
                                                                                                    84  DECEMBER 2020
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