Page 54 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
P. 54


        Spacex Satellite Internet Starlink Being Tested in Remote Areas of Canada

        Elon Musk's new satellite internet  ser-  the second  the federal government  con-  several years to try to improve their con-
        vice  is being  tested by some  Canadians   siders a standard minimum for broadband.   nectivity.  When  he  heard  about  Starlink,
        in rural and remote parts  of the country.   At  work,  Kejick  couldn't  open  large  email   Brown jokingly promised his staff he would
        It's supposed to give them a good quali-  attachments. He described  the service   directly contact SpaceX's Musk — who re-
        ty,  high-speed  internet  connection,  but   as  "deplorable."  At  the  end  of  November,   cently  surpassed  Microsoft  founder  Bill
        it's not cheap and some say the low-orbit   Pikangikum  became  the  first  Indigenous   Gates as one of the world's richest people,
        Starlink satellites are ruining their view of   community  to  get  connected  to  Starlink,   second  only  to  Amazon  CEO  Jeff  Bezos.
        the night sky.  When Vernon  Kejick  got a   with  60  dishes reserved for homes and   Brown didn't reach Musk, but he did secure
        first  taste  of  Starlink  satellite  internet  on   businesses  in  the community in  the ini-  dozens  of dishes for Pikangikum. FSET
        the Pikangikum First Nation, his initial re-  tial  phase  of  installation,  and  potentially   recently helped install the first batch. And
        view was succinct. "All I can say is it's a   another 40 by the end of December. Now,   the result, Brown said, was better than he
        lot faster than what I had before," he said.   Kejick said his devices have been reaching   expected.  Starlink  is  "a  wonderful  thing,"
        Kejick's  response highlights  a  long-run-  144 megabits per second. Not only can he   he said.  "It's  going to change  the world
        ning disparity that may finally have met a   quickly download attachments, Kejick said   for people." Across Canada, only 40.8 per
        resolution.  Starlink,  the  new  high-speed   his wife has finally been able to chat with   cent of rural communities have access to
        internet service  provided by  Elon Musk's   relatives in the Philippines over FaceTime.   adequate broadband, according to federal
        U.S.-based SpaceX firm, and recently ap-  "It's as if you're sitting in the same room,"   data. Greg  Rekounas,  a database  admin-
        proved by the CRTC, does have drawbacks.   he  said.  In  Pikangikum,  however,  Starlink   istrator who has long worked from home,
        It's  expensive.  And stargazers fear it  will   could  offer more fundamental  changes.   said he contacted various service providers
        ruin the night sky. But for users in rural and   Kejick, a victim services advocate with the   and  could  never  find  suitable  broadband
        remote areas who've long struggled to ob-  Ontario  Ministry  of  the  Attorney  General,   for his house on New Brunswick's Kings-
        tain internet access on equal footing with   said  he hopes victims  of  crime  will  now   ton Peninsula, near Saint John. The quality
        Canadians in urban areas, Starlink is offer-  be  able  to  testify  virtually,  lessening  the   of his home connection suffered under the
        ing hope. The service was recently made   burden on  them.  Members of the remote   strain of increased streaming and surfing
        available to select users for "beta testing,"   Ojibwe community hope  the  faster inter-  during  the pandemic. So when  he heard
        with the  promise of wider availability  in   net will remove barriers to access virtual   about Starlink, he signed up in November
        2021.  In  Pikangikum,  a  fly-in  community   healthcare  services  and  education,  too.   to become one of the company's Canadian
        of  2,800  residents  in  northwest  Ontario,   "It's doing everything that people are ask-  beta testers. Rekounas received an email
        Kejick said  he'd become  accustomed  to   ing it to do," said David Brown, CEO of FSET   saying  he'd  been  selected,  and  received
        download  speeds  of only 2 megabits per   Information Technology in Kenora, Ont. His   the installation kit within days.
        second — a fraction of the 50 megabits per   firm had been working with Pikangikum for

        China to Build Over a Million New 5G Stations Next Year

        Chinese telecom carriers have managed to build more than 600,000
        new 5G base stations this year, in addition to about 100,000 5G stations
        built in 2019, said Wu Hequan, an academic at the Chinese Academy
        of Engineering. The country’s telecom carriers are likely to build more
        than a million new 5G base stations next year. That would bring the
        total number of 5G base stations in China to more than 1.7 million by
        the end of 2021, Wu told the China Daily. "As the construction of 5G
        networks accelerates, the cost of building each 5G base station will
        go down. Even if Chinese telecom carriers earmark the same amount
        of 5G investments in 2022 as they have done this year, they can build
        far more 5G base stations next year than this year," Wu explained. "I
        believe Chinese telecom carriers will build more than one million 5G
        base stations next year, though the specific construction targets will
        have  to  wait  for  the  telecom  carriers'  official  announcements,"  he
        added. According to him, 5G services are at the moment available in
        all  Chinese cities at  prefecture  level  and above.  China’s  Ministry  of
        Industry and Information Technology said in October the country will
        continue to build 5G networks "moderately” ahead of schedule.

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