Page 55 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
P. 55


        Sateliot received ITU's OK to Launch Smallsat Constellation Comprising as

        Many as 100 Small Satellites

        The  International Telecommunication  Union  (ITU) has given   for  January.  In  particular,  the  company  proposes  to  include  in
        Sateliot the green light to start coordinating the frequencies of its   the  definition  of  the  standard  a  scenario  for  LEO  nanosatellite
        smallsat constellation with telecoms operators. Sateliot is thereby   networks providing IOT services. The space sector is experiencing
        taking  a  further step toward  their goal  of democratizing  the   a new paradigm in which the size of electronics, costs and times
        Internet of Things (IOT) with 5G coverage through a constellation   are being reduced, giving rise to a real “democratization of space,”
        of as many as 100 nanosatellites; devices that will function as   with more competitive innovation cycles and more possibilities of
        telecommunication  towers from space  providing  an extension   deploying not one but tens or hundreds of satellites progressively
        of coverage to  telecommunication companies  where  terrestrial   to provide services on a global scale. In defining the standards,
        networks cannot reach. Once this first procedure with the body in   it is important to take into account that, if previously only large
        charge of defining the use of the terrestrial and satellite spectrum   geostationary devices the size of a bus, developed over decades
        has been completed, the company will start a round of talks with the   and priced between 100 and 500 million, it is now possible to offer
        space operators and the relevant public administrations to ensure   connectivity through satellites the size of a microwave, developed
        the compatibility of their frequencies so that telecommunications   in a matter of months and priced between 1 and 5 million. This
        companies  can  access the roaming  service provided by  the   means that New Space is configured as one of the great motors of
        smallsats. The ITU is not the only body that has endorsed Sateliot,   the economy, due to its high added value, its capacity to generate
        as the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) working group   employment and large investments in the coming years, which will
        for non-terrestrial IoT networks — which brings together leading   be called upon to drive the recovery. In fact, in Spain alone in 2019,
        representatives of the telecommunications  industry  and other   this sector moved nearly one billion euros and contributed 0.5%
        non-governmental organizations for the definition of the new 5G   to the national GDP. Moreover, Spain is in the top five European
        standard —  has recently  agreed  to take Sateliot’s proposal up   countries by number of employees in this industry, according to
        for  discussion  for  final decision  at the  next  meeting  scheduled   TEDAE figures.

        Hybrid 5G/Satellite Testing Facility to Open in UK Next Year

        A facility for testing 5G and satellite technology is to be created at   helping us tackle Covid-19,” said science minister Amanda Sol-
        the Harwell Campus in Oxfordshire, with £3m in government fund-  loway. “This new state of the art facility backed by Government
        ing. The engineering hub, which is due for completion in 2021, will   funding  will  enable our brightest  researchers and engineers  to
        provide a base for UK researchers and businesses to experiment,   better understand how 5G can help connect us all, creating new
        and will allow teams to test the benefits of hybrid 5G and satellite   business opportunities, while delivering green efficiencies across
        communications networks. The hope is that once the technology   the UK.” Elodie Viau, director of telecommunications at ESA, said:
        is demonstrated, the techniques can be rolled out to other busi-  “ESA’s novel 5G Hub will  showcase how space  technology  en-
        nesses across the UK. The center is being backed by a European   ables connectivity, partnering with industry to foster innovation
        Space Agency contract, and will be carrying out a project to see   in  the  realms  of  autonomous  vehicles  and  smart  cities,  and  to
        whether rural communities can be connected to 5G in the most   enable machines to exchange information with one another via
        affordable way possible. Currently, the limited range of 5G anten-  the  Internet  of Things.”  “Adding satellites to existing  terrestrial
        nas  means  the  networking  standard  will  be  mostly  confined  to   5G infrastructure is essential to ensure a reliable and safe tele-
        high density population areas like cities, meaning that many rural   communications network that supports such connectivity, which
        locales will lose out, at least in the short term. Huawei initially pro-  in turn promotes a seamless and more environmentally friendly
        vided much of the infrastructure needed to supply 5G, but the UK   experience. Investing in space improves life on Earth.” This UK
        Government ultimately banned its involvement due to the firm’s   is keen to be a global leader in 5G due to the potential billions in
        close ties with the Chinese State. This last minute change could   economic gains that this could provide. Last month, the Govern-
        threaten to delay the nationwide rollout of 5G. “This year staying   ment acquired bankrupt firm OneWeb which is launching a satel-
        connected has taken on a new profound importance – from keep-  lite constellation up into space with the ultimate goal of beaming
        ing in touch with loved ones and competing in Zoom quizzes, to   broadband-speed internet back down to Earth.

        Spacex Secures FCC Rural Broadband Funding

        Aerospace   company   SpaceX   was   Communications Commission (FCC) rural   plan to  deliver internet  connectivity  from
        awarded almost $1 billion from a Federal   broadband  fund,  boosting  the  company’s   a fleet of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites.

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