Page 49 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
P. 49


        Abu Dhabi's Strata Seeks More Satellite Manufacturing Contracts as It Taps

        into Space Sector

        Abu  Dhabi's  Strata,  the  manufacturer  of
        composite  plane  parts,  is  seeking  new
        space  work packages in the UAE and
        abroad  to  produce  satellite  parts,  in  a
        move to further diversify its business at a
        time of uncertainty for global aviation. The
        company, owned by Mubadala Investment
        Company,  is  in  talks  with  European
        satellite manufacturers on 3D printing and
        producing  some  components  in  the  UAE,
        Ismail  Abdulla,  chief  executive  of  Strata,
        told The National  on Tuesday. Strata  is
        also in discussions  with the Mohammed
        Bin  Rashid  Space  Centre  (MBRSC)  for
        additional projects after an agreement to
        make  parts  for  the  MBZ-Sat.  "Our  space
        ambitions are to be a local manufacturer   we  start  manufacturing  in  the  UAE,"  he   the work on time," Mr. Abdulla said during
        of space systems in the UAE and for other   said. Mr.  Abdulla  insisted  that aerospace   the conference.  "Now we celebrate the
        entities in the world," he said. "The major   is still an important part of Strata's plans.   production  of  the  787-vertical  fin  during
        aim  is  to  localize  space  manufacturing,   The  distribution of Covid-19 vaccines   the  most  difficult  time  for  the  industry."
        that's  a  step  up  for  us  in  this  market,   on a  global scale will  boost passengers'   Some  50 engineers  and technicians are
        and to diversify work packages."  Strata's   confidence in air travel, he said. "It will send   working on the 787 vertical fin production
        pivot  into  the space supply chain  is  part   the right signal for people who didn’t want   line  and,  once  production  ramps  up,
        of Abu Dhabi's focus on high-technology   to travel because of Covid-19, it will give   this will increase to 75 workers by the
        manufacturing and the UAE's wider space   them the courage and comfort to take the   end  of  2022.  Strata  Plus,  the  company's
        ambitions. The move also  underscores   vaccine and travel," he said. Given the lag   expanded  manufacturing  plant in Al Ain
        the company's  efforts  to diversify its   time  after  the  aviation  industry  recovers,   that  assembles  the  787  vertical  fins,
        operations  following an  earlier foray  to   it  could take about two  to  four  years  for   will also see robots working on the shop
        produce  personal  protective equipment   aircraft  orders  to  pick  up,  he  said.  Next   floor in future. Among  Strata's  research
        (PPE).  This comes  as the  Covid-19   year will be "busy" for Strata, when it hopes   and  development  plans  with  Boeing,  one
        pandemic  plunged  the global aviation   to finalize aerostructures and space deals   project will be to introduce robotic drilling
        industry into its worse crisis but also   as it engages with several companies, he   in vertical fin production, Mr. Abdulla said.
        drove demand  for PPE.  Strata's  venture   said. "2021 will be a solid year for Strata,   Challenges  of completing  production
        as  a  satellite parts  maker builds on its   the discussions we are having now are very   during the pandemic included the logistics
        aerospace experience as a supplier for the   positive and lots of entities are engaging   of sending Strata employees for training in
        world's  biggest  planemakers  Boeing  and   with  us  to  introduce  in-country  value,"   Boeing's facilities in the US and applying
        Airbus, Mr. Abdulla said. Its diversification   Mr.  Abdulla  said.  In  terms  of  financing   strict health and safety regulations in its Al
        into space is  linked with  the UAE's  own   requirements,  Strata  has  secured  loans   Ain plant. "When it came to the production
        plans to localize space  manufacturing   from local  banks for working capital  this   line, the curveball with the pandemic was
        and the country's ambitious space plans.   year  and  the  next,  he  said,  declining  to   historic,"  Mr.  Abdulla  said.  Strata  signed
        "We  have  the  infrastructure,  the  footprint   provide details.  The executive  described   the contract with Boeing for production of
        and some knowledge  to build on so we   his outlook for 2021 as  "challenging  but   the 787 vertical fins in 2016 during the UK's
        want part of that story," Mr. Abdulla said.   optimistic".  The  comments came  after   Farnborough airshow. The vertical fin will
        The executive said the company's plans to   Strata said it delivered its first Boeing 787   be installed on 787 fuselages at Boeing’s
        diversify into health-tech are progressing   vertical  fin  –  a  component  that  provides   North Charleston facility in South Carolina
        with  the  setup of a  steering  committee   stability to the aircraft – to the Chicago-  starting in early 2021. To date, Strata has
        composed of Mubadala's healthcare unit,   based planemaker. The delivery, made on   begun assembly of an additional five 787
        Strata  and Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi to   December  2,  marks  the  first  787  vertical   vertical fin shipsets, it said in a statement
        identify products in high demand that can   fin fully assembled outside of Boeing's US   on Tuesday.  As part  of Strata's  10-year
        be made locally. "Pace-makers are highly   facilities, Mr. Abdulla told an online press   partnership with Boeing, the UAE supplier
        demanded,  based  on  these  discussions,   briefing. "With the Covid-19 pandemic, we   also  makes  777  empennage  ribs,  787
        and we're looking  at  opportunities for   faced some complications and challenges,   vertical fin ribs and composite empennage
        partners to bring in their  expertise and   but the team was able to deliver and finish   ribs for Boeing’s new 777X airplane.

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