Page 58 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
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                                              WHOLESALE NEWS

        ARCEP Adopts New Decisions on Fixed Broadband Wholesale Market

        French  telecoms  watchdog   ARCEP   copper  network  from  2021,  ARCEP  notes
        has  adopted  a  series  of  decisions,   that  the telco’s  plans are ‘far  from fully
        updating  the regulatory  framework for   established’  and has encouraged  the
        the  fixed  broadband  sector  following  the   operator to provide clarity on its plans as
        completion of a market analysis program   soon  as possible. The decisions  include
        that lasted more than a year and included   several asymmetric regulations that apply
        dialogue  with  operators,  the  competition   only to the provider with significant market   provision of optical fiber; wholesale central
        authority and the EC. According to ARCEP,   power  (SMP),  namely  Orange  France.   access provided at a fixed location (Market
        the decisions  are aimed at  facilitating   These  were  the  definition  of  several   3b); and wholesale quality access provided
        the migration from  the legacy copper   relevant markets, including obligations for   at  a  fixed  location  (Market  4),  including
        network  to  fiber  whilst  maintaining  pro-  the SMP, and the imposition of maximum   offers  specifically  intended  for  corporate
        investment regulation  and energizing the   tariffs that Orange can charge for access   end user sites or network elements. ARCEP
        business market. The watchdog notes that   to its copper local loop during the period   also adopted  a decision  to implement
        it  is  aiming to complete  the switchover   from 2021 to 2023. The relevant markets   symmetric  regulation  of  the  fiber  market,
        from  copper  to  fiber  within  the  next  ten   are:  a  separate  civil  engineering  market,   with the regulator  having determined
        years  and to  that  end has  opened  the   for the wholesale provision of access to   that  there is  healthy competition  in the
        possibility of a  commercial switch-off   physical civil engineering  infrastructure   segment. Highlighting the progress in the
        prior to the technical switch-off, with the   for the deployment of  communications   fiber  market,  the  regulator  noted  that  the
        new regulations setting the terms and   networks;  wholesale  access  provided  at   availability  of  fiber-to-the-home  (FTTH)
        conditions for doing so. Although fixed line   a  fixed  location  (Market  3a),  including   products  has  risen  from  11%  in  2017  to
        incumbent  Orange  France  has  confirmed   unbundling  of  the local copper loop   nearly 88% in Q2 2020.
        its  intention  to  begin  deactivating the   and sub-loop  and passive offers for the

        Cityfibre Confirms Wholesale Deals with Four More ISPs

                                                                                 HighNet  will launch  consumer services
                                                                                 in Inverness  before expansion across
                                                                                 other  Scottish markets. In the South  of
                                                                                 England,  Triangle  Networks  will  offer  its
                                                                                 services  in  Milton  Keynes,  with  Trunk
                                                                                 Networks to begin by marketing its full
                                                                                 fiber services in Eastbourne and Worthing,
                                                                                 before adding new locations  across
                                                                                 the  South.  Commenting  on  the  matter,
                                                                                 CityFibre CEO Greg Mesch said: ‘CityFibre
                                                                                 has always set out to be the spark that
        British  pure  fiber  provider  CityFibre  has   its  networks.  All  four  ISPs  are reportedly   will  drive  competition  in  the  market  –  at
        announced the signing of wholesale deals   already mobilizing in preparation for what   both the infrastructure and retail  layer.
        with  four  more  ISPs,  with  these  to  offer   CityFibre termed ‘imminent’ consumer   As we welcome four more partners to our
        services  over  its  fiber-to-the-premises   launches, with it also noted that some of   growing full fiber networks, we are seeing
        (FTTP) network. In a press confirming the   the four – though it did not specify which   that competition brought to life. In just over
        development,  CityFibre  named  its  new   –  have  chosen  to  do  so  under  newly-  two years, we have created a competitive
        ISP  partners  as  Air  Broadband,  HighNet,   created consumer  brands.  In  terms  of   ecosystem  for ISPs  that  will  result in
        Triangle  Networks  and  Trunk  Networks,   initial  coverage  areas,  Air  Broadband  will   greater choice for ISPs, better services for
        saying that each has committed to    at first provide services over the CityFibre   consumers  and a  better outcome for the
        acquiring  ‘significant  volumes’  of  new   network  in  Cambridge,  Ipswich,  Bury  St   entire country.’
        customers  in towns and cities across   Edmunds and Lowestoft, while in Scotland,

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