Page 37 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
P. 37


        GCC Payments Industry Set to Leapfrog Other Economies in 2021

        Increased  digitalization and major shifts   the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority   that the value of transactions will exceed
        in  the  fintech  landscape,  accelerated  by   (SAMA) advised that the country’s cashless   $4bn  by  year  end.  Buhejji  added:  “While
        the global coronavirus pandemic, will see   transactions  target  of  28  percent  by  the   no-one could have predicted a pandemic,
        the GCC payments industry leapfrog other   end of 2020 had already been significantly   the Gulf has been well prepared. In Bahrain
        major  economies  in  2021.  Dalal  Buhejji,   exceeded  with  e-transactions making up   we laid the groundwork  for coping  with
        financial  services  director  at  the  Bahrain   37  percent  of  all  financial  transaction  in   this shift in consumer  behavior when  we
        Economic  Development  Board,  said:   the kingdom.  A  similar  result emerged in   brought in a number of tech-friendly laws
        “There is no doubt Covid-19 has catalyzed   the UAE, where a survey by Dubai Police,   and regulations, introduced a commercial
        digitalization  across  the  region,  and  the   Dubai Economy and Visa earlier this year   5G  network  and  brought  AWS’  first  data
        way  Gulf citizens  spend  has changed  for   revealed  that  68  percent  of  respondents   center in the GCC to the kingdom. “Where
        good.”  In 2020 the Arab Monetary Fund   in  the UAE  have  reduced  shopping in-  previously the Gulf may have been typecast
        launched ‘Buna’, a cross-border payments   store since the outbreak of the pandemic,   as late adopters of emerging technologies,
        platform for the Arab World, while the GCC   while 49 percent shop  more online.  In   statistics like these show we are not only
        countries  launched  the GCC  Payments   Bahrain,   transactions   on   payments   closing the gap  between  us  and other
        Company,  which  will  build  and  operate  a   platform  BenefitPay  are  reported  to  have   regions,  we  will  soon  be  leapfrogging
        cross-border,  multi-currency,  real-time   increased by a staggering 367 percent so   them. It’s a very dynamic time for the entire
        system across the region. Consumers are   far  this  year,  crossing  the  BHD1.5  billion   Gulf ecosystem.”
        also  becoming  increasingly comfortable   ($3.99bn) threshold in November. With the
        with digital payments. In September 2020,   festive season approaching, it looks likely

        IBM Opens its First-Ever Security Operations Center in Saudi Arabia

        US multinational IBM Security announced
        the  official  opening  of  its  first  security
        operations  center  in Saudi Arabia.  The
        Riyadh center will offer IBM’s private and
        government sector clients in the Kingdom
        the option  of managing  their security
        operations  around  the clock  via  the
        company’s staff and local infrastructure.
        The new  facility  will  focus  on supporting
        clients  responding  to  cybersecurity
        incidents  as  well  as  helping  manage
        emerging  threats  through  real-time
        analysis and early warning notification of
        security events. IBM Security analysts and
        experts will assist  clients  with expedited   Hossam  Seif  El-Din,  IBM  Middle  East   X-Force,  there  was  40  percent  increase
        incident  investigations and  remediation   and  Pakistan  general  manager,  said  in   in  security  incidents  in  the  first  three
        plans.  According  to  a  recent  IBM  study,   a statement. “We are seeing a lot of new   months  of 2020 globally compared  with
        data breaches  on companies  in Saudi   threat actors looking to take advantage of   the same period in 2019. The opening of
        Arabia cost firms $6.53 million on average   the confusion and uncertainty surrounding   the  new  IBM  Riyadh  facility  comes  after
        per breach — higher than the global average   COVID-19. Therefore, we are also looking   a  survey  commissioned  earlier  this  year
        of $3.86 million per breach. IBM Managed   to use the new center  to drive education   by  cybersecurity  firm  Tenable  found  that
        Security Services manages more than 150   and awareness to  help clients defend   95 percent of businesses in the Kingdom
        billion  security  events  daily on average.   themselves   from   potential   threats,”   last  year experienced  a  cyberattack. In
        “The  launch  of  IBM’s  security  operations   he added.  The  rapid shift  to  remote   addition, 85 percent of Saudi respondents
        center  in Saudi Arabia is a critical   workforces amid the pandemic health   to the study said that they had witnessed a
        investment not only in helping our clients   crisis and a  corresponding  increase in   dramatic increase in the number of attacks
        respond  to  ever-increasing cybersecurity   attacks by cyber criminals have combined   in the past two years. Companies said they
        incidents but also in providing them with   to create unparalleled  cybersecurity   had suffered loss of customer or employee
        local data  residency  to support  their   challenges  for organizations across   data, ransomware payment demands and
        preferences  and  industry  requirements,”   the  globe.  According  to  IBM  Security   financial loss or theft.

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