Page 32 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
P. 32



        5G Technology Gives Internet of Things Fresh Impetus

                                “CMI  is expanding  its business  from  communication  services to
                                information  services and refocusing  its business  from  mobile  market

                                to accelerate digital transformation in the economy and society,” said
                                Andrew Niu, Chief Partnership Officer at CMI.

        The Internet of Things (IoT) has in recent   The roll-out of 5G in a growing number of   no longer will your navigation device say to
        years  worked its  way  into most  aspects   countries  around  the  world,  which  began   turn right just after you’ve passed the road
        of everyday life, so much so that its true   in  2018  and  is  ongoing,  and  the  broader   on the right. The low latency is expected
        value  is  diluted  by  familiarity.  But  it’s   appetite for the technology  reflects   to help  virtual and augmented  reality
        arguably the single biggest  technological   companies’ and governments’ recognition   applications take off.
        advance of the past 25 years, one that has   of what’s at stake. According to McKinsey
        transformed  all  aspects  of  industry,  the   & Co., the potential economic impact of IoT   Countries and territories with infrastructure
        ways cities work and the way we live our   by 2025 will be as much as US$11.1 trillion   that’s not up to speed with 5G will become
        lives.                               per year. The existence and efficacy of the   less  competitive.  So,  the  need  for  it  is
                                             5G network will be critical for that.  paramount. The new 5G technology  will
        Each generation of network  technology                                   drive a variety of applications, particularly
        from 1G to 4G has heralded a swathe of new   To help break that huge sum down a little,   in the IoT and machine-to-machine (M2M)
        innovation, products, lifestyle changes and   McKinsey  research on 5G  deployment in   areas.  By  mid-year  2020,  more  than  80
        even new industries. IoT and the networks it   mobility,  healthcare,  manufacturing,  and   countries  and territories  either had 5G
        sits on have created efficiencies, improved   retail showed that these four commercial   installed or are in the process of installing
        healthcare,  helped  to  reduce  waste  and   domains alone could boost global GDP by   it.
        brought  financial  inclusion  to  hundreds   US$1.2 trillion to US$2 trillion by 2030.
        of millions worldwide. All by allowing                                   In Europe, the EU implemented its 5G Action
        information to be sent and received from   5G ten times faster           Plan to meet the challenge of making 5G
        objects and devices using the internet.  IoT  merges  physical  and  virtual  worlds,   a reality for all citizens and businesses in
                                             creating smart  environments. The role   member  states  by  the end of 2020.  That
                                             of  5G  is  to  effectively  supercharge that   implementation  plan has  this  year  been
           The  new  5G technology           process  with  ultra-high  bandwidth,  and   impeded to an extent, not just by Covid-19,
           will drive a variety of           low latency connectivity not only between   but also  conspiracy theories  around  the
                                                                                 network towers.
                                             individual  users,  but  also  with  connected
           applications,     particularly    objects. 5G can also serve as the “eyes and
           in the IoT and machine-to-        ears” for artificial intelligence systems, by   Handling zettabytes of data
           machine  (M2M) areas.  By         providing real-time data  collection and   Against  this  backdrop,  China  Mobile
                                                                                 International  (CMI)  seeks  to  go  large,
           mid-year  2020,  more than                                            capitalising  on the  growing  digitalisation
           80 countries and territories      The 5G  networks  operate  at  roughly 10   of a whole array of things. By mid-year, it
                                                                                 had  almost  850  million  IoT  connections,
                                             times the speed of 4G LTE networks – and
           either  had  5G installed         there’s the potential to become faster over   nearly twice that of a year earlier.
           or are in the  process of         time.  Its  ultra-low  latency means that  it   Globally, the number of devices connected
                                             can  support  advanced  applications,  such
           installing it.                    as  autonomous  driving,  with  precision  –   to  the  Internet,  including  the  machines,

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