Page 42 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
P. 42


        Oman’s Innovation System Adjudged Best in Arab World

        An innovation system aimed at students  of higher  education   entrepreneurial  ideas and registering  innovation requests.
        institutions in Oman  has  won  the award for the best Arab   Oman’s  innovation system  has  also  ensured sustainability  by
        government project for the development of education in the first   training more than 3,000 specialists and holding 100 workshops.
        edition of the Arab Government Excellence Award. Held under the   Additionally, there are innovation units that have been established
        supervision of the Arab Administrative Development Organization,   in technical colleges with the provision of the required resources
        a non-profit entity affiliated with the League of Arab States, over   and big data. With this, the culture of innovation has now spread
        5,000 government applications from several Arab countries vied   to over 15 colleges and 45,000 students.
        for the award.  Oman’s  innovation system aims  to support  and
        encourage innovators to use technology, provide them incentives,
        protect  their  intellectual  property  rights  and  help  them  find
        supportive bodies to establish new startups that add value to the
        national economy. The innovation system, which was launched by
        the Ministry of Manpower (formerly), aims to support the higher
        education sector - namely the technical and vocational colleges
        -  through an  open data  portal  linked to  the sultanate’s  digital
        transformation strategies and its  National  Innovation Strategy.
        The portal has been designed to provide services to beneficiaries
        currently numbering 174,000. The services include an innovation
        acceleration  program,  innovation  lab  and  a  registration
        service aimed at  enhancing  students'  participation with  their

        Telenor Launches Easypaisa QR Payments Service in Pakistan

        Pakistan financial services provider Telenor   local market.  Easypaisa  QR  code facility   App,  tap  on  the  QR  scan  to  initiate
        Microfinance Bank, which operates the digital   service users will be able to make payments   the  scanner,  scan  the  code,  enter
        payments platform Easypaisa, has launched   using their smartphones. To use the service,   the  amount  of  the  bill,  tap  on  ‘next’,
        the Easypaisa  QR  payments service on the   customers  should  log in to their  Easypaisa   check  their  payment  details,  and  tap
                                                                                     on pay  now.  Easypaisa  also  reports
                                                                                     that, during the COVID-19 pandemic,
                                                                                     more  than  12,000  QR  merchants
                                                                                     have been on boarded on the digital
                                                                                     payments platform to provide QR
                                                                                     payment options to  customers.  In
                                                                                     addition, under a current promotional
                                                                                     campaign,  Easypaisa  customers  can
                                                                                     perform QR transactions of PKR 100
                                                                                     or more using the QR payment feature,
                                                                                     to participate in lucky draw after which
                                                                                     4  customers will  win a  smartphone
                                                                                     while one winner will receive a heavy

        5G Mobile Subscriptions to Reach 130 Million in MENA by 2026

        A report by Ericsson Mobile Services expects the number of 5G   especially in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries (GCC). Fady
        subscriptions to reach 130m in the Middle East and North Africa   Pharaon, President of Ericsson Middle East and Africa, said during
        (MENA) region by 2026, which represents 15% of the total mobile   a virtual conference, on Monday, that the MENA region is expected
        subscriptions.  The  commercial deployment of 5G technology   to witness the highest growth rate in the monthly use of mobile
        began in the region in 2019 and 2020, with subscriptions to the   data services over the next five years. This will lead to a 7-fold
        new technology expected to reach nearly 1.4m by the end of 2020,   increase in the total traffic of data between 2020 and 2026.

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