Page 33 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
P. 33


           “We see  four  key  growth        new business markets – all of which offer   and invoicing services, and facilitates the
                                                                                 management of connections on a massive
                                             tremendous  opportunities  thanks to the
           engines – customer, home,         penetration of new-generation information   scale via a web user interface or API – a
           business and new business         technology.  Fully  leveraging  5G,  cloud,   key  facet  given  the immense number of
           markets – all of which offer      artificial  intelligence  and  data  centers   new IoT devices and applications that will
                                             will  not  only  support  this  transformation,
                                                                                 be  coming  online  in  the  next  few  years,
           tremendous  opportunities         but also  meet people’s  needs  for a  more   some of which are difficult to even imagine
           thanks  to the  penetration       fulfilling digital life.”           yet.

           of new-generation inform-         CMI’s infrastructure is  designed to cope   It’s important to stress that with each
           ation  technology. Fully          with  this  volume of data  at  the speed   new  connection,  there’s  a  responsibility
           leveraging      5G,     cloud,    required by  having plenty of  room for   to navigate and manage new security
                                             scaling up. Its  iConnect  IoT runs on a
                                                                                 vulnerabilities  and privacy  concerns. CMI
           artificial        intelligence    dedicated  network infrastructure, offering   has some of the most security systems in
           and data centers  will            2G,  3G,  4G  and  NB-IoT  global  roaming,   place anywhere, while it complies fully with
                                                                                 local data privacy regulation in whichever
                                             plus  IoT  SIM  cards,  with  connectivity
           not  only  support this           and  lifecycle  management,  along  with   jurisdictions it operates.
           transformation,  but  also        integrated device management and billing   Drivers of data growth
                                             services.  CMI  will  shortly  add  5G  to  its
           meet people’s needs for a         suite  of  network  offerings,  having  been   In terms of IoT usage, besides video, use
           more fulfilling digital life.”    granted a licence in June.          of household and wearable devices is set
                                                                                 to grow strongly in the near-term.  In  the
                                             iConnect connectivity management    longer term, use of drones will likely grow,
        sensors,  and  cameras  that  make  up   An important feature of iConnect is that its   particularly in the business space, such for
        the  IoT,  continues  to  grow  at  a  steady   connectivity management platform offers a   agriculture or maintenance work in hard-
        pace. International Data Corporation   single-contract, single-platform approach   to-access places. But industry and autos
        (IDC) estimates  that  there will  be 41.6   to  comprehensive  IoT  connectivity.  It’s   will see the fastest data growth rates, with
        billion connected IoT devices, or "things,"   a one-stop solution  that’s the simplest   CAGR  of  60%  a  year  from  2018  to  2025,
        generating  79.4  zettabytes  (ZB)  of  data   way  to  gain  access  to  the  market  –  one   according to the IDC.
        in 2025.  This estimate for connected   contract  with one  carrier  that provides
        IoT  devices  compares  with  8.6  billion  in   global connectivity through one platform.   The more remarkable thing is that the data
        2018. (One zettabyte is a 1 followed by 22   It’s  an  approach  that  works  well  with   collating capacity will run to so-called rich
        zeroes.)                             enterprise customers.               data that includes images, audio and video
                                                                                 – i.e. more complex data sources – which
        Large  amounts  of  this  data  will  likely  be   On top of that, customers have access to   will draw on artificial intelligence.
        generated by video, other categories such   a self-service portal  that includes  billing
        as industrial and medical will generate more                             CMI IPX supports the latest 5G roaming, 2G,
        data over time, according to the IDC. There   CMI  IPX supports the      3G and 4G roaming, SMS interconnection
        is an obvious direct relationship between   latest  5G roaming,  2G,     gateways and VoLTE services. CMI works
        all the "things" and the data these things                               with 495 roaming partners globally and
        create.  The key  is  to  be able to  convert   3G and  4G roaming,  SMS   have secured IPX on-net coverage with 80
        this data into meaningful information. IDC   interconnection  gateways   operators. CMI covers almost 98% of Asia
        projects that  the amount of data  created   and VoLTE services. CMI     Pacific  as  the  region’s  IPX  hub  with  the
        by these connected IoT devices will see a                                most extensive coverage.
        compound  annual  growth rate (CAGR)  of   works  with 495  roaming
        28.7% a year from 2018 to 2025.         partners      globally     and   CMI  IPX  has  launched  32  roaming

        “CMI  is expanding  its business  from   have  secured  IPX on-net       connections  for China Mobile and we
                                                                                 support  all  China  Mobile  5G  roaming,
        communication  services to  information   coverage with 80 operators.    with  the  largest  5G  coverage and over
        services and refocusing  its  business                                   130  million 5G subscribers  globally.  We
        from mobile  market to accelerate digital   CMI covers almost 98% of     were  also  first  to  market  with  optimized
        transformation  in the economy and      Asia Pacific as the region’s     IoT  roaming  connectivity,  supporting  5G
        society,” said Andrew Niu, Chief Partnership   IPX hub  with  the  most   roaming  since  last  year and planning  for
        Officer  at  CMI.  “We  see  four  key  growth                           NB-IoT roaming soon.
        engines – customer, home, business and   extensive coverage.

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