Page 22 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
P. 22


                                                               awareness  campaign,  she  adds.”  Working  with  the  UNICEF
                                                               Pakistan Country Office, Facebook leveraged its Insights to impact
                                                               and amplify the immunization campaign from the Government of
                                                               Pakistan’s Facebook Page. The project was conducted in three
                                                               stages and featured a campaign with the hashtag #VaccinesWork,
                                                               which  sought  to promote  the continuation  of vaccinations  for
                                                               children during COVID-19, particularly at health care centers. An
                                                               accompanying video campaign also featured easy-to-understand
                                                               animations with guidelines  on how to encourage  vaccinations
                                                               during the pandemic. “To support UNICEF in their effort to increase
        center.  “Interruption  of  health  services  due  to  COVID-19,  has   routine immunization, we leveraged insights from the Facebook
        resulted in a large number of children missing out on their routine   platform and tested the effectiveness of various types of content.
        immunization increasing the risk  of outbreaks  of diseases in   Overall,  the  results  of  this  effort  demonstrate  the  Facebook
        Pakistan, says Aida Girma,” UNICEF Representative in Pakistan.   platform’s potential to disseminate public health information as
        As the services have now resumed, collaboration with Facebook   well as the importance of working with partners like UNICEF to
        is helping us reach the most vulnerable children and those who   achieve positive health outcomes for communities” said Kadeem
        were missed, through improved data services and an aggressive   Khan, Associate Research Manager, Facebook Data for Good.

                                             Huawei's 5G Telco Cloud Solution Won NFV Inno-

                                             vation Award at Asia Communication Awards 2020

        Huawei was awarded the NFV Innovation
        Award at  the Asia Communication
        Awards (ACA) 2020  held  online  by  Total
        Telecom,  a  world-renowned  international
        telecommunications  media  company.
        Huawei  5G  Telco Cloud  Solution features
        hyper-converged   NFVI   infrastructure,
        container-based         microservice
        architecture,   and   stateless   design.
        Cloud  is the foundation  of 5G networks.
        The telecom  industry  has reached  a
        consensus  on moving towards  the cloud
        native.  Technologies  such  as  container,
        microservice,  and  DevOps  have  attracted
        wide attention  and are facing  many
        technical  challenges.  As 5G enters  the
        large-scale  deployment  phase,  it  brings   TCO,  and  multi-RAT  coexistence  during   provides  easier  O&M  than  the  commonly
        new  growth  opportunities  for  carriers,   5G SA networks deployment. It fuels the   used  live  migration  does.  In  addition,
        and poses higher requirements on service   digital  transformation  of  the  5G  industry,   lightweight  TCC is provided  for small-
        flexibility,  platform  efficiency,  operation   enables  more  agile  and  reliable  services,   scale, fast deployment in edge scenarios.
        agility,  and  SLA  reliability  of  cloud-  and accelerates business success.   Microservice  architecture:  The  container-
        based networks  to  support  the growing   Dual-stack convergence: Both OpenStack   based microservice architecture used  by
        digitalization requirements  of industries.   VMs and Kubernetes  containers are   the Telco Cloud  Solution  features small
        Huawei's 5G Telco Cloud is the industry's   supported  on  the  Telco  Converged   granularity and is  lighter weight than
        first  full-stack  cloud-native  commercial   Cloud  (TCC)  platform.  VMs,  VM-based   VMs. Microservices can be assembled as
        solution  for  5G  SA  networks.  Based  on   containers,  and  bare-metal  containers   required to provide differentiated services.
        Industry-leading  dual-stack  convergence,   can  be  deployed  on  demand,  meeting   The  microservice-centric  architecture
        microservice  architecture,  and  stateless   different  requirements.  Unified  resource   makes slicing orchestration more flexible,
        design,  it  helps  carriers  smoothly  evolve   management  (URM)  improves  resource   precise,  and  efficient,  helping  carriers
        to  5G  SA  networks,  facing  challenges   utilization  by  30%.  The  seamless  batch   quickly respond to the changes of vertical
        such  as  high  network  complexity,  high   upgrade  on the infrastructure layer   industries and applications.

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