Page 21 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
P. 21


                                             Eutelsat Launches Nationwide Satellite-Based

                                             Service in UK

        France-based  satellite operator  Eutelsat   of  22Mbps,  with  a  maximum  of  30Mbps   access services from terrestrial networks.
        has announced the launch of a new service,   reported for the service. At the other end   With  the  huge  switch to  working  from
        available nationwide in the UK, via its next   of  the  scale,  the  premium  ‘Max’  tariff   home this year, this kind of fast, affordable
        generation  KONNECT  satellite.  This new   increase speeds to an average of 75Mbps   and easily available service  is needed
        offering is  being  marketed by  Eutelsat’s   (maximum 100Mbps), with the price rising   more than ever.  This new launch offers
        own direct operation, Konnect Europe (UK),   to GBP69.99. All of Konnect’s tariffs offer   connectivity  for  everyone  to superfast
        and targets those users – both residential   unlimited usage allowances and have not   broadband packages wherever you live. It
        and business – that are unable to connect   setup  costs.  Commenting  on  the  launch,   opens  up exciting new opportunities for
        via  fiber-based  services.  At  launch,  three   James   Soames,   Marketing   Director   anyone  struggling  to achieve a reliable
        residential  packages  are  on  offer,  with   Konnect Europe said: ‘Connecting reliably   internet connection, whether for business
        the entry-level service (‘Easy’) costing   to  broadband,  particularly  in  rural  areas,   or pleasure.’
        GBP29.99 per month (USD40.3) per month   has been  a  real pain point  for internet
        and offering an  average downlink  speed   users in the UK including those who can’t

                                             Facebook Claims Cell Coverage Breakthrough

        Facebook detailed work on a prototype base station capable of   planning to manufacture the SuperCell itself, instead hoping its
        covering a larger area than traditional macro sites, pitching it as   trials will “provide a playbook for the telecom industry to bring the
        a cost-effective way to boost rural access. In a blog, Facebook   technology to market and help expand mobile coverage in rural
        communications  systems lead Abhishek  Tiwari  said SuperCell   areas in a way that is sustainable and cost-effective”.
        is designed to be mounted on towers up to 250 metres high and
        uses  high-gain,  narrow-sector  antennas  to  increase  “mobile
        data  coverage range and  capacity”.  Testing showed a  single
        SuperCell  can provide mobile data  to an  area  up to 65-times
        larger than a traditional rural macro base station mounted on a
        30-metre  tower  in  the  same  environment.  In  trials,  the  system
        delivered two-way voice and video call traffic to a range of 38km,
        with data rates of up to 7.8Mb/s in the downlink and 1.2Mb/s up
        over 40km.  Facebook  estimated each  SuperCell  could  replace
        15  to  25  traditional  macrocells  or  “hundreds”  of  small  cells,
        providing coverage to the same number of people with a 33 per
        cent lower total cost of ownership. While the company doesn’t
        believe  “there’s  a  silver  bullet  for  connecting  the  world”,  Tiwari
        said the system could make a substantial impact in certain rural
        areas, particularly sub-Saharan Africa. He added tech giant isn’t

        UNICEF  & Facebook Launch  a Digital  Campaign  to  Promote  Life-Saving

        The COVID-19  pandemic  has disrupted   children  as well as global  disruptions  to   help  the development  sector  have better
        life  for  many,  including  children  in  need   the delivery of immunizations. That’s why   insights  for  effective,  local  outreach.  The
        of  lifesaving,  routine  immunizations.   Facebook’s Data  for Good  team recently   campaign  reached 7.2  million people  in
        In  countries  like  Pakistan,  additional   worked in  partnership  with  the United   Pakistan,  with  post-campaign  survey
        roadblocks as a result of the pandemic have   Nations Children’s  Fund  (UNICEF)  to   results showing  that those  exposed  to
        been compounded by an existing hesitancy   better  understand constraints  to vaccine   the  campaign  were more inclined  to
        in some communities  to vaccinate    adoption in Pakistan with the objective to   vaccinate  their children at  a  healthcare

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