Page 23 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
P. 23


        Stateless  design:  Virtual  network  processing  layer  supports  fast  service   Launched in 2011, the Asia Communication
        functions are horizontally divided into the   scaling and  dynamic  load  balancing.   Awards are organized by, a
        session  database  layer,  stateless  service   N-way redundancy is tolerant for multiple   well-known  media  agency,  to  commend
        processing layer, and service load balancer   faults and backs up user data in real time.   carriers,  equipment  vendors,  solution
        layer.  Each layer can be  independently   The  A/B  testing  solution  ensures  online   providers, and consulting  firms that have
        scaled,  effectively  improving  resource   upgrades  without  service  interruptions,   made outstanding contributions and
        utilization.  The  stateless  service  achieving  carrier-class  reliability.  innovation in the Asia telecoms industry.

        Huawei: Middle East Becoming a Global Reference for Digital Resilience and

        Ambitious   investments  in  digital
        infrastructure have created unprecedented
        opportunities  in  the  Middle  East,  while
        helping  the region to rebound swiftly
        from  the  challenges  of  2020,  according
        to Huawei’s top executive in the  region.
        Charles Yang, President of Huawei Middle
        East,  recently  highlighted  the  company’s
        key  takeaways  from the year as  the
        global ICT solutions provider sought  to
        help  governments and enterprises bring
        digital to more people  at  a  time when
        it  was  needed  most.  The Middle East
        was  relatively well prepared from  an  ICT
        standpoint  for the  disruptions  caused  by
        the COVID-19 pandemic, noted Yang, with
        many countries  having  been  early global   and  computing  capabilities  in  2021,  they   approximately  USD100 billion globally  in
        adopters  of infrastructure such as  5G.   must consider how to maximize the long-  technology  research and development
        “That foundation of connectivity enabled   term  value  creation  from  those  projects,”   in  the  coming  five  years.  Yang  believes
        many  countries  to  cope  with  a  surge in   said Yang. In particular, Huawei contends   that such programs will not only support
        data traffic as a result of work, education,   that  talent  development,  technology   Huawei,  but  the  wider  ecosystem  of
        shopping, and even health services moving   synergy,  and  open  collaboration  will  be   governments,  academia,  and  enterprises
        online,”  said  Yang,  who  estimated  that   pivotal to harvesting business and social   embracing  digital  transformation in the
        the Middle East’s data traffic increased in   value in  2021.  “We have found many   Middle East.  “Even with  today’s  best
        volume by around 40 per cent over the year.   partners in government and in the private   talent  and  technologies,  what  is  most
        Earlier  this  summer,  experts  at  McKinsey   sector who share  the realization that   important to spurring future innovation is
        noted that in a matter of just eight weeks,   talent is really the enabling factor in digital   maintaining an open and cooperative ICT
        the  world  vaulted  five  years  forward  in   transformation,  not  just  the  technology   ecosystem,  regardless  of  the  country  or
        consumer  and business  digital  adoption   itself,”  noted  Yang.  It  is  also  why  over   a particular company’s country of origin,”
        as  a  result of the COVID-19  pandemic.   the past 20 years, Huawei has helped the   concluded  Yang.  “That  belief  in shared
        As was  evident during  the recent GITEX   Middle East cultivate around 100,000 ICT   success has helped make the Middle East
        Technology  Week—the region’s foremost   talents,  training  local  experts  in  building   a global reference  for digital resilience
        tech  and innovation conference—the   scenario-specific applications that benefit   and sustainability during this challenging
        Middle  East  has  benefitted  from  strong   society.  This  local  talent,  according  to   year,  and  will  no  doubt  be  inherited  even
        public  leadership,  clear  ICT  development   Yang, must now be empowered to create   after the pandemic is over.” In the past 30
        agendas,  and  the  encouragement  of   deeper  synergy  between  connectivity,   years, Huawei has deployed approximately
        foreign direct investment in the technology   cloud,  AI,  computing,  and  industry   1,500  networks  in  170  countries,  with  its
        field. “At the same time, each country must   applications.  These  five  domains  are   equipment  and services covering more
        continue to stimulate growth and address   now coming together  to  create historic   than three billion people today.
        the impact of the pandemic. So as nations   opportunities in  the region. To support
        continue  to mature in both connectivity   those efforts, Huawei is planning to invest

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