Page 95 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
P. 95


        The bottom line of this is for all to see. Customer experience in
        coming days will become more and more important. Customers
        are expecting a seamless experience from onboarding to care
        journeys. Customer experience is highly dependent on software
        systems of the organization. Enterprises need to upgrade their
        IT systems in order to overcome cut throat competition and
        customer retention in the world of numerous choices. Also the
        number  of  channels/touchpoints  will  increase  significantly,
        think  of  Chatbot,  kiosks  and  conversational  commerce.
        Customers are expecting to receive the same service across
        all these touchpoints.

           What all Telco need is a product suite
           that enhances their existing systems by
           converging data from multiple IT stacks,
           and  orchestrating  sales and  delivery
           practices consistently on all touchpoints.
           The TM Forum agrees that this approach
           to digital transformation  provides the

           best balance between  time-to-market,
           cost and risk.

        However, many Telco’s are struggling with aging and legacy
        IT systems. Mergers and acquisitions in the telecom industry
        have led to siloed operation and disjoint IT backend systems,
        including  an  inconsistent  distribution  of  data.  All  of  this
        makes  it  difficult  to  achieve  the  required  flexibility,  agility
        and  consistency  in  the  customer  experience.  Complete
        transformation of large IT applications are complex, lengthy,
        risky and expensive projects.

        The  silo  nature  of  many  BSS/OSS  make  it  hard  for  service
        providers to give customers the products and information they
        want, when they want it. Vendors often propose an extensive
        transformation  project  to  replace  inflexible  legacy  systems.
        Such  projects  are  often  long,  tedious  and  expensive  and
        guaranteed to disrupt business. They are looking for a different
        approach. What all Telco need is a product suite that enhances
        their  existing  systems  by  converging  data  from  multiple
        IT  stacks,  and  orchestrating  sales  and  delivery  practices
        consistently on all touchpoints. The TM Forum agrees that this
        approach to digital transformation provides the best balance
        between time-to-market, cost and risk.

        Customer  today  expect  a  consistent  and  personalized
        experience across all touchpoints. The need is for an end-to-
        end  customer  experience  solution  with  focus  on  commerce
        and  sales  journeys.  The  solution  needs  to  drive  a  complete
        transformation of the customer experience in order to keep up
        with the “always-connected” customer.

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