Page 90 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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        Digital  Revolution Spurs  Greater Demand  for Limited  Radio-Frequency

        Spectrum in the Americas

        The  ITU  Regional  Radiocommunication   telecommunications  to all  countries and
        Seminar  2020  for  the  Americas  Region   to accelerate  digital transformation,"
        (RRS-20-Americas)  was  held  virtually   said  Mario  Maniewicz,  Director  of  the
        from 13-24 July in collaboration with the   ITU  Radiocommunication  Bureau.  "I  look
        Caribbean  Telecommunications  Union   forward to  continuing to  work  with  our
        (CTU).  Participants  discussed  future   membership  in the region  towards the
        radio-frequency  spectrum  requirements   implementation of the decisions of WRC-
        for  radiocommunication  systems  in  19  and the preparatory  process  for the
        the  context  of  the  outcome  of  the  ITU   WRC-23."
        World Radiocommunication  Conference   Forum:  WRS-19 Outcomes:  Challenges
        (WRC-19)  held  in  Sharm  el-Sheikh,   and opportunities for the Region
        Egypt,  in  2019.  "The  digital  revolution  is   The  RRS-20-Americas  concluded  with  a
        continuously  opening  doors to  a  variety   Forum on "WRS-19 Outcomes: Challenges
        of new applications  that are spurring   and  opportunities  for  the  Region".
        greater  interest in, and demand for, the   Featuring panel sessions about the diverse
        limited  spectrum  resource,"  said  ITU   radio  communications  services  and
        Secretary-General  Houlin  Zhao.  "The   systems,  including  among  others:  Digital
        Regional  Radiocommunication  Seminars   TV,  Broadband  Satellites  (GSO  and  non-  of  the  ITU  Regional  Radiocommunication
        are, therefore, an important tool to help   GSO),  IMT  and  other  wireless  broadband   Seminars  is  to  extend  assistance  to
        our  members  promote  the  efficient  and   technologies,   High-altitude   platform   Member States in spectrum management
        effective  management  of  spectrum."  The   station (HAPS), RLAN/Wi-Fi, Maritime and   activities  and  the  application  of  the  ITU
        Seminar covered the regulatory framework   Aeronautical Systems, Intelligent Transport   Radio Regulations  (RR), with special
        for both terrestrial and space services and   Systems, Emergency Communications, 5G   attention  to  developing  countries.  The
        the procedures for recording of frequency   Spectrum Pricing, and the WRC-23 Agenda.   seminars are organized to complement the
        assignments  in  the  Master  International   In  her welcome  remarks,  Bernadette   larger, biennial World Radiocommunication
        Frequency Register (MIFR). It also included   Lewis, Secretary-General of the Caribbean   Seminars (WRS) so that all ITU countries
        basic  training  on  tools  developed  by  ITU   Telecommunications Union, noted that the   and regions have  ample opportunity  to
        for frequency  notices  for those  services   organization has been working in the area   prepare for WRC-23, which will  update
        and  the  technical  examinations.  Various   of harmonizing spectrum  management   the RR, the international treaty governing
        tutorials also enabled  participants to   policies  and practices  for many years,   the use of radio-frequency spectrum and
        familiarise themselves with ITU notification   including  in recent  times, coordinating   satellite  orbital  resources.  The  seminar
        procedures, as well as with the software and   the  work  of  the  Caribbean  Spectrum   drew more than 350 participants from 38
        electronic publications made available by   Management Steering Committee and the   countries, including 29 countries from the
        the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau to the   Caribbean  Spectrum  Management  Task   Americas Region, as well as 6 international
        Administrations of Member States and the   Force,  the  regional  bodies  addressing   organizations, and representatives of the
        ITU  Radiocommunication  Sector  (ITU-R)   radiofrequency  spectrum  issues.  She   telecommunication  industry,  operators,
        Members. "The Americas region continues   added: “We are delighted to partner with ITU   international  organizations,  associations,
        to make great strides in expanding access   to enhance the capacity of our  members   and academia from the Americas.
        to and use of ICTs, but more work is still   to  make  effective  use of  the technology
        needed to bring accessible and affordable   to achieve our goals." The main objective

        DCMS Outlines Regulatory Changes Designed to Boost Gigabit Availability

        and Enhance Mobile Coverage

        The  UK’s  Department  for  Digital,  Culture,   changes  will  ‘boost  gigabit  broadband   changes  to  the  existing  legal  framework
        Media & Sport (DCMS) has detailed how the   rollout  and bring  better  mobile  coverage   – the government  intends  to  introduce
        government  plans  to  bring  the  European   to the whole of the UK’. In a press release   some new pro-investment measures from
        Electronic  Communications  Code  (EECC)   regarding the matter, the DCMS noted that   the Code that it considers are ‘in the UK’s
        into  UK  law,  claiming  that  the  legislative   – while the EECC largely consists of minor   national  interest’  and  support  the  state’s

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