Page 49 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
P. 49


        Amazon Officially Enters Pakistan with Web Services

        Having  registered  a  local  office  under  the  name  Amazon  Data   role focuses on removing regulatory and political blockers to
        Services Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd, Amazon is forming a team for Amazon   cloud adoption. This is a common approach among technology
        Web Services (AWS) in Pakistan, to drive the adoption of cloud   companies when entering small markets, with Bytedance doing
        computing.  The  move  comes  two  weeks  after  the  technology   the same in June by hiring Hassan Arshad as the head of public
        company  experienced  a  disruption  worldwide,  which  largely   policy to work with the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority
        impacted  parts  of  the  US  and  Pakistan  as  a  whole.  According   (PTA) to stall a ban of the TikTok app. As for AWS in Pakistan, the
        to the SECP database, the Pakistan office is led by Paul Andrew   “Framework on IT Governance and Risk Management in Financial
        Macpherson as the CEO while Shoaib Munir is a Director along with   Institutions” by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) directed banks
        Macpherson. Speaking to Profit under the condition of anonymity,   to  utilize  cloud computing  technology under  the condition  that
        a spokesperson from Amazon shared that the technology leader   systems and service providers shall be located in Pakistan along
        is currently seeking a public policy specialist for Pakistan, with   with all physical servers and services. Under this rule, AWS would
        a focus on driving AWS cloud computing solution adoption. The   need to set up its own data center and cloud server in the country.
                                                               According to the e-commerce policy framework of Pakistan, the
                                                               Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication are in
                                                               the process of formulating Pakistan’s first cloud policy, while the
                                                               Draft Data Protection Act is at an advanced stage of consultations.
                                                               The latter draft, which also concerns Amazon, addresses issues
                                                               concerning data protection in e-commerce. AWS hopes to work
                                                               with relevant government departments in Pakistan as they develop
                                                               and revise policies related to the digital economy, including
                                                               cloud-first  policies,  data  protection  regulations,  outsourcing
                                                               guidelines,  Cybersecurity  policies,  tax  policy,  and  over  the  top
                                                               regulations. They will also proactively build relationships with key
                                                               policymakers, politicians, and influencers.

        EU and Orange Jordan to Create the Innovation Space Project in Jordan

        The  European  Union  and  Orange  Jordan   nascent  digital economy  and innovation   We also strongly  believe that innovation
        signed a €7.3 million agreement to create   culture  mature.  The  project  also  aims  at   and a  digital economy can help alleviate
        a  new  Innovation  Space  that  promotes   boosting  social inclusion,  with  a  special   the socio-economic consequences of the
        private sector-led innovation and digital   attention  to  women  and  youth.  Twenty-  COVID19  crisis."  CEO  of  Orange  Jordan
        economy  in  Jordan.  The  EU-funded   three digital  centers  across  Jordan will   Thierry Marigny said: "We are proud of our
        Innovation Space is a pioneering initiative   be renovated or  established,  as  well  as   partnership  with  the  European  Union  for
        in Jordan and a one-stop-shop for digital   five  new  coding  academies,  five  new   such an important project that will promote
        innovation and entrepreneurial support. It   FabLabs, five new BIG (Start-ups' Growth   innovation  and support  entrepreneurship
        will  introduce  digital  culture to  the wider   Accelerators)  ,  three  new  incubators   to  accelerate  economic  progress,  this  is
        Jordanian public, foster  digital  skills,   across the country and an aggregating   a  stepping stone towards digitalizing the
        especially  among  women  and youth,  and   Innovation  Hub  at  Orange  Digital  Village   economy, which is consistent with Orange
        promote and nurture entrepreneurship by   in  Eastern  Amman  .  EU  Ambassador   Jordan's strategy". Marigny added: "We are
        identifying  key  opportunities for digital   to  Jordan  Maria  Hadjitheodosiou  said,   happy that this collaboration will enable the
        economic  growth.  The  Innovation  Space   "I  am delighted to launch  this new   expansion of our current programs leading
        is  co-funded  by  the  European  Union's   project with  Orange Jordan  to  support   to  the  maximization  of  positive  impact
        "Innovation  for  Enterprise  Growth  and   digitalization and innovation, which will   on  society  in terms of quality, number  of
        Jobs" program, also known as  Innovate   boost economic growth and job creation.   beneficiaries  and  wider  footprint  in  the
        Jordan.  The  Innovation  Space  will  utilize   Through  this  initiative,  we  will  invest  in   Jordanian governorates". It is worth noting
        and  expand  existing  digital  centers   young  entrepreneurs and innovators with   that  the  execution  of  this  3-year  project
        affiliated with Orange Jordan, to catalyze   cutting-edge ideas, whilst also supporting   will start this year.
        investments to  ensure that Jordan's   digital  innovation  education  and  skills.

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