Page 45 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
P. 45


        Saudi Arabia Leads in Global 5G Speed and Coverage

        Saudi  Arabia  leads  globally  in  terms  of   414.2Mbps  —  14  times  faster  than  4G  —   5G found users in Saudi Arabia were at the
        5G speed  and coverage,  according to   followed  by  South  Korea  (312.7Mbps),   top  of  the  list,  spending  34.4  percent  of
        a  study  conducted  by  OpenSignal,  an   Australia (215.7 Mbps) and Taiwan (210.2   their time connected to 5G services.
        independent  UK-based  mobile  analytics   Mbps). OpenSignal's measurement of the
        company  specializing in quantifying   amount of time that users spent on 4G and
        mobile  network  experience.  OpenSignal
        looked at 5G speeds in isolation and also
        in combination with 4G use; the company
        also looked  at  the amount  of time users
        spend connected to 4G and 5G in the 12
        countries/regions  studied.  Saudi  Arabia,
        South Korea, Australia, the United States,
        the  United  Kingdom,  Kuwait,  Germany,
        Switzerland,  the  Netherlands,  Canada,
        Hong  Kong  and  Taiwan  were  included  in
        the study. As far as the overall download
        speed  was  concerned,  users  in  Saudi
        Arabia  experienced  144.5Mbps,  much
        ahead  of  Canada.  This  measure  covered
        both 4G and 5G as it was looking at total
        use.  Considering  5G  alone,  Saudi  Arabia
        was again at the head of the rankings with

        Steps Sought to Speed Up Digital Transformation in Bahrain

        Bahrain needs to develop  legislative   allowed to  be increased in  keeping with   partnerships (joint ventures) at the present
        infrastructure  to  speed  up  digital  the current situation and the major  shift   time to reduce losses incurred due to the
        transformation  in  e-commerce,  the  towards  business  automation after  the   spread  of  the  global  pandemic.  Merged
        country’s  main  association  of  business   pandemic. Calling raising the level of food   companies  are better  able to remain in
        owners  has  said.  In  its  latest  report  on   security a  national  priority, the  BCCI  has   the  market,  reduce  their  expenses,  and
        the economic impact of the coronavirus   also requested that the private sector get   have enough  liquidity to meet operating
        crisis, the Bahrain Chamber for Commerce   more support to increase investment in the   obligations,  it  said.  Companies  would  do
        and Industry  (BCCI) has  also  urged the   food sector. The business community has   well to use the liquidity to take advantage
        government  to bring  in laws  that provide   also sought official recognition for remote   of opportunities  available in the market,
        more support  for intellectual  property   communication  programmes,  virtual  especially  high demand  commodities,
        and trademark protection  and bring   meetings and direct learning, which would   and investing  in what is needed,  at the
        about improvements in communications   help  ensuring  implementation of such   same time they should eliminate or reduce
        infrastructure   and   digital   networks.   projects. For businesses struggling to cope   all  excess  fixed  costs  such  as  rent  and
        The  country  needs  an  ecosystem  that   with the slump, the chamber has advised   variable  operating  costs.  They  must  also
        encourages  the  financial  sector  to   administrative  flexibility  and  changing   avoid restrictions on the movement of
        provide easy  and accessible digital   the business model. It said today’s world   human capital and ensure that appropriate
        banking services, said  the chamber  in   demands that enterprises have the ability   occupational  health  and  safety
        its list of recommendations  to overcome   to adapt to new situations and procedures   requirements are followed to reduce risks,
        the  Covid-19  crisis.  After  the  recovery,   to serve business interests, develop skills   the  BCCI  has  recommended.  Finally,  the
        reliance on new technology  will  increase   and  encourage  innovation.  To  make  the   chamber has urged telecom companies to
        the risks of cybercrime and consequently   most of the trend of digital transformation,   develop attractive packages allowing more
        the private sector will need help from the   companies must look at applications and   companies to go for digital transformation,
        governments  to  manage these risks  and   learning  e-marketing methods, adopting   ranging  from websites and electronic
        reduce the effects. The Bahrain Chamber is   digitalization responsibly  and safely,   applications,  incentives  to  migrate  to  the
        calling for a revision to the list of business   and  entering  the  world  of  e-commerce.   cloud,  automating business  processes
        activities permitted  under  the virtual CR   The  BCCI  has  also  advised  businesses   (CRM, ERP, POS), to risk management and
        system. It wants the number of activities   to seek out merger  options  or strategic   cost optimization.

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