Page 44 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
P. 44


                                                REGIONAL NEWS

        TRA Organizes A Virtual  Discussion On “The Role  Of Women  In  The ICT

        On  the  occasion  of  the  Emirati  Women’s
        Day,  the  Telecommunications  Regulatory
        Authority  (TRA)  organized  a  virtual
        discussion on “The role of women in ICT
        sector:  ideas,  experiences  and  visions  of
        TRA”,  with  the  participation  of  a  number
        of female TRA employees. The discussion
        focused on the professional and practical
        experiences of women working in the ICT
        sector, and the professional development
        that  they  have  achieved  in  this  vital  field
        by taking advantage of the opportunities
        provided by TRA senior leadership in line
        with the directives of the wise leadership
        and  its  unlimited  support  in  this  context.
        The session started with an opening speech   speakers included Eng. Khawla Al Mheiri,   that  sheds  light  on  the  efforts  of  Emirati
        by  Ahlam  Al  Feel,  Director  of  Corporate   Eng. Suaad Al Shamsi, and Eng. Shaimaa   women  in  the  ICT  sector.  The  second
        Communication  Department  and  CEO  of   Al Hefeiti. The discussion was moderated   initiative focuses  on strengthening  the
        Happiness and Wellbeing in TRA, where she   by Shahd Al Muhaideb, Marketing Manager   role of women as representatives of their
        praised the major achievements of Emirati   Corporate  Communications  Department.   country  in  international  ICT  forums,  by
        women in various fields, and their role in   The  speakers  addressed  the  importance   sending a certain number of women every
        TRA  various  projects  and  programs.  She   of  building  women  capacities  in  the  ICT   year for training and practicing in global
        said: “On the occasion of Emirati Women's   sector, in addition discussing their effective   organizations such as the United Nations,
        Day, I extend my greetings to all colleagues   role in this sector since the establishment   the   International   Telecommunication
        and  sisters  in  various  fields  of  national   of the union,  the challenges  they  have   Union  and  the  World  Summit  on  the
        work,  and  on behalf  of  all  of  you I  greet   faced,  and how  to  overcome them and   Information   Society.   Emirati   women
        the  Mother  of  the  Nation,  Her  Highness   prove their competencies  to assume the   lead a  number of strategic  projects  in
        Sheikha  Fatima  bint  Mubarak,  President   most  important  positions.  The  session   TRA  at  the  national  level,  with  Khawla  Al
        of  the  General  Women’s  Union  Supreme   also  discussed  the  active  women’s  role   Mheiri  managing  the  UAE  Pass  project.
        Chairperson  of  the  Family  Development   in national projects such as the UAE Pass   Moreover, Suaad Al Shamsi was awarded
        Foundation President of Supreme Council   project,  the  first  digital  national  identity   the  Prime  Minister’s Medal for  technical/
        for  Motherhood  and  Childhood,  and  the   for all  citizens, residents  and  visitors,   technological  employee,  for  leading
        leadership of the UAE for the distinguished   allowing users  to access  the  services  of   “Mabrouk Ma Yak” team, and a number of
        global position  we have reached  in   local and  federal  government  entities,   women  have  represented  the  UAE  in  the
        women's   empowerment   and  gender  and other service providers. The speakers   ITU sessions and in numerous internal and
        balance,  which has been  reflected  on   also  discussed  digital transformation   external participations. TRA has launched
        people’s happiness in the UAE.” She added:   and its  future  implications on the role of   many initiatives under the guidance of TRA
        “Today, while we witness the presence of   women,  and their empowerment  in the   senior leadership for empowering Emirati
        women in all fields, we are convinced that   ICT sector, to achieve a balance between   women, such as Eve Committee, believing
        the founding  fathers plans have resulted   women’s  professional  and  family  duties.   in the role of women and their contribution
        happiness  and prosperity  today, and that   H.E.  Hamad  Obaid  Al  Mansoori,  TRA   to  the  development  of  all  fields.  Eve
        our  current  leaders’  strategies  will  bring   Director  General,  announced  the  launch   committee  is  keen on motivating female
        about more success  and leadership  for   of  two  important  initiatives,  the  first  one   human cadres  to  maintain  professional
        us  and  for  generations  after  us.  Today's   is  “Digital  women:  Emirati  women  at  the   excellence, as well as creating a productive
        ICT  sector  is  the  incubator  of  all  digital   forefront  of  digital  transformation”  which   work  environment  that  encourages
        transformations,  the driving  force  of the   includes  the development  of a  digital   creativity  and innovation, and ensuring
        fourth  industrial  revolution including   platform for women working in the sector,   the highest levels of happiness for female
        smart cities, big data, 5G and technologies   including a knowledge portal, a discussion   employees.
        supported  by  artificial  intelligence.  The   forum, a blog, as well as an annual event
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