Page 47 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
P. 47


        3G/4G services in the northern areas and   international connectivity is via submarine   internet  penetration  and  increasing
        enhance  communication  security with   cables. CPFOP will provide an alternative   speed,  especially  in  Baluchistan  and
        an  alternative  fiber  route.  CPFOP  is  one   route for international telecom traffic and   Gilgit-Baltistan,  regions  where  internet
        of the core projects, which will  deliver   also assist in achieving the rapidly growing   connectivity has ranged from poor to non-
        safe  route  of  voice  traffic  between  both   internet  traffic  demand  in  Pakistan.  It  is   existent. It should also reduce the cost of
        countries.  CPFOP  is  greatly  beneficial   estimated  that  17  million  people  will  get   internet connections.
        in terms  of enhanced  security  and   benefit from this project. The new network
        revenue  generation.  Currently,  Pakistan's   will be beneficial to Pakistan by improving

        UAE No.1 Globally in Mobile Subscription Index

        The  UAE  has  been  ranked  first  in  the  Arab  region  and  seventh
        globally  in  the  Telecommunication  Infrastructure  Index  (TII),
        according to the UN E-Government Survey 2020. It also ranked
        second in Asia, according to the index. In addition, the UAE made
        significant progress in the global competitiveness indicators of
        the telecommunications sector in the report, maintaining the 1st
        place  globally  in  the  mobile  subscription  index,  and  advancing
        from  2nd to  1st  globally in  the mobile broadband Internet
        subscription index. As for the Internet users index, the UAE moved
        up to 5th from 13th globally, achieving a qualitative leap in the fixed
        broadband subscription index, as it moved up to 29th from 68th in
        the world. These achievements resulted from the efforts of the TII
        Executive Team headed by TRA and UAE mobile operators (etisalat
        and du), where the team worked to raise the country's ranking in
        the TII sub-indicators by launching a number of initiatives over
        the  past years,  contributing  to  maintaining  the  UAE  as a world
        leader  in  such  indicators.  Tariq  Al  Awadhi,  Executive  Director
        of  Spectrum  Affairs  Department,  TII  Executive  Team  Leader,
        and  Head  of  TRA's  National  Agenda  Team,  said:  "The  TRA  has
        developed plans and strategies that contribute to strengthening
        the telecommunications  sector infrastructure, out of  its  belief
        in  the  central  role  that  this  sector  plays  in  achieving  the  UAE
        Vision 2021 and National Agenda goals. Telecom operators in the
        country have allotted a huge budget for infrastructure investment
        of up to Dh36 billion, making the UAE's infrastructure among the
        best in the world in terms of fiber services and overall coverage."
        Al  Awadhi  stressed  that  the  significant  development  in  UAE's
        telecommunications  sector  infrastructure comes  in preparation
        for the upcoming milestones, adding: "This achievement reflects
        the development and quality of the telecom sector infrastructure   ensuring the natural pace of work, and provide opportunities for
        in the UAE, which was a key enabler that contributed to business   growth in light of the ever-changing world." The UAE ranked 1st
        continuity  of vital  sectors in the country  during  the Covid-19   in the Arab Region and 4th globally in launching and using 5G
        crisis, as well as raising UAE's readiness for future changes and   networks. The UAE has been ranked first in the Arab region and
        technology. Owing to the evolved and quality infrastructure, the   8th globally in the Online Service Index (OSI) issued by the United
        UAE was able to easily adapt to variables, adopt smart techniques   Nations within the E-Government Development Index (EGDI).
        such as distance learning and remote working, provide services

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