Page 11 - SAMENA ELITE - July-September 2024
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        More about the GSA 4G-5G FWA         featuring a wealth of speakers from   about National Broadband policies
        Forum                                mobile operators, regulatory bodies   globally. Our latest contribution
        The GSA 4G-5G FWA Forum              and the equipment supply industry   related to EC’s consultation on its
        recognizes the important role 3GPP-  all discussing and debating a wide   White Paper: “How to master Europe’s
        based 4G-5G FWA technologies         range of key FWA industry topics.   digital infrastructure needs?” and
        play in offering a fast, economically   These events are organized twice a   can be downloaded on our webpage
        attractive and future-proof          year in order to promote 4G-5G FWA   (
        alternative to deploying broadband   adoption for the benefit of citizens   fwa-forum-contribution-to-eu-
        services, particularly for rural and   and businesses worldwide. The 6th   digital-infrastructure-consultation/).
        less densely populated areas. Since   public event included speakers from   Finally, thanks to the work of the
        its creation in late 2020, the GSA   Rain (South Africa), Telkomsel (Indo-  GSA Research team, we are also
        4G-5G FWA Forum has grown to 57      nesia) and the vendor ecosystem.    publishing, twice a year, the 4G-5G
        companies (as of February 2024)      Replay is available on-demand       FWA Market reports (https://gsacom.
        that are promoting the benefits of   (    com/paper/fwa-market-june-2024/)
        4G-5G FWA for high-speed wireless    4g-5g-fwa-forum-plenary-6/). We     which provide detailed analysis and
        broadband as well as their own       also participate in industry events   statistics about FWA services based
        position in this growing ecosystem.   and organize FWA workshops such    on LTE or 5G technologies worldwide.
        4G-5G FWA device suppliers currently   as during NetworkX 2023 in Paris   Going forward, the GSA 4G-5G FWA
        form the bulk of the membership but   (     Forum will continue to update all
        there are also network infrastructure,   4g-5g-fwa-forum-workshop/).     these deliverables and will look
        module, chipset and service                                              forward to participating to industry
        companies involved in the Forum who   In 2023, the Forum launched its online   events to further promote the
        support our activities.              GSA 4G-5G FWA Device Ecosystem      development and adoption of 4G-5G
                                             Directory (https://gsacom.          FWA services.
        Overview of key activities in 2024   com/fwa-tool/), a unique on-line tool
        One of the main 2024 deliverables    to access mainstream and emerging   Annual benefits 2024-25
        is our annual FWA CPE Survey report   FWA vendors and their              Participation in the GSA 4G-5G FWA
        (     products. Today it lists ~200 FWA   Forum is open to all companies
        fwa-survey-2024) to help the industry   products from more than 25 vendors   involved in the 4G-5G FWA supplier
        better estimate the real market size   globally. The intent is to keep   Ecosystem. All GSA 4G-5G FWA
        and identify the major trends of the   the directory updated with new    Forum companies who are Partners
        4G-5G FWA device market. The 2024    companies or offerings to enable all   or Members of the forum can
        survey report was released in August   those involved in the development   participate in FWA Forum activities
        2024 and a dedicated webinar         (or assessment) of the 4G-5G FWA    and programs.
        available on-demand can be viewed    ecosystem or procurement of the     More details can be found on our
        from the GSA website (https://       resulting devices to identify potential   website -        partners.                           initiative/fwa-forum/
        cpe-vendor-survey-2024/).                                                Companies interested to join the GSA
                                             The GSA 4G-5G FWA Forum also        4G-5G FWA Forum can contact us at
        In addition, online public events    contributes to public consultations

                                GSA 4G-5G FWA Forum – 57 members as of September 2024

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