Page 32 - SAMENA ELITE - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 32

        32     JAN-MAR 2024

        Huawei’s Innovative FWA² Solution Powers Smart Home Living

        At the Global Mobile Broadband       As consumer expectations for supe-  ‘home of the future’. The showcase
        Forum (MBBF) 2023, Huawei, a         rior experiences grow, the demand   offers a firsthand look at the infinite
        global technology company, and       for network capabilities and content   possibilities that 5G-Advanced tech-
        du, a part of Emirates Integrated    evolution rises, prompting carriers to   nology will bring to future homes,
        Telecommunications Company           enhance their home networks to a    along with the superior network
        (EITC), introduced the world’s first 5G   remarkable 10Gbps.             experience that 5G-A will offer mobile
        Advanced (5G-A) demonstration villa.                                     users. This achievement is only the
                                             Fahad Al Hassawi, CEO of du, said,   beginning.
        This smart home of the future        “From the outset of the 5G era, Fixed
        operates on a 10Gbps network,        Wireless Access (FWA) has been a    “Moving forward, Huawei will continue
        showcasing their joint innovation in   transformative catalyst, enabling us   to support du in its efforts to build the
        5G technology.                       to offer cutting-edge solutions to our   best 5G networks, explore the com-
                                             valued customers. As pioneers, we at   mercial use of 5G-Advanced net-
        Earlier this year, Huawei and du     du are honored to lead the way with   works, and champion du’s leadership
        entered into a Memorandum of         such innovative solutions.          in this transformative era.”
        Understanding (MOU) focused
        on 5.5G and 5G-A technological       “Our enduring partnership with Hua-  The 5G-A villa demonstrates the
        advancements, application            wei has consistently yielded fruitful   boundless potential that determin-
        exploration, and ecosystem           results, and with the introduction of   istic experience technology holds for
        development.                         FWA², we aim to redefine the bound-  future households.

                                                                                 From a commercial perspective, May
                                                                                 Li, solution and marketing VP, Carrier
                                                                                 Business Group at Huawei Middle East
                                                                                 & Central Asia, tells Gulf Business that
                                                                                 5G-A will advance several indus-
                                                                                 try-user cases, from autonomous
                                                                                 drive cars to flying taxis among other
                                                                                 artificial intelligence-enabled sys-
                                                                                 “On the commercial case, of course,
                                                                                 there’s a 5G tolling passage spectrum
                                                                                 from low, medium to high band. The
                                                                                 high band is going to the area of the
                                                                                 mixer a millimetre away, so anything
                                                                                 under 60 gigahertz. So all these things
                                                                                 together will support the demand of
                                                                                 the capacity recovery and the latency
                                                                                 required for the 5G advanced user
                                                                                 cases,” says Li.
        The unveiling of the 5G-A Villa      aries of user experience by providing
        represents an achievement for this   our subscribers with unparalleled   “The original 5G was behind the
        collaborative partnership.           indoor internet connectivity.”      mobile phone but 5G-A allow users to
                                                                                 connect massive machines and it is
        5G-A villa                           Li Peng, Huawei’s Corporate Senior   enabling the Internet-of-Things,” adds
        The 5G-A villa shows the seamless    Vice President and President of the   Li.
        integration of cutting-edge technolo-  company’s Carrier BG, echoed this
        gies, providing a unique smart home   sentiment.                         Following the unveiling of the 5G-A,
        experience enriched with features                                        Li said the advanced technology will
        such as naked-eye 3D and extended    He said, “Today, Huawei is thrilled to   eventually be deployed commercially
        reality (XR).                        unveil the 5G-A powered villa at the   across the UAE, “but the biggest thing

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