Page 29 - SAMENA ELITE - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 29


        Airtel Plans Fixed Wireless on SA for Factories

        Bharti Airtel will launch fixed wire-  Vittal was speaking to analysts on   to 16%. He also said that of the total
        less access services for factories   Tuesday, a day after the Sunil Mit-  smartphone shipments, 60% to 80%
        on the 5G stand-alone architecture   tal-promoted telecom services       were 5G-enabled, depending on the
        (SA), which will be different from the   provider posted a 55% year-on-year   price point.
        non–stand-alone architecture that it   increase in net profit to ₹2,442 crore
        currently uses to offer 5G services to   in the December quarter, on consoli-  Airtel’s Arpu had increased organi-
        consumers.                           dated revenues of ₹37,900 crore.    cally, helped by users migrating from
                                                                                 feature phone to smartphone, post-
        FWA is a technology that doesn’t need   The average revenue per user, or   paid data monetization, international
        fibre or copper to provide high-speed   Arpu, a key metric of profitability,   roaming, and subscribers shifting to
        internet within consumer or enterprise   bettered market expectations at ₹208   higher-price plans, despite no tariff
        premises, and was recently launched   per month, up 7.7% y-o-y and higher   hikes. He, however, said that Arpus
        by Airtel and Jio.                   than ₹203 it posted in the quarter   will move up substantially when ‘tariff
                                             ended September 2023, helped by     repair’ takes place. “The real improve-
        “The launch of our fixed wireless    acquisition of high-value customers   ment will come only if there is tariff
        access network will be on SA. In some   and improved realizations.       repair. It’s not a question of if but more
        factories, in plants, we may actually                                    of when," he said.
        deploy SA. This is in the short term,   On commercialization of 5G, Vit-
        but in the more medium term, as      tal said that 5G should not have a   In response to analysts seeking com-
        more and more traffic shifts from 4G   different pricing, but noted that free   ments on Jio asking for closure of 2G
        networks to 5G networks, we will take   data being offered by existing 4G   networks in India, Vittal said that 2G
        our existing spectrum bands, refarm   and 5G plans were the headwinds to   contribution to Airtel’s business was
        to move to an all SA network. We’re   5G monetization. He added that for   about 17%, and in single digits in mar-
        already in the midst of a trial," Bharti   monetization, ‘tariff repair’ needs to   kets like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Kerala,
        Airtel’s managing director Gopal Vittal   take place, referring to the need for   Mumbai, and Delhi. “My sense is that
        said.                                mobile tariffs in India to rise to provide   in the next few years, you should start
                                             adequate return on capital employed.  seeing substantial, almost disappear-
        He added that trials for SA were being   “5G has become really about free   ing of 2G," he added.
        done in a north Indian city with 30   data today in India, so there is no real
        sites. Currently, Reliance Jio is the only   monetization on the consumer side. I   Vittal said that more sites will be
        other carrier to offer 5G services on SA   do not believe, at the same time, that   added in five circles—Maharashtra,
        architecture using the 700 Mhz band.   5G should have differential pricing...   Gujarat, MP Chhattisgarh, Kerala and
        Experts noted that Airtel would not   monetization is about overall tariff   Bengal—where it lags the market
        need to use the sub-Ghz spectrum for   repair, but free data is obviously a   leader. The executive also noted that
        SA architecture.                     headwind on any sort of 5G moneti-  two platforms developed internally by
        SA refers to stand-alone technology   zation," he said.                  Airtel—Airtel Work and omnichannel
        which works independent of any                                           consumer service – will be replicated
        underlying layer such as 4G network,   Vittal noted that Airtel has about 65   in a few countries in Africa where Airtel
        while NSA, or non–stand-alone, works   million 5G users on its network. The   has its own operations.
        in tandem with the 4G layer. Jio uses   total contribution of 5G users to over-
        5G SA on top of its indigenous end-to-  all smartphones is expected to rise to
        end 5G stack.                        25% by March 2025, from present 15%

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