Page 30 - SAMENA ELITE - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 30

        30     JAN-MAR 2024

        AT&T Expands its FWA Service

        AT&T has substantially expanded        and Ada.                          “It doesn’t mean that we don’t think
        the eligible service areas for its A&T     - In New York: Buffalo and Syracuse.  that fixed wireless serves some
        Internet Air Fixed Wireless Access     - Baltimore, MD                   segment of the market. It does,” he
        (FWA) service, and now serves parts     - Indianapolis, IN               continued. “It serves certain types
        of 59 markets, up from 35 at the end     - Little Rock-Pine Bluff, AR    of circumstances in the consumer
        of the year.                           - Thomasville, GA                 base. It serves certain types of
                                                                                 circumstances in the business base.
        The company announced an             AT&T CEO John Stankey has           And we will take advantage of those
        additional 26 Internet Air markets this   emphasized that while AT&T intends   certain circumstances.”
        week. Those markets include:         to use FWA as a tool in specific
                                             circumstances, that the carrier’s   However, Stankey also said that AT&T
           - In California: San Diego and Santa   focus remains on 5G and fiber.   would “lean into” serving such small
          Barbara-Santa Maria-San Luis       Speaking about AT&T Internet Air on   businesses with FWA this year, and
          Obispo.                            the company’s most recent quarterly   also to some extent in the consumer
           - In Texas: Austin, San Antonio,   call, he said: “I don’t expect that we   segment, depending on its spectrum
          Corpus Christi, Laredo, Sherman,   are going to be pushing the product   profile in a given geographic market.
          Victoria, Beaumont-Port Arthur and   in the same way that some others   He also pointed out that AT&T is using
          Harlingen-Weslaco-Brownsville-     in the market are pushing it today.   Internet Air “very, very actively” as it
          McAllen.                           We’ve made a conscious choice as a   turns down its legacy copper network
           - In Florida: Jacksonville, Tallahassee,   company that we want to dedicate   footprint, to offer an alternative
          Panama City and Ft. Myers-Naples   capital to investing in fiber, which we   service so that customers remain with
          and West Palm Beach-Fort Pierce.   believe is a more sustainable, long-  the company.
           - In North Carolina: Charlotte and   term means to deal with stationary
          Raleigh-Durham.                    and fixed broadband needs.          “We’ve already rolled out AT&T
           - In Oklahoma: Oklahoma City, Tulsa                                   Internet Air to existing copper-based
                                                                                 customers with great success,” wrote
                                                                                 Erin Scarborough, AT&T’s president
                                                                                 of broadband and connectivity
                                                                                 initiatives, in an updated blog post
                                                                                 on Internet Air. “As we begin to scale,
                                                                                 we are hyper-focused on selecting
                                                                                 locations with enough wireless
                                                                                 coverage and capacity to deliver not
                                                                                 only a great in-home experience, but
                                                                                 also maintain a top-notch wireless
                                                                                 service for our existing mobile users.”

                                                                                 AT&T reported having 93,000 FWA
                                                                                 customers as of the end of 2023.

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