Page 28 - SAMENA ELITE - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 28

        28     JAN-MAR 2024

        Jio to Reach Pan-India Coverage with its 5G FWA Service in H1 2024

        Jio had announced the launch of its   its subscribers have migrated to the   million premises. However, Jio noted
        5G FWA service in eight cities across   5G network, which has been rolled out   that providing physical last-mile
        India in September 2023              across India ahead of schedule.     connectivity often ends up taking a lot
        Indian operator Reliance Jio Info-                                       of time in most parts of the country,
        comm said that its 5G Fixed Wireless   The operator said that Jio True 5G   leaving millions of potential custom-
        Access (FWA) service, dubbed JioAir-  network currently carries almost one-  ers without home broadband, due to
        Fiber, will have pan-India coverage   fourth of Jio’s mobility data traffic.  the complexities and delays involved
        within the first half of 2024, according                                 in extending fiber to their premises.
        to Indian press reports.             The telco had announced the launch
                                                                                 Jio is offering FWA plans under two
                                                                                 categories – AirFiber, and AirFiber Max,
                                                                                 with prices starting from INR 599 ($7.2)
                                                                                 and with speeds of 30 Mbps.
                                                                                 Reliance Jio Infocomm previously
                                                                                 said it has created a dedicated 5G
                                                                                 network slice for the provision of its
                                                                                 5G fixed wireless access solution. The
                                                                                 Indian telco aims to reach 100 million
                                                                                 connected premises in India with its
                                                                                 FWA offering.
                                                                                 Reliance Jio Infocomm’s chairman,
                                                                                 Mukesh Ambani, recently said that
                                                                                 Jio’s 5G network currently reaches all
                                                                                 towns and cities across India. He also
                                                                                 claimed that the telco achieved the
                                                                                 fastest 5G rollout globally.

                                                                                 Reliance Jio Infocomm has been rap-
                                             of its 5G FWA service in eight cities   idly expanding its 5G network using
        The carrier’s 5G FWA service is already   across the country in September 2023.   Standalone (SA) architecture since
        available in over 4,000 towns and    The service was initially launched in   October 2022.
        cities across India.                 the cities of Ahmedabad, Bengaluru,
                                             Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata,   Reliance Jio secured a mix of wireless
        The telco said that early signs of   Mumbai and Pune.                    spectrum for 5G across the 700 MHz,
        demand and customer engagement                                           3.5 GHz and 26 GHz bands. Jio is the
        with the service have been encour-   Jio previously said that its optical fiber   only Indian operator with spectrum in
        aging.                               infrastructure currently spans over 1.5   the 700 MHz band.
                                             million kilometers across India, putting
        Jio also noted that about 90 million of   the telco in close proximity to over 200

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