Page 30 - SAMENA ELITE - Apr-June 2024
P. 30

        30 APRIL-JUNE 2024

        5G FWA Growth on Track: ABI

        ABI Research predicted fixed wireless   advancements in the 5G FWA sector   He noted Reliance Jio has committed
        access (FWA) subscriptions are on a   that improve bandwidth utilisation   to achieve 100 million 5G FWA-
        path to reach almost 265 million by   and reduce network congestion on   connected premises in India as
        2029, with 5G-based services slated   5G CPEs as factors for increased   further proof of FWA’s progress.
        to account for 45 per cent of that   adoption.

        The research firm stated the growth
        in subscriptions will be marked by a 14
        per cent CAGR from 2023 to 2029 due
        to FWA services expanding globally
        across both densely populated and
        remote areas.

        Larbi Belkhit, 5G, 6G, and Open RAN
        research analyst for ABI, noted “the
        performance and efficiency of FWA
        technology remain a key driver in
        bridging the connectivity divide,
        providing high-speed, reliable internet
        access in both the enterprise and
        consumer markets”.

        5G FWA subscriptions are forecast to
        reach 118 million by 2029 at a CAGR of
        35 per cent.
        Belkhit highlighted technology

        Jio bottom-line Improves on 5G, FWA Subscriber Growth

        Jio Platforms booked profit and      digital services business”.         ited data allowances for new 5G
        revenue gains in its fiscal Q3 2024                                      users.
        (ending 31 December 2023), with 5G   Net profit grew 11.6 per cent year-on-
        subscribers topping 90 million and the   year to INR54.5 billion ($654.5 mil-  Jio did not offer an update on a target
        network carrying nearly 25 per cent of   lion), with revenue up 11.4 per cent to   of deploying nearly 1 million base sta-
        its mobile data traffic.             INR325.1 billion.                   tions by December 2023, but Ambani
                                                                                 said every “city, town and village…is
        Mukesh Ambani, chair and MD of       It added 11.1 million 5G subscribers:   now equipped with high-speed digital
        Jio’s parent Reliance Industries, cited   the figure hit 50 million in August   connectivity, which will usher in a new
        uptake of low-cost JioBharat hand-   2023 Jio’s total mobile subscriber   era of unparalleled digital accessibil-
        sets and fixed wireless access (FWA)   base increased by 38 million to 470.9   ity and technology-led growth”.
        service JioAirFiber as drivers of sub-  million.
        scriber growth.                                                          Its JioAirFiber service is available in
                                             ARPU rose 2 per cent to INR181.70,   4,000 cities and towns, with nation-
        He noted the increases contributed   with the company noting the rate of   wide coverage expected by end-
        to “the stellar growth numbers of the   growth slowed due to offering unlim-  June.

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