Page 33 - SAMENA ELITE - Apr-June 2024
P. 33


        Huawei, du Sign MoU to Build out 5G-Advanced in the Middle East

        Huawei has signed an MoU with du to   and provide customers with the ulti-  high-quality networks.
        build a 5G-advanced country project   mate network experience.
        in the Middle East.                                                      Chen Hao, Huawei's carrier sales
        The MoU was signed at MWC Barce-     “Huawei's leading technologies will   department president said: "As a
        lona and establishes a demonstration   support the realisation of du's stra-  global ICT infrastructure and smart
        benchmark for 5G-advanced com-       tegic vision, play an important role   device provider, Huawei is commit-
        mercial networks in the Middle East   in 5G Advanced service innovation   ted to supporting du strategic vision
        and around the world.                and industry digitalisation, and jointly   of digital innovation and providing
                                             accelerate the UAE's digital transfor-  customers with the ultimate network
        Fahad AI Hassawi, CEO of du, Chen    mation."                            experience.
        Hao, Huawei's carrier sales depart-
        ment president, Tao Geng, CEO of     The cooperation between the com-    “In the past year, du has developed
        Huawei UAE, and members of the       panies began in 2008 and maintained   rapidly in FWA services and has
        management teams of both parties     close strategic “mutual trust” in the   successfully deployed a commercial
        attended the signing ceremony.       3G, 4G and 5G eras.                 5G Advanced network and we believe
                                                                                 that the signing of this MoU will
        Fahad AI Hassawi, CEO of du said: "As   Towards the new phase of 5G-ad-  deepen the implementation of 5G
        a leading digital telco, du is commit-  vanced, the two parties will continue   Advanced technologies, accelerate
        ted to cooperating with global indus-  to discuss the end-to-end evolution   the incubation of commercial appli-
        try leaders, such as Huawei, to remain   of 5G-advanced networks, incubate   cations, and strengthen our strategic
        at the forefront of digital innovation   new 5G-advanced services and build   partnership with du."

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