Page 34 - SAMENA ELITE - Apr-June 2024
P. 34

        34 APRIL-JUNE 2024

        du to Bolster FWA 5G Play

        UAE-based operator du is looking to   Through micro-segmentation analysis   mobile, IoT, and M2M. Indoor coverage
        build on its success in fixed wireless   of the market, du found that, despite   was also another major challenge,
        access (FWA) by launching more       nearly 100% fibre coverage in popu-  as mobile signal is inherently poor at
        specialised consumer and enterprise   lated areas, 20% of households were   penetrating walls, and FWA is a ser-
        products, as the operator pushes for   still not connected to fibre services   vice that will be predominantly used
        more market share.                   due to high prices and long-term    indoors.
                                             contract requirements.
        During MWC Barcelona earlier this                                        Pushing Ahead
        year, Mobile World Congress Bar-     As 4G FWA customers were migrated   Going forward, Benkirane said du
        celona, du chief commercial officer   to 5G, “we started to really see an   will expand from being focused on
        Karim Benkirane hailed the operator’s   acceleration of our growth and more   its customers’ basic needs of its to
        success in the UAE, having doubled its   adoption of the FWA 5G which helped   more sophisticated requirements and
        share in the broadband market to 30%   us really to grow and increase our   noted that this will be reflected when
        and gained 10 points of value share in   market share,” said Benkirane.   the UAE’s digital economy doubles
        the last three years due to the launch                                   its contribution to the nation’s GDP in
        of commercial FWA 5G services.       He highlighted du’s growth and      2025, as projected.
                                             repositioning in the broadband space
        Benkirane hailed FWA as a “huge      stemmed from enacting key strate-   The company will first launch an FWA
        opportunity” for growth. The executive   gies to promote 5G FWA. The operator   5G packages aimed at gamers who
        noted that the UAE’s fixed market is   made 5G FWA competitive by cutting   demand low latency high speed
        “highly fibred”, and this presented a   prices and targeting SMEs.       connections. Next, the operator will
        huge challenge for FWA to compete                                        package its internet offerings with an
        against established and reliable fixed   The popularity of FWA 5G brought   Android TV or set-up box.
        services.                            du the challenge of high traffic on
                                             its network, pushing the operator to   On its enterprise side, du will develop
                                             find a way to segregate FWA traffic,   specific use-cases. Examples Ben-
                                                                                 kirane gave included connected cash
                                                                                 machines to enable banks to deploy
                                                                                 in remote locations, and equipping
                                                                                 enterprises with connectivity for them
                                                                                 to tap into reduced-capability (Red-
                                                                                 Cap) devices, as RedCap devices are
                                                                                 becoming more affordable.

                                                                                 “We believe that the strategy of build-
                                                                                 ing infrastructure with 5G-Advanced
                                                                                 technology, needs to be reviewed and
                                                                                 providers need to balance between
                                                                                 how much they want to invest on fibre
                                                                                 and on 5G-Advanced. We believe that
                                                                                 5G is going to deliver an experience
                                                                                 that will be close to or even match the
                                                                                 fibre experience.

                                                                                 “We are really excited about our jour-
                                                                                 ney, even though it has been a short
                                                                                 three years (since launching FWA 5G),
                                                                                 we believe that by moving from 5G to
                                                                                 5G SA, to 5G-Advanced that we are
                                                                                 halfway to 6G,” said Benkirane.

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