Page 14 - SAMENA Trends - September 2023
P. 14
The Foundation for Harnessing Uganda's True Digital
Potential Rests on Its Commitment to Sustainable
Development Goals and on Women in Leadership
Uganda, a country in East Africa, has global ICT map. Kaggwa's visionary contributed significantly to the increased
been experiencing a telecommunications contributions encompass a wide range, uptake of telecom and internet services.
revolution, thanks in large part to the from implementing a comprehensive digital
proactive regulation and initiatives transformation strategy to championing The Ugandan telecom market boasts of
spearheaded by the Uganda internationally acclaimed reductions in major players, including MTN Uganda,
Communications Commission (UCC). This retail data bundle prices. Her unwavering Airtel Uganda, and others. MTN Uganda
regulatory authority has played a pivotal commitment has also been evident in and Airtel Uganda, as the market leaders,
role in shaping the telecom landscape the strife for inclusive social-economic have lately made significant strides by
in Uganda over the past two and a half development. launching 5G technology, thus bringing
decades, with no intention of slowing down. ultra-broadband services to the citizens of
The surge in subscriptions and internet Uganda.
With a rich legacy spanning 25 years in traffic indicates a shift in how Ugandans
the communication sector and ambitious communicate and access information. Uganda’s National Digital Transformation
plans for the coming decade, Uganda is On-net and off-net minutes, international Vision
positioning itself as a digital trendsetter. traffic, and mobile money transactions The Ministry of ICT & National Guidance
have all shown impressive growth, further has orchestrated an ambitious Digital
UCC has maintained a proac- underlining the growing of importance Transformation Targets roadmap for 2030.
This blueprint aims to transform Uganda into
of the telecom sector in daily life and
tive and comprehensive business. The UCC's continuous efforts to a digital society that thrives on innovation,
regulatory approach, moni- enhance network coverage and encourage productivity, and competitiveness. By
toring broadcast content to investment in broadband technology have focusing on achieving 90% Broadband
ensure it aligns with estab-
lished ethical and quality
guidelines. The regulator’s
push for digital transition
promises enhanced broad-
casting experiences, while
the focus on promoting and
protecting consumer inter-
ests ensures the public has
access to quality content.
A significant beacon of this transformative
era is Eng. Irene Kaggwa, who has been
at the helm as the Acting Executive
Director (ED) of UCC since 2020. Under
her leadership, UCC's major initiatives
have positioned Uganda back on the