Page 62 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 62


                                                                     The second type of initiatives are more specific to individual
                                                                     domains  of  telco  business  architecture,  e.g.  BSS/OSS
                                                                     transformation,  product  portfolio optimisation,  service
                                                                     design etc.
                                                                     What Benefits Have Tech Mahindra delivered for our telco
                                                                     customers? (Sample, not exhaustive)
                                                                     There  are  number  of  examples  wherein  Tech  Mahindra
                                                                     has helped  telecom operators  in their transformation
                                                                     journey.  These  include  – transformation  of customer
                                                                     experience  (440%  improvement  in  NPS)  for  a  UK  based
                                                                     telco, Cost savings of ~€45 mil through Business Process
                                                                     Re-engineering (BPR), Automation & Low Code, No Code
                                                                     delivered to Dutch telco, helping a large telco conglomerate’s
                                                                     UK  business  with  service  design  function  to  enable  5G
                                                                     standalone  launch  for  UK,  cloud  integration  factory  (for
                                                                     architecture simplification, cloud first approach) for a tier I
                                                                     US telco, improved process efficiency (by 30 %), increased
                                                                     release volumes (by 40%) through agile CoE for Germany
                                                                     based multinational telco, upskilling CIO organisation in the
                                                                     area of agile and DevOps using Tech Mahindra’s dedicated
                                                                     learning portal IP (D3OP) for Tier I Australian telco
                                                                     Where to start?
                                                                     Ideally, telcos should start by baselining their as-is state
                                                                     of affairs.  This assessment should  holistically look at
            Figure 1: Eight Areas of Focus for Telco Digital Transformation  business processes, applications, performance measures,
                                                                     data etc. In addition, assessing the organisation's digital
        Figure 2 below depicts various telco domains and the specific initiatives   maturity should also be a part of the as-is assessment.
        across domains to attain operational excellence.
                                                                     Needle  Analysis  used  to  benchmark  telco’s  financial
        Telcos can have two types of initiatives: one, initiatives that are common   performance  vis-à-vis  its  competitors  should  also
        across the entire business  architecture (shown on the left-hand side   be  leveraged.  The  Needle  Analysis should  help  telcos
        in the above diagram). Typically these are the initiatives pertaining to   formulate the right digital  transformation initiatives
        assessing digital maturity, financial benchmarking, cloud migration, lean   keeping the mind the financial performance improvements
        operating model and business process re-engineering etc.     the telco is targeting.

                                          Figure 2: Telco Initiatives for Business Excellence

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   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67